Originally Posted by Annoyed Player
It’s a path for those, who either want to be Murderhobos
Since I changed my act 3 playthrough into Dark Urge – and I am still at act 1 – I have a question, since you reviewed it. If Dark Urge’s instincts are embraced, do they ever become more inventive? I mean, until now Dark Urge just wants to viscerally torture everyone and there is next to no narrative payoff for that. (I mean, you can e.g. kill Pandirna in her shack and there won't be any distrust / drama among the tieflings later. It basically removes NPC from game, and that's it.)

He never got any though to e.g. try to seed discord to make people kill each other, play mind games with people, or anything much besides attempting to shove their hands in others’ innards. That is… kinda murderhobo-flavour boring, actually and it doesn't really fulfill the promise of socio-/psychopathic killer playthrough.

Does it ever change? as it is I am considering to switch into a 'good' DUrge playthrough because I am less than impressed with its evil side right now.