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I really like her new ending, I think larian did a great job here to give credit where its due, the music was really fantastic and overall it gave me the closure and send off I needed for Tav and Karlach after the 100 hours I spent with them, perhaps one day they will look at adding an ending that fixes her heart but what Patch 2 adds is a great start. good job Larian.

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To be honest the update is exactly what I expected on such a short notice. So thank you Larian for listening and for picking our girl to be the first one to recieve an extended epilogue.

Still strongly holding out hope for an opportunity to use the leads the plot offers (no use in recounting them again I think) for a happier ending sometime later, perhaps in the Definitive Edition, because that plothole is still incredibly frustrating

But as far as less than a month post-release updates go, I think this is a great start. For now I'm honestly content with storming Hell. For now.

I mean, the expansion of this ending so that it's not so abrupt was indeed among the things asked for. So cheers to that.

(but please let me do my best to save her too.)

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Unlike others I'm still feel unsatisfied... She still has no good ending, just one of her ending more brutal now, but that`s still a bad ending.
They say that it`s the ending "that she deserves", so they say that she deserves going to Hell, deserves not get cured? What did she do to deserves that? Especially when some characters that truly acted badly can have better end for themselfs. That`s just sound wrong.
Even if it`s ends a little more better now, im never stopping saying that she deserves not this, she deserves a Good Ending!
Maybe they give her a new quest line in DE, but with this "we heard and add a new ending" thing now i have doubt they even return to work with her character ever again.

Last edited by Raidzu; 31/08/23 06:18 PM.

Justice for Karlach!
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Originally Posted by tarraxahum
To be honest the update is exactly what I expected on such a short notice. So thank you Larian for listening and for picking our girl to be the first one to recieve an extended epilogue.

Still strongly holding out hope for an opportunity to use the leads the plot offers (no use in recounting them again I think) for a happier ending sometime later, perhaps in the Definitive Edition, because that plothole is still incredibly frustrating

But as far as less than a month post-release updates go, I think this is a great start. For now I'm honestly content with storming Hell. For now.

I mean, the expansion of this ending so that it's not so abrupt was indeed among the things asked for. So cheers to that.

(but please let me do my best to save her too.)

Yes exactly, this ending is what I hoped for in current state of the game. Thanks a lot Larian

This is also a good promise for possible expansions, definite edition or dlc to update or rework the final part of Karlach's story,
where we will be able to solve properly the heart issue and return/ live in peace in Material sphere with Tav. The feel of the quest in current state is just odd, when more than 2 acts I'm looking for heart fix and when I literally have everything I need under my nose, there is no possibility to complete her story in a best possible outcome and have a really good ending.
. But again thanks Larian for listening and understanding players feelings.

Last edited by Rae; 31/08/23 06:27 PM.
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Question: is this ending possible if I have romance with Karlach and in the same time I helped Wyll to be Blade of avernus, or this is still 'bugged' and I have to prevent Wyll to complete his quest?


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As far as short term solutions go, this is at least an OK stopgap. I'm still feeling very unsatisfied that there's no true resolution to her issue, and that all we keep getting are "Well you can headcanon what happened after you went and that everything worked out". I still do want a proper ending that consists of fixing the engine using the many options that we're presented with throughout the game.

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Okay so I just made this account to share my opinion on the "new" epilogue for Karlach.
Lets be honest, if Swen decided to just shut his mouth and not say anything about it, it wouldnt have been as bad as it is now. Why would he say something like " the happy ending she deserves" "a lot of people are going to be happy with this"

And then they throw us this weird cutscene in our face, badly animated and a whole flippin 15fps running scene - amazing!

Also what is that weird decision of having her smoke out of nowhere? She basically shared her entire lifestory/background with me but never mentioned smoking at all, so why would she keep that a "secret"? This is just so fucking off to me..

Overall YES they reacted to our feedback and made the "effort" to patch in a "new" epilogue - even tho, lets be honest, couldve been made by an edgy 15yo intern with barely any experience in the animator field

It really left me with a sour taste in my mouth and my hopes crushed, because the way they also Patch in multiple new lines regarding Karlachs fate just proves she really is intented to not be saved at all

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Well there goes any motivation I had to continue and finish my first play through with her. Saying it’s the “ending she deserves” proves to me they had zero intention of giving her a happy ending. Lead them on with lots of false hope, then smack it away at the last minute. Fantastic writing! /s

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You speak right from my mind.
This "new ending" feels like some they think that give her a couple brutal cliche (like smoking from nowhere) and pafos just make this end more good.
They said that she deserves it... Deserves not be fixed? I`m really wanna know what she doing in her past for deserves this... Maybe something even more evil than
Astarion in "7000 people killing" ending.
And we still have gondians problem and no 3 act (or any act) questline problem. I know it`s need more time for work and release, but why they just dont take more time and add really "new ending that she deserves and make people happy" later? If they are planning to do it anyway - that`s okay, but im betting they just let thing how it is now and forget about Karlach at all.

Last edited by Raidzu; 31/08/23 06:54 PM.

Justice for Karlach!
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It's definitely better than it was...

Sitting on a dock and either spontaneously combusting or just poofing out of existence into the credits. So I view it as an extension of the Avernus ending, and I thought it was good as it, you know, actually provides something beyond just the end sequence on the docks for a character. It's pretty much exactly how I thought the Avernus ending would be, or should have been, barring perhaps referencing the House of Hope with Raphael slain and Hope saved and some mention of going there, but it was good.

Now is it the ending she deserves? No. But it is certainly an ending we deserved as players of a very lengthy story with some measure of closure. So, I view it as a win.

