Joined: Jun 2023
I like them all but Lae'zel stands out. During my first playthrough, she went from my least favorite to my favorite companion, and now I can hardly play the game without having her in my party. And her story is one of the best companion stories I have seen in a CRPG. I tend to play characters who disagree with her on some important issues but we still manage to get along really well, because my characters tend to respect her in spite of their disagreements. She comes across to me the same way, eventually. And her romance, that's certainly an odd one but in the end you feel you have someone at your side who will never let you down unless you betray her first.
Joined: Sep 2021
Astarion, no question about it. I like traumatized characters and he was an excellent romance option for the Dark Urge who was trying to redeem himself.
Honourable mentions: Shadowheart and Lae'zel. SH was a very strong romance option. In addition, I let SH choose what to do with a certain aasimar and after her decision, I could no longer consider my Urge to be evil. Lae'zel was the big surprise as I could not stand her in EA but she really liked my character's actions and her loyalty to the group did grow on me. I did not expect that.
Last edited by Scales & Fangs; 06/10/23 07:41 PM.
Joined: Aug 2014
It's difficult. Minthara seems to be the only one I can have a meaningful conversation with. On the other hand, Shadowheart indeed has the sweetest voice, and I like the way she can wrinkle her nose. But it is Shadowhearts camp outfit that really seals the deal for me.
Joined: Sep 2023
The only person I can actually rank as my #1 is Karlach hands down. Everyone else is just like put into categories for me.
I do like Shadowheart more than Lae'zal I have to admit. During the ship prologue I didn't like either, but I thought Shadowheart was decent after the crash. I really loved her after her big quest in Act 2, but obviously not more than Karlach. Lae'zal, I started liking her after the Creche. I'm not the biggest fan but I do generally like her character.
Wyll is nice. I don't have any reason to dislike him. Same with Jaheira and Minsc.
Astarion, he grew on me in the end, I really didn't like him at first. Act 2 I was starting to like him a bit, and once I got to Act 3 I fully appreciated him.
Gale, he reminded me a mix of Anders in DA:O Awakening and Alistair in DA:O. At least that was my first impression, which I happen to love those characters, but then as soon as he kept needing to consume to items, I didn't like him. If I couldn't spare one at the moment he'd be really upset and saying how your character doesn't seem understand the urgency etc. I just got annoyed which I know this isn't a big deal. Also what just rubbed me the wrong way he says that he wasn't satisfied even if he was sleeping with Mystra and it just, felt weird. Until the very end (literally last cutscene with your camp/party members) I thought he's alright. I don't necessarily have a positive opinion of him in general though.
Halsin, I'm bias because I had my eye on him to romance, but there are a lot of problems I stumbled into that I don't need to dive in. If I ignore how he is in Act 3 romanced or not, then yes he's there with Karlach, for me.
So it'd be Karlach/Halsin>Shadowheart>Lae'zal>Astarion>Wyll>Jaheira>Minsc>Gale
Party wise I always had Shadowheart with me, never swapped her for nobody. My main party besides her consisted of Karlach and Lae'zal. Sometimes I'd switch Lae'zal for Astarion or Wyll (but mostly for Astarion).
I played as a sorcerer so not sure if that helps in explaining my main party decisions.
Last edited by catclaw; 06/10/23 08:42 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Astarion is easily my favorite. Not even a question. Well written. Well voice acted. Complex and unique. Love love love.
Honorable mentions: Minthara, Lae'zel, and Shadowheart.
Gotta give Gale more of a chance though. I have a feeling I haven't experienced enough of him.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2023
Karlach, then Shadowheart, then Lae’zel
Joined: Oct 2023
I'm romancing Astarion and he's amazing, but Karlach is best girl and I just can't play without her.
I love most other companions though and really wish I could always bring them along.
Joined: Oct 2023
From everything Ive seen, Minthara is the most perspicacious companion out of the lot, and it does a bunch to endear me to her. It really does feel like she's trying to earn her place as your most valuable asset when she dissects the world, the things in it, and relates it to you and your quest in a way that feels much more intimate, much more desperate, than other companions. At least for me. I think, only a mad dog can truly understand another. ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/LMt2Kox.jpg)
Each time that he slew, Hurin cried: 'Aure entuluva! Day shall come again!' Seventy times he uttered that cry; but they took him at last alive.
Joined: Oct 2023
Astarion enriched the game for me several times. Not just with his sometimes questionable but wonderfully cynical comments. The hidden little child inside him makes him so lovable again. He grows over the story, but so many left him behind cause he is so evil in the beginning, but there are reasons for that.
