Originally Posted by Mouthbreathereli
Zombies revive with 1 hp the first time you kill them, that is an intentional mechanic

Originally Posted by rumpelstilskin
it's not psychological; it's a character feat, "undead fortitude". it heals 1 hp after would-be-dying, unless it was killed by a critical or radiant damage. and yes, it's annoying, but probably less so if you know it's not random.

Oops, thanks for pointing this out. I just demolished my own case with this example.
Yet.... I remember the gnoll fight going on quite a while with several gnolls on 1 HP. And the drider completely demolishing shadowheart in several turns while sticking on 1HP.
I can't help thinking the game is not being entirely honest here..... But yea, I still won these fights in the end. It's just a bit irritating.

Edit : and yes, after the exhausting fight with the 1HP undead in the mindlflayer maze under moonrise, my weakened company had to face the soldiers in the barracks. Guess what..... Guiding bolt did 21 HP on the 22 HP enemy. My PC has to be revified. No long rest possible. And we're supposed to face Ketheric Thorm like this ? And people say this is too easy ?

Last edited by ldo58; 01/09/23 01:53 PM.