Hey awesome patch !

Although the wither's wardrobe feels really "moddy", like it feels really like someone who doesn't know how the engine works, and don't have access to the source code was tinkering with some alternative way of doing things, instead of just dismissing those characters in the camp. (having party members as inventory item ?). Any way to actually have those characters in camp instead ?

I know you don't have a release date, but maybe a time range for the character edit appearence ? We've been putting our save on hold with friends until this comes out because all 3 of use want to change something in our character, and currently, unfortunately, the only mod allowing it is full of gamebreaking bugs. We're too far into the game to start over with our limited game time.

Is it more a matter of weeks or months ?

Also, any news on the highly demanded allowing party member to pitch in feature ?

Thanks in advance smile

Last edited by Kehldael; 02/09/23 07:45 AM.