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The story exists in a setting where gods and wizards regularly slap magical "do what I say or your head explodes" with the best intentions on friends and enemies alike, it all comes down to context; consider, everyone here has used charm person in dialogue for advantage, yes? that's 'sick and degenerate' mind control.

The emperor and Stelmane can also be frenemies, easily. Consider this series of events :

Duke Belynne Stelmane, leader of the Knights of the Shield, is also servant of the pit fiend Garguath, the hidden lord of the shield. She serves the council of four but is truely trying to free her master from his prison. Comes Balduran, returning to the streets of Baldur's Gate as a mind flayer secures his survival by joining the Knights of the Shield. Having a mind flayer is such an asset to the organization activities he rose through the ranks, enough to learn the secrets of the Knights of the Shield's leadership. Learning of the hidden lord, the emperor concludes the devil is a threat to his continued survival, ambushes Stelmane in her home, rakes her mind of information and placing her under a geas, compelling her against her true purpose and not act against Baldur's Gate and the emperor, installing himself as the new puppet master of the Knights of the Shield thwarting Garguath. Stelmane discovers she cannot act against the compulsions without damaging her position of power as well her body, so she complies biding her time. The emperor in his new position is even more isolated, more so as a renegade mind flayer aberration in surface city, Stelmane becomes the emperor's only source of social interaction. Over the next decade or so they operate the knights of the shield as partners without the influence of Garguath, Stelmane would come to respect the Emperor's mental acuity and knowledge, being his confidant in the business, but wouldn't hesitate to gut him in the name of Garguath if and when she manages to break free. But for the emperor, being the only source of socialization and one who knows his identity for well over a decade, she would been his only friend since Ansur.

Stelmane was the emperor's friend, or just one sided friend if you prefer and still consistent with the assertion the emperor never lied to you.

Last edited by dumpy; 03/09/23 02:13 AM.
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Originally Posted by dumpy
everyone here has used charm person in dialogue for advantage, yes?

No. I actively avoid that spell, and compulsions in general.

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Do you even have a choice not to do it to the netherbrain underground ? lol

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Nope, no choice - obviously Larian isn't as morally opposed to such things as I am. I would've preferred to just take control of the crown and use its power to kill the brain/tadpoles without domination.

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I also never used the charm spell. I played a good guy in my first playthrough and using such spells on normal people is certainly not good.
As for the Guardian, up to the end of Act 2 I didn't really have much against him, but now at the end I really dislike him.

What was strange in the first place was his reactivity if you didn't consume tadpoles. He stopped talking about it but still always mentioned when there was a tadpole nearby. I found it a bit sad that there was not much more to refusing all of the tadpoles.

The initial reveal in Act 3 wasn't bad when I experienced it. For me it made sense that I fought against the Githyanki as I didn't have Lae'Zel in my party anyway. Though I have read that you don't have a real choice at this point. That leads me to my main problem with him: You are entirely at his mercy. If I understood correctly you can only use the Orphic Hammer in the end, right? So you have to put up with him until the point of no return. And I found this a bit disappointing as he is far far from an unproblematic character as many have already enstablished in detail.

I felt that it took away Player agency where it would have been interesting and could be expected. There isn't a meaningful way to detach yourself from him. A moment that upset me for example was the encounter with Ansur. I played a draconic bloodline Sorcerer and after Ansur was hyped up a bit by Wyll and Duke Ravengard, I was excited how my character could interact with him. I was even glad I spoiled myself and knew he was already dead because there was sadly no real choice or reactivity at all. I had one answer because of the race that didn't change anything, my class didn't matter and the Guardian somehow killed an at least Adult Dragon on his own. And after the short dialogue where I couldn't even really critisize the Guardian, I'm forced into a fight my character would never want. After I didn't get the mechanic in my first try I just fled the fight, at least trying to forge my own childish headcanon how that encounter ended. And though my character now should know that Ansur was killed by Balduran the game pretended like the encounter didn't even happen. That was bad. I know that was a very character specific view of this encounter but for me it initially seemed like an important story beat that fell completely flat. Is there meaningful dialogue after you re-kill Ansur?

So even if your character starts to hate the Guardian, you can't leave. You have to put up with him.

