I wrote my own thread on this tpic, because I felt this one was to clogged, and wouldnt be seen. So of course it got locked.

Here is what I wrote in it

"I just read the update, and I know there has been a lot of discourse surrounding so-called cut content. And I get the sense from the folks at Larian are... a bit upset at the reaction to it, not in the angry way, but in such a way that they feel sad at peoples reactions toward it.

I want to offer a different perspective on how this discussion should be views, because when you get deep into the content of these discussions... the topic of, what I will call "Unrealized Content" is less contentious and critical than it may seem on the surface.

There are areas in the game people feel are lacking, and the existence of this unrealized content gives them hope that those areas of the game will be bolstered in oncoming updates. And people are thus actually excited about the cut content, because they dont want Larian to have to do more work than they have to do.

AS well a lot of the unrealized content in the game could be used as a basis for DLC, presuming that the datamined content is only the tip of the ice berg... people are practically giddy at the possibility that work on what could become DLC is already done on some level.

People arent being angry or critical, look at the reactions to the Unrealized Avernus content in particular, almost everyone directly addressing that content utilized for DLC instead of being re-introduced via a patch or anything. Heck even many people talking about the upper city think it would make good DLC.

Bottom line, is that... when the criticisms are primarily, that people want more... its not the end of the world. Its really tempting to see the conversation as purely critical, but I promise if you read what people have to say, and even talk to them... you will see there is excitement there to.

(also peoples problems with the Karlach endings, are not their lack of poignancy... and the epilogue could be 5 hours long for all anyone cares)"