Originally Posted by Cyberbird
Originally Posted by ladydub
Originally Posted by Shinook
I don't really think nerfing is the answer, I'd rather see balanced difficulty improvements and adjustable settings similar to other D&D titles that let you select various features as part of the difficulty adjustment. Adding new bosses or battle content like an arena would be a nice option also.

Exactly. This MMO mindset needs to go. It is official 5E rules... It's like I'm on a WoW PVP forum suddenly - "power creep", "Haste broken", "Ret Pala OP", "melee too stronk, buff casters QQ" laugh

Just enjoy the game. If it's too easy - kick out one companion and go as three. That's what I always did in Original Sin games.

I already kicked two, didn't help much, finished act 2 and it didn't get harder, and i want to enjoy the game WITH companions. It's not an mmo mindset, people asking for more OPTIONAL difficulties, there is nothing optional in MMO, you enter the server and play by same rules as everyone, in single player game you able to chose any rules you want for your own playthrough, hence we are asking to make more options to chose from.
I agree with this. For D&D games, the solo playthrough is considered an option for a few people, but the party dynamic is what many enjoy. You can't get that if you "make the game easier" by removing party members. It's also not that hard to make the game harder. Ideally, you would give the player lots of options to bump AC, hp, damage, etc. and maybe adjust point buy. That way you can make the game as hard as you want in the way you want. (I personally would do everything I could to avoid making it harder by increasing monster hp; I hate those kinds of fights.)