Joined: Feb 2020
One of the reasons why we trimmed the epilogue is because we were afraid the ending cinematics were becoming too long and would detract from the epicness of the experience. ... ... huh. I guess Larian's devs are not fans of how Peter Jackson (or JRR Tolkien) ended The Return of the King.  I mean, many critics and fans also weren't happy with the finale(s), so it's not an outrageous position to take, and I can see why you'd prefer a big finish. But I liked the 20 minutes of fake-out endings and the Scouring of the Shire. Sauron's fall was just the very beginning of the end. Heck, Sauron didn't matter to me, really - everyone and everything else did. It's the same here. I'm glad this is being addressed, at least somewhat. But LOTR is a movie, not a game. Even if you watch the extended editions of the entire trilogy, that's still under 24 hours of content, I believe. That's nothing compared to the 100+ hours you spend in Baldur's Gate 3. Also in the game, YOU roleplay as the main character. These are YOUR relationsships and it's YOUR story. A video game, and especially a good RPG, makes you much more invested in the characters and stories than a movie.
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Joined: Feb 2022
No spoilers (ie discussion of specific plot elements) in this thread, please folk!
Even if appropriately tagged, we ask that you take them to threads in appropriate subforums as people should certainly be able to read discussion about community updates without seeing something they wish they hadn't.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Oct 2020
With the Minthara fix to be coming "soon", I'm left wondering if I should pause my run or not.
I just had Minthara join me, and I don't know if the fix would apply to my game or if I'd need to start fresh to have the proper experience.
Does anyone know?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Apr 2022
Still no transmog feature and no real way to have full custom party... that's quite frankly annoying. In fact there should be please less bells and whistles a la symptom control and please real root cause fix / implementation of full customy party system from scratch including adjustments to pathing, party formation, and a more reasonable use of vehicles e. g. Underark boat etc. pp.
Joined: Aug 2023
Honestly I do not mean to be rude but I do have to voice my frustrations with this whole launch not just the game itself. This game was being praised up and down as a true form return for gaming with the phrase we have not heard very often since like 2005, "Feature complete". However, this game is so far from complete it almost feels like another Cyberpunk 2077 launch, many many bugs hindering questlines from being finished, main companion quest lines with no resolution whatsoever, the whole ending regardless of what choices are made being the worst ending I have ever seen since the original launch of Mass Effect 3, zero consequences for using Tadpole powers despite it Literally being the main floccule point of the game... Furthermore, this game is being praised because of the quote "Honesty" Larian should be put right next to Blizzard, EA, and Bioware with the level of DISHONESTY that was present with the release of this game. The CEO of Larian clearly stated that the upper city would be fully explorable, if that was never the indented case then that should have been properly communicated because this is blatant fraud behavior. Honestly, Larian should issue refunds just like Cyberpunk 2077 then maybe just maybe us consumers can invest our hard earned money WHEN/IF the game is ever actually complete. As it stands now I have zero faith in this company, they are liars and I will never purchase one of their products again. Good to hear someone advocating for integrity from gaming companies - so little of it these days from either companies or the fanboi's. I'm enjoying the game and can appreciate the complexity involved, however 6 years for what is much half-baked content, well, that's a little embarrassing. I'm in agreement that I wouldn't buy any further products from Larian at this point - see if you can persuade me otherwise. An aside...the company that ultimately bears responsibility for the content of this game is Hasbro, one of the largest maker of children's toys and content in the world. Interesting they would approve the release of what is nothing more than bad soft porn that will be accessed by many underage players.
Last edited by Myhthreindeer; 30/08/23 10:28 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
Two dozen paragraphs of "nothing-burger".
They tells us, yet again, how they listen to feedback. They say that Patch 2 is "just around the corner, which they said a week or two ago.
They then say they will be "working throughout September" on the performance improving technology. This suggests that we are (i) looking at a corner that is at least a month long and (ii) technology that wont have been tested very much. For "a game 3 years in Early Access and 6 years in the making" but which still managed to be released with "over 1000 bugs" it doesn't augur well.
The only things of substance in there are the Karlach story epilogue and the co-op Withers gimmick. Nothing about game mechanics, plot inconsistencies, QoL issues or other things that exercise people, at least those on this forum.
The update finishes with them mentioning feedback.
Joined: Apr 2013
Ok so this is enormous...I can't put into words how excited I am to see this. It seems like Larian aren't just fixing unused content, which I would have been happy with to be honest but they are creating new content for companions. Swen tweeted about 10 minutes ago that they'll be calling actors back to the studio...so new dialogue is being recorded. I hope they bring a lot of Minthara content.
Joined: Jul 2014
The studio needs to acknowledge that the problem many people are having with Act 3 is not the scarce amount of content as much as the fact that a lot of it is coming to abrupt, anti-climatic conclusions. And this without even touching companion storylines and “ending slides” specifically.
Honestly I already said in the past weeks that people are deluding themselves if they think all (or even most) of this “cut content” is destined to be restored at any point in time, but there’s no denying that Larian would have a lot of room to improve the flow and feel of this third Act.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2009
The studio needs to acknowledge that the problem many people are having with Act 3 is not the scarce amount of content as much as the fact that a lot of it is coming to abrupt, anti-climatic conclusions. And this without even touching companion storylines and “ending slides” specifically.
