Halsin deserves better. He should be more than “the romance where you fuck a bear”.

I’ve never really cared for the sex aspect when it comes to romance in video games. It’s the bonding and emotional side that I really enjoy. Unfortunately, I found Halsin’s romance is severely lacking on both those fronts.

I hope they are able to change his character for the better.

The drow stuff especially, is really uncomfortable. I didn’t know it was a thing when I played because I didn’t partake in the drows.

I seriously don’t think a topic like that should ever be played off as this “light thing”. It wasn’t written or portrayed respectfully, and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth thinking about it. I was so disappointed when I saw how those lines were handled. I don’t care what gender or race somebody is. I don’t care if it’s fictional or not. SA should never EVER be a light topic. It’s extremely traumatizing and triggering. How that got green lit, I cannot fathom nor can I understand….

Last edited by Malachite; 02/09/23 04:42 AM.