Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by Spleen
I'd really like to see an option that limits your saving capabilities. Not a full iron man mode, but something that stops you from savescumming, like only autosaving at some moments during the story, or not during combat or dialogues.
I know that for some people it is as simple as "just don't do it", but as for others (like me), we are torn between trying to enjoy the game as a story and accepts what happens, and the possibility to get the best outcome.
There is something, it is called self-restraint. Lots of grown-ups have it.

Lots of grown-ups are also not rude to others.

It is easy for people not knowing what it feels like to feel the urge to almost to min/max to say "just don't do it" and I understand why it seems so trivial to them. I will not write an essay to explain why we are all different and how we enjoy different things. But we just are. And the fact you don't feel something would add to your enjoyment doesn't mean it wouldn't add it for others.

Adding this would not change anything to your way of playing, it would only make it better for the people who are like me. Of course, if Larian thinks it's too complicated/costly relative to what it could add to the game, i would understand.