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decided to knock out Minthara on my honour playthrough.
killed the other 2 and all the goblins, went back to halsin and quest won't finish

minthara has dissapeared, and halsin is stuck on the dialogue to kill the ringleaders

cause of this another quest, save the refugees is also bugged
says now to talk to zevlor , but dialogue with zevlor keeps saying go rescue halsin

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I had the same bug just happen to me.

Killed Gut.
Knocked out Minthara (stole the scroll that is in front of her to initiate combat).
Found and released Halsin.
Killed the third boss and all the other goblins -- no one is left inside the building.
Neither talking to Halsin nor Zevlor will advance either quest. Have long rested (multiple times), defeated the Hag and went to the Underdark and I'm still stuck.

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Same general set up, same issue.

Knocked out Minthara before initiating dialogue. Long rest, Minthara disappeared. Killed the two other leaders and the rest of the goblin camp until nobody left. Freed Halsin, but stuck in "defeat the goblin leaders."

In my game, the quest log for "defeat the goblin leaders" indicates that Minthara and Gut have been defeated, while Dror Ragzlin still alive.
A separate quest, "save the refugees" says that Dror Ragzlin has been defeated and to talk to Zevlor. Talking to people doesn't help, throwing Dror's body into chasm doesn't help.

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Does the quest work if you kill Minthara rather than knocking her out?

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Originally Posted by jerodkey
decided to knock out Minthara on my honour playthrough.
killed the other 2 and all the goblins, went back to halsin and quest won't finish

minthara has dissapeared, and halsin is stuck on the dialogue to kill the ringleaders

cause of this another quest, save the refugees is also bugged
says now to talk to zevlor , but dialogue with zevlor keeps saying go rescue halsin

having same issue ps5. really frustrating regression.

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usx Offline
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Having the same issue on my HM run.

I hope they can patch it and bring Minthara back to the camp. Reluctant to leave act 1 and miss out on the tieflings in act 2.

Make sure to submit bug reports to flag the issue please.

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This killed our run yesterday to.

Alot of new buggs in this patch anoying ones.

Owlbearkub not going friendly.
Killing the goblin leaders not fixed.
When blowing the horn 2 of the big boys disapeard when walking in grease.

Not halfway trough act 1 yet and a bunch of new bugs.

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This is happening to me too. I made sure to submit a bug report as this has killed my run!

I knocked out Minthara to see if it'd recruit her, I'm not too invested in getting her in my party I just wanted to see if it'd work like I heard. I killed all the other goblin leaders, long rested, and went to turn in the quest but the quest is stuck at "Kill the goblin leaders" and Halsin is still in the jail and telling me how important it is to kill the goblin leaders. I even took him around as a bear to show them their dead bodies but he still doesn't believe me hahah.

Oddly, the Save the Refugees quest says I should talk to Zevlor because the goblins are defeated and the tiefs can safely return to the road.

Also, if it matters, all the tiefs are in their normal locations, they haven't gone to the front of the emerald enclave the way they do when the quest is completed normally. astariondisapprove

Last edited by stregamalia; 22/02/24 10:21 PM.
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Jei Offline
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Same issue. I knocked out Minthara instead of killing her and Haslein won't recognize the Golbin leaders as defeated. I went back to where Minthara was unconscious but she is no longer there and I don't see her anywhere. I don't want to continue without Halsein so I guess the game is locked.

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Originally Posted by kjmason
I had the same bug just happen to me.

Killed Gut.
Knocked out Minthara (stole the scroll that is in front of her to initiate combat).
Found and released Halsin.
Killed the third boss and all the other goblins -- no one is left inside the building.
Neither talking to Halsin nor Zevlor will advance either quest. Have long rested (multiple times), defeated the Hag and went to the Underdark and I'm still stuck.

Even went out a hole in the wall, killed the rest of the goblins outside, and walked Halsin back to Grove...nobody acknowledged he was there and he is still bugged. Roah merchant is gone, so some of the quest advances.

Honor mode. so please Larian, HOT FIX ASAP.

Game on, Fawlcon.
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Originally Posted by Ecc2ca
Does the quest work if you kill Minthara rather than knocking her out?

I have several playthroughs, most before Minthara was easily recruited. Killing her or knocking her out, either way, should not matter.

Last edited by Fawlcon; 23/02/24 09:18 AM.

Game on, Fawlcon.
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There was a bug in patch 5, where if you knocked Minthara as temporarily hostile, then did a long rest, Halsin would be stuck asking to kill the three leaders. I think this was because after a long rest, she would be recovered, and the game only checked for the state of the leaders when talking to Halsin.