Last edited by zanos; 31/08/23 06:58 PM.
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hi everyone. a little offtopic question (well its still somehow connected to karlach):

ive read somewhere (i think it was here) that if you free the gith-god from his prison, the emporer wont help you in the final fight. but if you want a good ending for laezelm you have to free him. => havent beaten the game yet, stopped at the beginning of act 3/before really entering the city
1.) is there a "diplomatic" option for this dilemma? kinda like: "first we defeat the final boss with the help of the emporer (aka noone o my companions has to turn) and after that is done, we can then release the gith-god."
2.) in case that i have to decide betwen emperor and gith-rebels, can i still get the "good" karlach ending (aka together to avernus) even if i turn myself into a mindflayer?

again, i took a break and didnt finished the game yet. so maybe i remember something wrong or misundertstood something.
anyways thanks for your answers.

i agree with my previous comment writers. i dont want to be disrespectful, this patch is a step into the right direction, hell this update gave me the motivation back to finish my save. still im hoping we get a true and new good ending (including some of the cut content & quests.)

still a small victory. lets celebrate (a bit)

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This epilogue was meant to be there from the start, so I kinda feel like that Larian would have released it at this time even without community backlash. While it is a needed update, I still don't accept this as an 'ending she deserves'.
Her arc is still just running around, collecting infernal iron while being hinted multiple times that there could be a potential fix for her condition.
Give us a true good ending, Larian. Fix her condition, be it in definitive edition or in a future patch.

Last edited by Tomelius; 31/08/23 08:48 PM.
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(spoiler warning) Ok, so I've seen Karlacks new ending and I'm still disappointed... is it happier, yes, but its still so somber... why can't we just fix her and let her stay? :,(

Last edited by HoffB15; 31/08/23 08:59 PM.
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New ending meh. Still better so thank you for quick patch, please fix questlines in the future.

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Spoilers below

While I didn't expect there to be a new ending, this is certainly a step in the right direction? I'm happy that the Avernus ending got expanded upon, but still disappointed that the other threads present could not be weaved together to form an ending where she gets her engine fixed/heart replaced and she *can* live on Faerun. I'm hopeful for a definitive edition fix or update in the future, as this does not feel like the ending she deserves, but one of many if we failed to pursue her questline and repair her broken engine.

I'm happy with what we got, but disappointed it wasn't what I was expecting.

Please continue to monitor this thread, if anyone from Larian is. We would like some form of 'happy ending'. But, make us work for it!

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Damn, I really don't have any of the issues with this you guys seem to have with it--this is the greatest thing I've ever seen and unironically my favorite companion ending by a MILE.

For those who are dissatisfied but are only going off of the patch notes, I encourage you to spoil the ending for yourself:

HAVING SAID THAT. There are solidly two schools of complaints I see with Karlach's quest/ending. Yes, I'm still a little miffed that I have a million infernal iron and nothing to do with it, or that her quest itself is still extremely linear and doesn't really have room for choices. But in terms of working with what's already there?? And getting us this ending in such a short time? I'm beyond satisfied. Sure, we can cross our fingers for an upper city heart repair in a Definitive Edition, but for now, I'm MORE than happy with
this extraordinarily cheesy epilogue of killing imps with my 7 foot-tall devil wife while a heavy metal cover of Down By The River plays in the background. Seriously, if I wanted my Tav to have a peaceful life on a farm with some kids, I would have romanced Shadowheart.

Last edited by HexbladeEnjoyer; 31/08/23 09:59 PM.
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Either add to the existing tapestry an option for a cure, or make a "journey to Avernus" DLC to kick ass and tear hell apart until a cure is found. I want to see more of her fighting and indomitable spirit. Not extensions to the suffering of a terminal patient.

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Well, looks like we're not going anywhere anytime soon. I'd like to say first and foremost that I appreciate that Larian has clearly noticed us, but, I think its doubly clear that we're still going to continue the fight to see Karlach get a proper "good ending" in the future. Understanding that it's going to take work, and time. Patience and respectfulness is still paramount.

But here's my statement.

I understand some of the disappointment some of you guys might be feeling at the moment. With Patch 2 happening so quickly, I had a bit of a feeling that it'd just be restored content, typically my instinct hasn't led me in a wayward way since we started this whole thing. The wording of the steam community update, and the actual words of Larian themselves didn't really line up either, with official Larian statements only using the word new "epilogue" rather than the community update using "new ending", so I certainly had a feeling this might happen, but wanted to be hopeful of course.

At the end of the day, this fulfils one of the first hings we asked for, fix the Avernus ending, and actually give us some insight on what's going on (and let the trio of Wyll, Karlach and Tav go together!). I'm sure, with all the attention we've gotten and continue to get, some months, maybe a year down the line, we'll be looking at the opening screen or announcement about a definitive edition, with an expanded questline and additional endings. Things take time, and this is a step in the right direction, we got the attention from Larian itself that we desired to see more change, as well as from even more mainstream gaming media. Don't give up hope, and enjoy the little things that we've earned, as well as the company of a continually amazing, supportive and respectful community.

We continue the fight until a day that we can see a true good ending.


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"And don't forget, you asked for this."

Holy fucking shit, Larian.

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Wow, Larian guys! I was prepared to forgive all the lackluster of the plot, boring quests, horribly shallows diaries and letters all around the game, sea of goblins and harrasing party members for a good happily ever after Karlach ending. You were asked specifically, someone from your studio created one of the best characters of RPGs ever. But you just couldn't do that ONE thing right. TWICE!

Please don't touch BG franchise ever again.

You don't have the Scenario Department to lift the load! Utterly dissapointed. Behind decent graphics there is nothing for the story.

Last edited by wellwell; 31/08/23 10:59 PM.
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