Thank you, I do enjoy a discussion, even when we don't find a compromise. It's good to get another point of view. So thank you for discussing with me. smile

SH only has this ending when she rejects Shar, and to me it makes sense. She defines which parts of her life she wants to keep, and which she wants to change. If she now feels safe enough to share Tav, that's great! It means her insecurities aren't a bother to her.

But! I'd like for her to talk things out with Tav, and with Halsin. I think a healthy conversation about *her* boundaries, and Halsin being respectful to her about them, would help a lot. As I posted before:
Communication is key.

She, as well as Astarion, should have an option to ask "What if I don't want to share? Who would you pick?" or something like that. We poly folk try to avert this. An ultimatum is never a good thing. They *are* common, thought. Inexperienced poly people will ask where they stand. They *need* this conversation. "What happens if you fall in love with a third person?" is another typical question. As well as "What about me? If I find someone for myself, would that be okay?"

Someone who could get in a relationship with them when Tav rejects them, that would be amazing. Let them have their own love life! Heck, let it be Halsin if Tav does not romance any of them! Astarion is into the Hunk (he makes a flirty comment about Halsin once he joins the camp)! Wouldn't that be hilarious?!

To your question about jealousy and flirting:
I can't.

I have never, in my life, been jealous. For years I thought something is wrong with me. I am supposed to not be okay when my partner flirts with someone else, not tell them how pretty their flirt is, and please use protection. I was afraid of not being enough for my partners before, but I never felt betrayed by them flirting.

People have cheated on me. I don't tolerate that. But flirting? Eh. Even kissing was never a problem for me. Kiss away!

Hence him asking if he can join is totally harmless and playful for me. He's fine with a No.

I think there lies a big secret:
You can only really accept something if you are allowed to say No.

And it doesn't feel like Tav can have the sex without accepting the open relationship. That's the issue, right?

There are ways to change this. For example he could ask Tav if they want exclusivity. And maybe if Tav wants that, he can offer exclusivity until the tadpole crisis is averted, with a talk about it later. Maybe they will break up in the epilogue, or find a compromise ("Sleep around when I'm away, and don't tell me"). Maybe Tav will have an option to be okay with it.

Player agency there would be nice. But it's also fine if he says no to casual sex even when he's poly, and you're not, because it could mean too much for him emotionally.

So many ideas for great cutscenes...