With this in mind I just don't get the image that they seemingly try to paint with the Guardian. He doesn't seem good at heart or morally grey at all to me. Omeluum seems to have good intentions, the Guardian just says he does while killing the "Heart of the Gate" and manipulating left and right. In the end Mindflayers aren't the people they were anymore and I don't think I like that the game pretends they now more or less are.

To be honest, I get the feeling that they like their Mindflayer-Idea just a little too much. I found myselft thinking about the Source Collars in DOS II and comparing them to the Tadpoles. I thought getting rid of the Tadpoles at Moonrise and then feel responsible to put an end to it all could've also been an interesting solution. DnD has so many option to handle so many things, but at times it feels like the game brushes them aside so the story works (Gale's Scroll Of True Resurrection always comes to mind. Dying makes the tadpoles leave a body, so crushing the head and using such a scroll should do the job?).

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Originally Posted by Nerovar
Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Originally Posted by Nerovar
Astarion just flat-out told me he's a vampire on my playthrough.

Just curious, how do you get this to happen? Never long rest?

Honestly, I have no clue what triggered it but I definitely didn't long rest very often.
This is the key. I tried a run where I'd hardly ever rest, and indeed that is when he says so.

Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.
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Originally Posted by dumpy
The story exists in a setting where gods and wizards regularly slap magical "do what I say or your head explodes" with the best intentions on friends and enemies alike, it all comes down to context; consider, everyone here has used charm person in dialogue for advantage, yes? that's 'sick and degenerate' mind control. [spoiler]
The emperor and Stelmane can also be frenemies, easily. Consider this series of events :

Duke Belynne Stelmane, leader of the Knights of the Shield, is also servant of the pit fiend Garguath, the hidden lord of the shield. She serves the council of four but is truely trying to free her master from his prison. Comes Balduran, returning to the streets of Baldur's Gate as a mind flayer secures his survival by joining the Knights of the Shield. Having a mind flayer is such an asset to the organization activities he rose through the ranks, enough to learn the secrets of the Knights of the Shield's leadership. Learning of the hidden lord, the emperor concludes the devil is a threat to his continued survival, ambushes Stelmane in her home, rakes her mind of information and placing her under a geas, compelling her against her true purpose and not act against Baldur's Gate and the emperor, installing himself as the new puppet master of the Knights of the Shield thwarting Garguath. Stelmane discovers she cannot act against the compulsions without damaging her position of power as well her body, so she complies biding her time. The emperor in his new position is even more isolated, more so as a renegade mind flayer aberration in surface city, Stelmane becomes the emperor's only source of social interaction. Over the next decade or so they operate the knights of the shield as partners without the influence of Garguath, Stelmane would come to respect the Emperor's mental acuity and knowledge, being his confidant in the business, but wouldn't hesitate to gut him in the name of Garguath if and when she manages to break free. But for the emperor, being the only source of socialization and one who knows his identity for well over a decade, she would been his only friend since Ansur.

Stelmane was the emperor's friend, or just one sided friend if you prefer and still consistent with the assertion the emperor never lied to you.
There's no such thing as a "one sided friend". Friendship by definition requires reciprocity, otherwise it is no friendship at all. Furthermore, even if you respect someone's abilities that doesn't make that person your friend. I can respect my worst enemy's qualities but that has absolutely no bearing on my relationship with them. Stelmane is more like a caged tiger whom the Emperor considers his pet despite the fact that it would likely try to kill him if not for the bars.

So yes, the Emperor is definitely lying by characterising this relationship the way he does.

Also what makes it "sick and degenerate" is not the mind control part per se. I don't see a big problem with mind controlling some villain and using them to e.g. subvert their evil organisation for a good purpose instead of just outright killing them. What makes it sick is that he abuses this arrangement and controls Stelmane to engage in certain social situations with him because he feels some kind of void due to being Mindflayer who has residual attachments to his past life as a human. He effectively makes her act out his fantasies. That is just deeply disturbed and depraved behaviour. Most people will ultimately view that is wrong to transgress certain parts of someone's personhood even if that person is "evil".