I was particularly touched by his romance from the end of the second act. I cried ... Not many can do that. I love broken characters and Astarion nails it perfectly. (And no, i was not a twilight Fan) he is my first Vampire
Last edited by Oona; 29/10/23 01:57 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I voted Astarion ages ago but realised I hadn't actually added a comment. He's still my favourite even after several playthroughs, deep well written story (well up the the last few minutes anyway), heartbreaking in places and really the only character that I deeply care about and always romance. That's not to denigrate Shadowhearts story or Lae'zels, both of whom have deep story and quest lines and the trio make up my dream team in every playthrough. But Astarions character and quest arc and his progression from an 'evil vampire' trope into something much much more, just works for me better than the others.
Last edited by Bethra; 29/10/23 06:11 PM.
# Justice for Astarion
Joined: Sep 2023
Many people here have pointed out how fun and bright Karlach is, but that's just one side of her.
Her character explores how a good person deals with a truly bad hand. If you pay attention to her, you'll notice some contradictions.
She'd rather die than go back to hell, but she also desperately wants to live. She always cheers us on, but she's also envious that we'll get to go on without her. She doesn't wish to drag anyone down with her, but she's also glad that she's not alone in Avernus.
Her desires and vulnerabilities are easy to miss behind her hells-yes demeanor.
That Larian and Sam managed to craft such a deep character in the last minute is a testament to their ability.
As for how Karlach talks, she's not any more or less "modern" than the rest of the cast. She's simply more direct, and less prone to flowery language. This stems from her upbringing.
She's a kid from the streets who never really had a chance at a normal life. If you listen to how the tiefling kids talk, it's not very far off. They don't talk like Dickensian street urchins, that's for sure.
Lae'zel's voice is similar to Karlach's, but her speech is laced with githyanki expressions and a foreigner's turn of phrase that makes her sound more exotic.
The rest of the cast also talk "modern" but with an expanded enough vocabulary that it sounds more period than it really is. If Larian actually went medieval, it would've been insufferable, so props to them for not doing that.
Edit: Even Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy doesn't go full medieval, and that one goes way, way harder than BG3. The way Gimli and Aragorn talk is a night and day difference. If Larian gave Karlach a thick Welsh accent, she would've pretty much been Gimli.
Last edited by Walking Kole; 29/10/23 09:38 PM.
Joined: Nov 2021
Noone is even close. Laezel would be a distant 2nd, don't care for the others. With Halsin being my most hated companion, by a mile.
Joined: Oct 2023
Halsin is my favorite by leaps and bounds <333
Joined: Mar 2022
Joined: Jun 2019
They are all really well made but I'd say definitely Minthara followed by Shadowheart.
Bench. Squat. Deadlift. Repeat.
Joined: Oct 2021
Let's see:
1. Lae'zel is probably the best, imo. 2. Shadowheart remains high on my list. 3. Probably Astarion next. He's fascinating, and his history is deeply sad.
--after these top three, I start having more problems with the companions--
4. I'm going Gale next, although I really dislike his grandiose history. 5. Minthara, who I can't place higher because there's not enough about her in the game. 6. Karlach, I suppose is next. I can't reconcile her history with her personality. There's not enough scars, emotionally. 7. Wyll. There's something there, but the writing didn't manage to capture it, imo.
Joined: Sep 2023
Haven't done a Minthara playthrough but I'm not doing that until people claim she's really fixed which might take a while so here goes. Enjoy the ramblings for those bored enough to read it. 1. Shadowheart Biased, of course. Love her character - secretive Shar version all the way to depressed Selune version - and the story choices she gets are incredible when it comes to accepting change and loss. Her romance is very wholesome (I'm sure they all are, but she's the only one I've personally fully experienced!) and ties in very well with her story and makes the choices significantly more impactful, as she's then abandoning Shar to be with you. She just needs better story closure in act 3 in the form of a mid-cutscene hug and some post-cutscene dialogue (redemption arc, not the Dark Justiciar arc. I think that one has pretty good closure, even if the 'just make me forget' is a cheapish gimmick, it's her story's gimmick so it works). Also wish there were a few more options where you can make her doubt Shar more actively, rather than her just telling you about her doubts thanks to your influence (makes it feel it happens off screen). 2. Gale I love him trying to justify his actions in act 1 by sympathizing with NPCs in unfortunate situations, before actually telling you what's wrong with him. It's great foreshadowing and fits his character well, the naďve wizard trying to convince himself he did nothing wrong. He gets some of the best story choices out of all of the companions and very diverse ones at that (who else can blow themselves up to save the world?!). Wish there were fewer bugs with him. 3. Lae'zel Probably the best written character throughout act 1, she just starts falling a little short after. I love her no nonsense approach to everything. Everything and everyone is collateral so long as it progresses her goals. I just wish she didn't immediately jump on the Orpheus train and rather also had an option where she follows her own path (before a Persuasion roll in the epilogue). Regardless, it does fit her character as someone who serves without question, until she's persuaded enough to simply serve someone else without question instead. Very soldier-esque trait, which is what she is. 4. Astarion Beautifully written story arc, it just isn't really for me. I don't like being manipulated to that extent, but I think it's very well done. He remains a very complex character throughout with some proper struggles regarding power and abuse that allows for a great impactful decision down the line. The idea that he's been going through what he had been going through for 200 years is a bit much. It feels like numbers are being thrown around arbitrarily. If it was less time, like the other companions (except Halsin where it makes a bit more sense), then it'd have been just as impactful but more believable. 