Joined: Oct 2020
If only we could find the Cloak of Dragomir somewhere... Incidentally, what happens in that scene to player characters who have sunlight sensitivities? Particularly ones who are also spawn? Nothing? What about Drow? They get kinda sick in the sun, don't they?
Last edited by Imora DalSyn; 30/08/23 09:11 AM. Reason: Typo. Thanks phone.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
What about Drow? They get kinda sick in the sun, don't they? I thought they did, but my first character was a Seldarine Drow and nothing about it ever comes up.
Joined: Nov 2020
What about Drow? They get kinda sick in the sun, don't they? Not really. Drows usually live in Underdark, so they are used to darkness. If they go to the Surface, they just have to get used to the sun and they are fine. This is what happened to Drizzt - after leaving the Underdark he was "blinded" by the light but after some time it was normal to him. It's as if you are in your bed in the darkness and someone suddenly turns the light on.
Joined: Nov 2021
I'm not happy with the ending I got either. I'm guessing the game bugged out on me on my Good run, Astarion just runs away and the final credits start. Never had a conversation with him after that. Very sad to say the least, and what happens to him afterwards, what happens to us as a couple??? What am I to think, especially knowing that the night before we've reassured each other to be together and then just ubrupt ending out of nowhere...
But what bothers me more is my Evil playthrough, the ending with him is just awful. If you want to stay with him you'll have to be converted to a spawn, there is no other option to stay in the romance with him at least on my game. No option to persuade him to make you a true vampire or for you to stay "warmblooded" as you are. It's either his way or the highway. What kind of logic is it on my part to submit to slavery after everything he told me about his struggles as a slave, after everything I saw myself throughout his quest line? More so, my char is a one-turn solo boss killer and why would I want to degrade myself to a servitude as a slave. He sees you as a powerful ally, yet only stays in the relationship if you're a spawn.
And if you control the brain you somehow cannot direct the brain to not influence Astarions mind. Not sure why you cannot have the option to rule the brain together?
I don't know, maybe my game is really bugged but all the options suck so far.
Joined: Nov 2021
Please disregard. Somehow posted it twice
Last edited by andromeda087; 30/08/23 02:35 PM.
Joined: Oct 2017
[quote=andromeda087]I'm not happy with the ending I got either. I'm guessing the game bugged out on me on my Good run, Astarion just runs away and the final credits start. Never had a conversation with him after that. Very sad to say the least, and what happens to him afterwards, what happens to us as a couple??? What am I to think, especially knowing that the night before we've reassured each other to be together and then just ubrupt ending out of nowhere... [/quote]
your ending bugged out. go back and kill karlach/gale to see if that triggers your epilogue scene with astarion. its suppose to be the epilogue with your romanced character, and then the credits roll. karlach/gale/wyll bugs out and locks you out of your romanced ending, there's a guide on how to trigger the ending on reddit
Joined: Aug 2023
I want to add, that in addition to the tone deaf "ah no sun hot bye" joke (like why is Tav just standing there? I should be able to run after him) I find the final scene with him super disappointing. No hugs, no kisses, no "fuck yeah we are both alive we are here damn yes"... Just "eh you still wanna? Huh cool, we are a good team anyway". Look, I am okay with him loosing the sun as a price to be paid for real freedom (Tav just goes and finds someone who can cast Wish, make him alive and without the vampiric curse again. In my headcannon I am god and Astarion will have the sun back.) But after those two emotional, tender, heartfelt scenes we had with him at his confession and his grave, I just expected more of this last scene. More emotion, more "you want me? you really want me even now?" more "i am so glad I have you" or something like that. Compared to those other two scenes it fell so flat and I dont know how this is all we got with an outstanding VA like Neil and Rooney as his amazing writer. It feels tacked on. Last minute, eh just throw in three lines and that's good enough. I don't know how the other romanced companions scene play out, but I don't expect them to be better  I really hope they re work those scenes or give us something beautiful in the epilogue.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
(Tav just goes and finds someone who can cast Wish, make him alive and without the vampiric curse again. In my headcannon I am god and Astarion will have the sun back.) I'm gonna keep pointing this out every chance I get. There's a cure down in Amn. Jaheira should know all about it, she likely witnessed it in action. All we need to do is take Cazador's black heart and go on a little trip to the Umar Hills.