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
In the introductory sequence, was the Emperor actually the mindflayer we encounter on the beach? The attire he wears seems reminiscent of the Emperor's. I wonder if the developers initially had distinct roles for Daisy and the Emperor but later chose to amalgamate their stories. Personally, I would have appreciated a dynamic where Daisy exists as the tadpole in our brain, while the Emperor joins as a potential companion,
later revealed to be Balduran. Imagine embarking on a companion quest to uncover the Emperor's secret hideout and then confronting the Ansur. That would have added a fascinating layer to the narrative.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
In the introductory sequence, was the Emperor actually the mindflayer we encounter on the beach? The attire he wears seems reminiscent of the Emperor's. I wonder if the developers initially had distinct roles for Daisy and the Emperor but later chose to amalgamate their stories. Personally, I would have appreciated a dynamic where Daisy exists as the tadpole in our brain, while the Emperor joins as a potential companion,
later revealed to be Balduran. Imagine embarking on a companion quest to uncover the Emperor's secret hideout and then confronting the Ansur. That would have added a fascinating layer to the narrative.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
In the introductory sequence, was the Emperor actually the mindflayer we encounter on the beach? The attire he wears seems reminiscent of the Emperor's. I wonder if the developers initially had distinct roles for Daisy and the Emperor but later chose to amalgamate their stories. Personally, I would have appreciated a dynamic where Daisy exists as the tadpole in our brain, while the Emperor joins as a potential companion,
later revealed to be Balduran. Imagine embarking on a companion quest to uncover the Emperor's secret hideout and then confronting the Ansur. That would have added a fascinating layer to the narrative.

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My bard: "What do you mean 'I am the same as you'? We're nothing alike! How dare you accusing me of manipulating others! I am not a monster!"
Emperor: "I can literally feel you casting 'Charm Person' on me right now, you little shit"

And then

they banged.

- Firm believer in Mindflayer supremacy -
Joined: Aug 2023
Joined: Aug 2023
Anyone else think we should be able to get a refund due to Larien lying and the game being more unfinished then cyberpunk?

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Joined: Aug 2023
Everything went downhill right when he revealed himself as the Emperor for me. His motivations are all over the place and nonsensical. At the very least more needs to go into explaining why he does what he does, not just jumping between plots and ideas as if they're disconnected or things were set up to be railroaded.
It might just be because they wanted to push out the game instead of keeping it in the oven longer, but the closer you get to the ending especially concerning the Emperor everything feels like it falls flat.
The whole idea around editing your guardian just for it to be a vision created by the Emperor/Balduraan feels self defeating as it ultimately meant nothing to the story in the end.

Last edited by MandoDablord; 04/09/23 04:26 PM. Reason: Talking about the guardian
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I think it has less to do with time, but that Larian wanted to make it impossible to make the wrong choice.
Thats why tadpoles got rewritten to pure powerups, so that player can't lock themself into a path by overusing tadpoles 50+ hours ago. And thats why the emperor has no own motivation and instead always just reacts as you expect it from him. So when you do not trust him hes untrustworthy and so on. You can never make the wrong choice.

And thats one if the main reasons why act 3 is so bad.

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Originally Posted by Heisdarkness
Anyone else think we should be able to get a refund due to Larien lying and the game being more unfinished then cyberpunk?
Good luck arguing that to steam.
BG3 has too many fanboys which praise the game so neither Valve nor Larian have any pressure to allow special refunds.
And gaming magazines stay silent as they do not want to admit that they did not test and just followed the hype when giving out their ratings.

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Originally Posted by Clowntje
In the introductory sequence, was the Emperor actually the mindflayer we encounter on the beach? The attire he wears seems reminiscent of the Emperor's. I wonder if the developers initially had distinct roles for Daisy and the Emperor but later chose to amalgamate their stories. Personally, I would have appreciated a dynamic where Daisy exists as the tadpole in our brain, while the Emperor joins as a potential companion,
later revealed to be Balduran. Imagine embarking on a companion quest to uncover the Emperor's secret hideout and then confronting the Ansur. That would have added a fascinating layer to the narrative.

No. Even EA, that was just some Mind Flayer. The Emperor has very unique clothing. Daisy and the Emperor were not at all related in EA, although I'd say it is likely the Emperor was originally part of the story (I suspect he would've been a double agent/control mechanism for the Absolute) but the problems with the story stem from combining him and Daisy into one role/character.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Ixal
Originally Posted by Heisdarkness
Anyone else think we should be able to get a refund due to Larien lying and the game being more unfinished then cyberpunk?
Good luck arguing that to steam.
BG3 has too many fanboys which praise the game so neither Valve nor Larian have any pressure to allow special refunds.
And gaming magazines stay silent as they do not want to admit that they did not test and just followed the hype when giving out their ratings.