5. Wyll He's a lot more normal than the rest of the companions. He made a deal with a devil to stop an (to me) unbelievable event which can be argued away by Mizora just setting him up and making it seem more threatening than it really was. He just lacks content. And his impactful choices aren't really that impactful. He gets the choice to become Blade of Avernus rather than Grand Duke. Which is essentially claiming he'll just keep doing what he had already been doing, or going for his dad's office job. And his other impactful choice is remaining in service of Mizora or breaking free at the (for now at least) fake cost of his dad, which again is either no change, or him breaking free at essentially no cost. And he doesn't even get to choose himself, you choose that for him. He's probably more complex if you have him kill Karlach but I haven't done that. 6. Karlach People love her character and I can understand why but she's just far too cheerful for me except during her beautiful speeches. Just doesn't click with me. Her quest is also the most boring out of all of them even if it covers a very heavy topic of accepting the (currently) inevitable. But it could've been done in a way where it's more clear that it's inevitable (or as people ask for, not inevitable in the first place as the game hints it shouldn't be), and been more nuanced in general - her entire act 1 story is killing some 'paladins' and farming Infernal Iron and act 2 is.. farming more Infernal Iron. The other companions don't have very complex quests early on either but in their cases it's more about you finding out who they are and Karlach just lacks that for me. Where's the character development and choice? Rest's unranked since they're not origin (though to be fair it'd still be more or less accurately ranked). Halsin He's great in act 1 and act 2 even if he (logically) has less content. I like his dedication to getting things done. Love the notion that he's technically correct about the Underdark being the better route but at the same time wrong because the Grymforge hasn't been connected to the Temple of Shar for who knows how long. Fits the idea that he's been at it for 100 years trying to sort the Shadow Curse and things have changed drastically over time that he doesn't even know about which is why he got captured in the first place. His character just takes a massive nose dive in act 3 for me that makes him unsalvageable from that point onward. It lacks content and what's there is.. not well implemented. Jaheira The sarcastic old lady. She joins late and a lot of her story is about how famous she is and her having knowledge about everything going on because of the past, and she shrugs it all off. I also really don't like doppelgangers (boring concept imo) which her ingame story revolves around. I guess some might enjoy it, but she's not interesting to me, her character just screams nostalgia and I never played BG1/BG2 so I have no nostalgia. I might be partially biased because I blame her and Minsc having so much content in act 3 for the lack of content other companions have in act 3, but it doesn't help that I don't particularly like either of them. Minsc Pure comic relief in a game where I feel it's not welcomed, at least not at the stage where he enters the show and especially not the way he enters the show. His story arc felt incredibly anti climactic to me, I would've much rather had the Stonelord be the ruthless tyrant he was portrayed as who saw an opportunity in the chaos to overthrow the underground world. We then could've had the option to choose to go against Nine Fingers with him and the Zhentarim. Instead we get a nostalgic joke character and it's all played off as a meme while the rest of the game covers way heavier topics making his character just not fit. Astarion fits the joke making characteristics way better.
Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 01/11/23 12:54 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I love them all but my least favorite is Wyll and Halsin. They are just so bland in my opinion, they are not funny or interesting at all. I always know what Wyll is going to do or say and his only interesting bit is Mizora. Without her I would not have even recruited him.
Joined: Jun 2019
Haven't done a Minthara playthrough but I'm not doing that until people claim she's really fixed which might take a while so here goes. Enjoy the ramblings for those bored enough to read it. My understanding is that all the issues with her dialogue not triggering have been fixed, the rest is actually lack of content and not bugs.
Last edited by Visc; 31/10/23 10:03 PM.
Bench. Squat. Deadlift. Repeat.
Joined: Sep 2023
My understanding is that all the issues with her dialogue not triggering have been fixed, the rest is actually lack of content and not bugs. Fair enough, thanks! Will probably get to it then when patch 4 hits, so I can give my ramblings about her character too.