Joined: Aug 2023
(Tav just goes and finds someone who can cast Wish, make him alive and without the vampiric curse again. In my headcannon I am god and Astarion will have the sun back.) I'm gonna keep pointing this out every chance I get. There's a cure down in Amn. Jaheira should know all about it, she likely witnessed it in action. All we need to do is take Cazador's black heart and go on a little trip to the Umar Hills. Edit: I found it, bad for me that I never really played BG -.- But YES, this is my new headcanon, we will do that! A little adventure (I expect lots of troubles on the way) and at the end there is sun and bacon and pie waiting for Astarion.
Last edited by yaslana; 31/08/23 01:28 PM.
Joined: Oct 2022
It's terribly disappointing that I save my love interest in BG 2, and in BG 3 I see him burn in the sun.
Joined: Sep 2023
I was just sad. That he seemed to be fine in the sun and then he wasn't so just ran off and Gale made some snarky quip I could have happily not heard. I couldn't even follow him to make sure he got to somewhere safe quickly. This is a man who has had an appalling time for 200 years - basically slavery and torture. Has grown so much throughout my playthrough that even the other companions seemed to have come to respect him. After all that character development and his turning into a reasonablyy caring and honourable person he gets treated so badly by the writers. You don't give a main character a redemption arc like his and then pull the rug out from under in the last minutes. The whole thing was treated as a joke and it was tasteless. Its actually put me off replaying the game past Act 2 until either Larion or a modder fixes it. Yes I can head cannon something else happening but its not the same is it?
# Justice for Astarion
Joined: Sep 2023
I am a gay Duergar who would die for Astarion. If they don’t give him an extra line like they did for the Karlach fans I’m going to riot!
Just removing the joke on playthroughs where your approval railing with Astarion is above neutral would help ensure people who like Astarion aren’t slapped in the face with that scene randomly.
Or, add a line where you run after him, maybe with a hint at finding a future cure for him (which exists in BG universe)
Either way, Astarion’s story is written beautifully and the way his trauma is written is heartbreaking. Thank you Larian for giving us this wonderful man.
Joined: Sep 2019
I want to add, that in addition to the tone deaf "ah no sun hot bye" joke (like why is Tav just standing there? I should be able to run after him) I find the final scene with him super disappointing. No hugs, no kisses, no "fuck yeah we are both alive we are here damn yes"... Just "eh you still wanna? Huh cool, we are a good team anyway". Look, I am okay with him loosing the sun as a price to be paid for real freedom (Tav just goes and finds someone who can cast Wish, make him alive and without the vampiric curse again. In my headcannon I am god and Astarion will have the sun back.) But after those two emotional, tender, heartfelt scenes we had with him at his confession and his grave, I just expected more of this last scene. More emotion, more "you want me? you really want me even now?" more "i am so glad I have you" or something like that. Compared to those other two scenes it fell so flat and I dont know how this is all we got with an outstanding VA like Neil and Rooney as his amazing writer. It feels tacked on. Last minute, eh just throw in three lines and that's good enough. I don't know how the other romanced companions scene play out, but I don't expect them to be better  I really hope they re work those scenes or give us something beautiful in the epilogue. I also agree with this a 100%. Very apt!
Joined: Sep 2023
I'd like to chime in to say I 100% agree. I don't need a perfectly happy ending but I am holding out hope for at least one extra sweet moment and a good epilogue for him. The whole 'are you SURE'? being his final wrap up was pretty disappointing. At least give the man another hug or something...