This brings to mind my experience with Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. After a two-hour introduction, I was inclined to seek a refund. However, the game seemed structured just so that players would surpass the two-hour refund window. While Baldur's Gate 3 is less blatant in this regard, it has received an overwhelming amount of praise. Yet, many might not realize that its concluding sections, which come after about 70 hours of gameplay, are quite underwhelming.

Originally Posted by Milkfred
Originally Posted by Clowntje
In the introductory sequence, was the Emperor actually the mindflayer we encounter on the beach? The attire he wears seems reminiscent of the Emperor's. I wonder if the developers initially had distinct roles for Daisy and the Emperor but later chose to amalgamate their stories. Personally, I would have appreciated a dynamic where Daisy exists as the tadpole in our brain, while the Emperor joins as a potential companion,
later revealed to be Balduran. Imagine embarking on a companion quest to uncover the Emperor's secret hideout and then confronting the Ansur. That would have added a fascinating layer to the narrative.

No. Even EA, that was just some Mind Flayer. The Emperor has very unique clothing. Daisy and the Emperor were not at all related in EA, although I'd say it is likely the Emperor was originally part of the story (I suspect he would've been a double agent/control mechanism for the Absolute) but the problems with the story stem from combining him and Daisy into one role/character.

Thanks for clarifying. The one that tadpoles you in the intro cinematic looks like the Emperor, so I thought maybe the one on the beach was supposed to be the Emperor as well.

Last edited by Clowntje; 04/09/23 11:41 PM.
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Originally Posted by MandoDablord
Everything went downhill right when he revealed himself as the Emperor for me. His motivations are all over the place and nonsensical. At the very least more needs to go into explaining why he does what he does, not just jumping between plots and ideas as if they're disconnected or things were set up to be railroaded.
It might just be because they wanted to push out the game instead of keeping it in the oven longer, but the closer you get to the ending especially concerning the Emperor everything feels like it falls flat.
The whole idea around editing your guardian just for it to be a vision created by the Emperor/Balduraan feels self defeating as it ultimately meant nothing to the story in the end.

I agree with this. I personally really like the fact that Daisy is an actual character and not just the little worm in our head but I do think that there's room to make the emperor more "solid" when it comes to the way he is written. And, ironically, this could probably be done by actually making Orpheus less of a 100% great guy and more ambiguous/sinister. He has been trapped for centuries, he is the heir of a hypervengeful warrior race... honestly the Emperor's fear that he'll turn against the player is justified and should come into play somehow. Sadly, the fact that we can only interact with Orph in the final stretch of the game really prevents the devs from expanding on him and that badly affects how the Emperor is written and how he comes across too.

Still, I much prefer this to OG Daisy. Daisy was the least memorable thing for me in EA, an element of the story that never captivated me in any way and I found flat out boring while I think that the Guardian has a lot of potential as an idea. Needed more time in the oven and more scenes tho.

Last edited by Malrith; 05/09/23 04:22 AM.

- Firm believer in Mindflayer supremacy -
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Originally Posted by Milkfred
Originally Posted by Clowntje
In the introductory sequence, was the Emperor actually the mindflayer we encounter on the beach? The attire he wears seems reminiscent of the Emperor's. I wonder if the developers initially had distinct roles for Daisy and the Emperor but later chose to amalgamate their stories. Personally, I would have appreciated a dynamic where Daisy exists as the tadpole in our brain, while the Emperor joins as a potential companion,
later revealed to be Balduran. Imagine embarking on a companion quest to uncover the Emperor's secret hideout and then confronting the Ansur. That would have added a fascinating layer to the narrative.

No. Even EA, that was just some Mind Flayer. The Emperor has very unique clothing. Daisy and the Emperor were not at all related in EA, although I'd say it is likely the Emperor was originally part of the story (I suspect he would've been a double agent/control mechanism for the Absolute) but the problems with the story stem from combining him and Daisy into one role/character.
The Emperor is not in the artbook but Daisy is even though she does not aopear in the game.
So the Emperor was a very late rewrite.

And Daisy was far superior to the emperor as with her there was an actual conflict in our head when you thro Orpheus into the mix.
The emperor is just boring and nonsensical.

Last edited by Ixal; 05/09/23 06:20 AM.
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No. Even EA, that was just some Mind Flayer. The Emperor has very unique clothing.

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