Honestly I already said in the past weeks that people are deluding themselves if they think all (or even most) of this “cut content” is destined to be restored at any point in time, but there’s no denying that Larian would have a lot of room to improve the flow and feel of this third Act. The more people complain, the more likely that there will be signcficant changes in act 3. Or at least it will make it more likely that Larians next game will actually be finished.
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old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
FFS. Larian will create scenes and dialogue to make Minthara and Karlach's new content conform to the game content. Actors will be needed to speak those new dialogue lines. Where do you get the "they are creating new content for companions" from a one-line tweet "Thinking of all the actors we’re going to call back to the studio"? It's going to be a patch not a DLC.
Joined: Apr 2013
FFS. Larian will create scenes and dialogue to make Minthara and Karlach's new content conform to the game content. Actors will be needed to speak those new dialogue lines. Where do you get the "they are creating new content for companions" from a one-line tweet "Thinking of all the actors we’re going to call back to the studio"? It's going to be a patch not a DLC. The only reason to call actors back is to record new dialogue and it sounds like they're calling back quite a few actors too. They wouldn't be doing that if they were just restoring bugged or unused content, which there is a lot of in the files, including a lot of unused recorded dialogue. I certainly didn't expect they'd be calling back actors. I was a little hopeful after they got some of the companion actors to record some funny content based on internet takes about their character but to see Larian confirm this as a reality for the game is amazing. Especially Minthara most of all deserves a great deal of content and this provides real hope that it might happen.
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old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
"The only reason to call actors back is to record new dialogue". Is that not what my second sentence says? The number of actors required would depend on how many different people Minthara or Karlach speak to in the new dialogue. The 'new' dialogue may consist of something as simple as changing the tense of a sentence.
Joined: Jun 2022
Personally I hope they take their time to figure out a proper plan and story flow, and then execute it. Last thing that the game needs is more rushing because currently a lot of dialogues in the game feel like they've been spliced up together from different days in the studio, Halsin being the best example of this. Half his lines sound like he's infront of me and then the other half sound like he's in a cave or behind a door. Lets not also forget that his dialogues are not cohesive at all, same with Shadowheart who told me the exact same story about Dark Justiciars line-for-line 4 times throughout the span of ACT 1. Every time she starts the story, I'm like; "Oh boy, here she goes again about wanting to be a Justiciar..."  A lot of scenes also do not follow the same dialogue tone or even story continuity, like our romantic partners being all mooshy and sweet and then the next day they're talking to us as if we're still strangers who aren't even romantically involved. I feel like romances should be time-gated more so such inconsistent tone-deaf scenes don't happen so much. As for the patch, I just hope the multiplayer thingy is not the only "feature" coming because lets be honest that's not even a community requested feature, that's the most obvious oversight that should've been in the game. Avatars of other players hindering gameplay and not being removable is an actual issue that wasn't thought of until the community pointed out, which is what playtesters are for. So I hope it's just one of many more coming with the patch, otherwise presenting it as a big feature would be like calling; "Made Lady Esther available to trade with after you've completed her quests." a feature, when it's just an oversight. Of course she should be tradeable. All in all looking forward to the patch, improvements, polish, features and such. It's a fantastic game that needs more cooking in the oven for sure 
Joined: Aug 2023
Release date? Will the old save work?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
Release date? Will the old save work? Did you bother to read the update?
Joined: Aug 2023
Can we also discuss how being "Evil" in this game is completely worthless and has no rewards as oppose to being good? Doing all the evil decisions has no upside with all of the downsides... It should have been somewhat balanced... You lose five party members if going completely evil, that is a lot and also a lot of quests/rewards you are missing out on. These characters should have been replaced with either more powerups/ more rewards OR evil party members to replace them. Very overwhelming and I feel like I am being punished for playing the game in a different way...
Last edited by Heisdarkness; 30/08/23 12:36 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Some of you are posting valid feedback, sure, but holy crap some of you will NEVER be happy with the game. Ever.
This is why you don't buy into massive hype, you end up disappointed.
I've been playing it non stop for weeks, and I haven't finished it yet because I keep restarting. I love the game as it is(yes, I've seen all the endings and think they could use work, but I don't think they're the worst thing ever).
Upper City getting cut doesn't bother me in the slightest. It was probably a performance drain.
As for datamined content, F dataminers. Have any of you guys ever played say, World of Warcraft? The sheer amount of stuff that gets datamined there and then NOT released would make this look like insignificant crumbs. Weapons, armors, ENTIRE EXPANSION ZONES.
Starting to think some of yall are spoiled or something.
Joined: Oct 2021
The Upper City should be in the game. It's a big part of Baldur's Gate, the city itself.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
Starting to think some of yall are spoiled or something. Or perhaps some of us have higher standards than others.
Joined: Aug 2023
I like that Larian is active, updates are coming fast, don't forget It's their biggest project so far, they are learming as well. Playing at a snails pace, haven't left act 1 yet, love the game. However, after reading and watching a ton of feedback on this forum and other places, during slow work hours, I'm almost sure that Upper City was cut last month before release because of performance issues, saying otherwise fells like a 1 deception roll to me.