Joined: Dec 2020
If there were slides or a party scene finale or something, then a joke of ah the sun could be justified or ok, but there isn't The end of the game is a very short scene with your romantic partner and acouple random lines of dialogue, and if you didn't have a romance partner it's just a few randomly meaningless lines of dialogue, probably jokes. and then nothing. If you make Asta the super you get NOTHING, no resolution or story or anything, he probably won't even speak once in the whole 'epilogue', if you didn't then you get a joke at the players expense. So what's the point of even finishing the game? you get to the final fight and there's no resolution or scenes coming, so as soon as the boss fight starts might as well quit as there's no more content right?
Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove! Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
I'll be a contrarian and say I actually liked the bit of Astarion's epilogue where he checks to make sure you're still on board. He's doing his best to be all Noble and Selfless, it's so cute (also I can understand him possibly still feeling a bit insecure). Gale nearly got punched in the face off-screen for that quip of his, though. 
Joined: Sep 2023
I was just sad. That he seemed to be fine in the sun and then he wasn't so just ran off and Gale made some snarky quip I could have happily not heard. I couldn't even follow him to make sure he got to somewhere safe quickly. This is a man who has had an appalling time for 200 years - basically slavery and torture. Has grown so much throughout my playthrough that even the other companions seemed to have come to respect him. After all that character development and his turning into a reasonablyy caring and honourable person he gets treated so badly by the writers. You don't give a main character a redemption arc like his and then pull the rug out from under in the last minutes. The whole thing was treated as a joke and it was tasteless. Its actually put me off replaying the game past Act 2 until either Larion or a modder fixes it. Yes I can head cannon something else happening but its not the same is it? I agree! Throughout the game, I loved what they did with the romance. Being able to kiss your partner and all of the dialogue really makes you feel like the two of you have something. But the final good scene did feel a little flat. Especially if you do "This may be the last time we get to kiss each other" dialogue and he says something like "We better survive because I want to continue doing that" or something like that. Then in the end "You sure you still want to be together?" I expected a hug or kiss at the very least. Especially if you start talking about finding a way for him to walk in the sun.
Joined: Sep 2023
Gale nearly got punched in the face off-screen for that quip of his, though.  I wanted to yeet him off the pier. Instead I will settle for leaving him to marinate in that portal next time I go back to the game
# Justice for Astarion
Joined: Aug 2023
No hugs, no kisses, no "fuck yeah we are both alive we are here damn yes"... Just "eh you still wanna? Huh cool, we are a good team anyway". Look, I am okay with him loosing the sun as a price to be paid for real freedom...But after those two emotional, tender, heartfelt scenes we had with him at his confession and his grave, I just expected more of this last scene. More emotion, more "you want me? you really want me even now?" more "i am so glad I have you" or something like that. Compared to those other two scenes it fell so flat and I dont know how this is all we got with an outstanding VA like Neil and Rooney as his amazing writer. It feels tacked on. Last minute, eh just throw in three lines and that's good enough. I don't know how the other romanced companions scene play out, but I don't expect them to be better  I really hope they re work those scenes or give us something beautiful in the epilogue. I feel the same way. The cut scenes for Astarion during the game were amazing for it to be an ending of two friends talking and shooting the breeze. Like, there should be some kind of passion here. A kiss, hand holding, innuendo, anything!!! It really needs redone. When I heard Gale crack a joke about not seeing Astarion again, I was just like "What!? Excuse me!?" It really made me upset. I mean, heck, I would love more chances to show my relationship in the game. Like click on a bedroll to get a cuddle scene for a long rest instead of just by yourself, or a chance to flirt around a bit or hint at a night together... *Hint hint Larian*
Joined: Aug 2023
I know Larian has illudid to these endings being the intentional ones they wanted but I can not, in good faith believe that
There is NO SHOT the team that wrote Act 1 and 2 is the same team that came up with the dogwater endings we got.
I refuse to believe it.
We're being punked.
Last edited by Sunriders Destin; 05/09/23 07:23 PM.