Seems like instead of fixing it, they bugged her recruitment further.

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I read over these posts, and it appears the vast majority of you Knocked out Minthara before speaking to/freeing Halsin from prison. I finished an Honour Mode playthrough last month, where I recruited Halsin and killed Minthara. I went back and opened up the journal entry, and here is the sequence:
[Linked Image from]
If you look at the objectives from the bottom up, I actually defeated Gut and freed Halsin before I went to kill Dror and Minthara. This is just a suggestion, but have any of you tried freeing/speaking to Halsin BEFORE you knock out Minthara? This way the journal entry has a chance to update? I normally just ask Halsin to go somewhere safe. If you choose to talk to Halsin first, I would go Knock out Minthara second, Kill Dror third. If you attack Dror before knocking out Minthara, I believe this will aggro the entire goblin camp.

When I spoke to Halsin in prison before attacking the goblin camp, he asks me to take care of the remaining leaders, Minthara and Dror. After I killed all the goblin leaders, I couldn't find him in prison or the entire Goblin Camp. I ended up finding him in the Emerald Grove, as he returned on his own.

Last edited by Lillith; 23/02/24 01:34 PM.
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Originally Posted by saeran
There was a bug in patch 5, where if you knocked Minthara as temporarily hostile, then did a long rest, Halsin would be stuck asking to kill the three leaders. I think this was because after a long rest, she would be recovered, and the game only checked for the state of the leaders when talking to Halsin.

Seems like instead of fixing it, they bugged her recruitment further.

This was my experience. I had the problem as described last night. Knock out Minthara, killed Dror, long rested, killed Gut and stuck. I went back (tactician) and loaded after Dror, went and spoke to Halsen to get him to join me, juggled some other companions in and killed Gut with Halsen tagging along. Problem solved. No use to honour runs obviously, but seems this is the bug.

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I always kill Gut, free Halsin and then move onto Dror and Minthara. In my latest FH playthrough I did the exact same as any other time.

The bug occured when I did things in this order:
-Kill Gut
-Free Halsin
-KO Minthara
-Long Rest
-Kill Dror

I tested the exact same thing in another run but this time I did NOT long rest between KO'ing Minthara and killing Dror and the quest completed as normal. There is something weird that happens to the game when you long rest after KO'ing Minthara.

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Originally Posted by Lillith
I read over these posts, and it appears the vast majority of you Knocked out Minthara before speaking to/freeing Halsin from prison. I finished an Honour Mode playthrough last month, where I recruited Halsin and killed Minthara. I went back and opened up the journal entry, and here is the sequence:
[Linked Image from]
If you look at the objectives from the bottom up, I actually defeated Gut and freed Halsin before I went to kill Dror and Minthara. This is just a suggestion, but have any of you tried freeing/speaking to Halsin BEFORE you knock out Minthara? This way the journal entry has a chance to update? I normally just ask Halsin to go somewhere safe. If you choose to talk to Halsin first, I would go Knock out Minthara second, Kill Dror third. If you attack Dror before knocking out Minthara, I believe this will aggro the entire goblin camp.

When I spoke to Halsin in prison before attacking the goblin camp, he asks me to take care of the remaining leaders, Minthara and Dror. After I killed all the goblin leaders, I couldn't find him in prison or the entire Goblin Camp. I ended up finding him in the Emerald Grove, as he returned on his own.

Not helpful, not the issue. I have 2k hours, maybe 7 playthroughs, so I've done this several ways; the way SHOULD NOT MATTER and the order has not caused an issue before; especially in an Honor Mode run when you cannot just reload two hours back and change your choices. This is a bug and needs to be fixed.

Game on, Fawlcon.
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Originally Posted by Lillith
I read over these posts, and it appears the vast majority of you Knocked out Minthara before speaking to/freeing Halsin from prison. I finished an Honour Mode playthrough last month, where I recruited Halsin and killed Minthara.
Yes, and knocking out Minthara and speaking to Hasin afterwards worked for me on patch 5, as long as the party did not long rest. What happened on my first attempt is that Minthara got up again after long rest, and that caused the bug with Halsin. I've stealthed to her position and she was up and running.

Going by the original post, Minthara now disappears after knocking her out, so on honour mode it is not even possible to complete the quest if the bug happens.

Last edited by saeran; 24/02/24 04:42 PM.
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usx Offline
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Still an issue.

Please Larian, my HM run is basically lockedright now. Please fix this asap

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Yeah I saw this bug last night when it messed up the honour run of somebody I watch on Twitch. So the bug is alive and well. If you long rest in between knocking out Minthara and speaking with Halsin about the quest, the quest will not complete even when the other two leaders are very clearly dead.

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Having the same issue. As mentioned it has to do with the long rest after taking out the leaders, just wanted to add that I saw recommendations on other sites saying to progress the story more as a way to fix the bug. This does NOT work, I’m now too deep to go back to my previous save before long rest plz help

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Originally Posted by Lillith
I read over these posts, and it appears the vast majority of you Knocked out Minthara before speaking to/freeing Halsin from prison. I finished an Honour Mode playthrough last month, where I recruited Halsin and killed Minthara. I went back and opened up the journal entry, and here is the sequence:
[Linked Image from]
If you look at the objectives from the bottom up, I actually defeated Gut and freed Halsin before I went to kill Dror and Minthara. This is just a suggestion, but have any of you tried freeing/speaking to Halsin BEFORE you knock out Minthara? This way the journal entry has a chance to update? I normally just ask Halsin to go somewhere safe. If you choose to talk to Halsin first, I would go Knock out Minthara second, Kill Dror third. If you attack Dror before knocking out Minthara, I believe this will aggro the entire goblin camp.

When I spoke to Halsin in prison before attacking the goblin camp, he asks me to take care of the remaining leaders, Minthara and Dror. After I killed all the goblin leaders, I couldn't find him in prison or the entire Goblin Camp. I ended up finding him in the Emerald Grove, as he returned on his own.

This wasn't the issue for me. I free Halsin and talk to him, then go deal with the Goblin leaders. When I'm done I go report back to Halsin, and he's bugged.

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CAN a Larian Dev Please let us know if this is fixable or if our Honor Mode Run is bricked. Sure you can press on and in an evil run this isn't even that big of an issue but if you want to lift the shadow curse, it will not be possible if Halsin is bugged.

Game on, Fawlcon.
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I would also like to know if this is possible to fix.
Is our honor run screwed or can this be fixed?

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usx Offline
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This is still an issue with the latest patch.

Please fix larian, I'm stuck from progressing.

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also having this issue
can anyone from Larian, please reply to this post?
it has been 2 weeks since the patch 6 bug this out.

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I submitted a bug ticket for this and got the following response:

This is a known issue, and the development team is currently working on it. It will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix or patch.

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usx Offline
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Yeah, I got this same one 3 hotfixes ago laugh

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Wanted to comment that the recent hot fix didn’t address this. Still having same issue.

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This stinks. I see people complaining about this same bug on Reddit 6 months ago! I really don't want to move on to Act 2 and abandoned the Tieflings in the Grove! I killed all three leaders and Halsin still won't leave believing they're still alive! Please, please, please Larian! Fix this bug! (I can also confirm that the latest Hotfix from yesterday, 2/29/24, did NOT fix this. I really don't want to wait until Patch 7 comes out months from now!)

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It looks like the latest Hotfix addresses this. Is it working for anyone now?

Fixed a bug where the game would not realise knocked-out Minthara had been defeated in Act I if you took a Long Rest between knocking her out and defeating the other goblin leaders.

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I can confirm it worked, logged back in, and Halsin finally considered the quest finished

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lsi Offline
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I don't think this bug is fixed. I started my playthrough on patch which was supposed to be the fix.
Unknowingly, I did exactly what is needed for this bug to appear - I killed pristess Gut, I freed Halsin, I told him to wait, I went for Minthara, knocked her out and did a long rest.

Her corpse dissappared, I killed Ragzlin and now I cannot progress further.

Tried to talk to Halsin, he has no new dialog options, Druids, Zevlor, same. I saved the game to read some info about it, in the meantime BG3 on Steam received some hidden update - no changelog.

But anyway it did not help.

Last edited by lsi; 08/03/24 07:24 PM.
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Throw the goblin into any of the dark pits on the level. The fat red guy is to heavy, so you have to drop him on the wooden platform on the right in the throne room and shoot the platform until he falls into the abyss. Leave the level and tale a long rest. The game will realise the leaders are dead when the bodies are missing. Cheers!

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Still broken for me. I even tried taking the other two leaders' bodies and throwing them into different pits like the one's in the Whispering Depths and then long resting, but I still can't get Halsin to acknowledge they are dead and the run is still busted.

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Jei Offline
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Anyone know of a way to get past this problem if you intend to knock out Minth after the hot fix a few days ago? I am planning on just starting over since it doesn't look like its going to be fixed and I don't want to lock my progression again.

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