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Okay folks, let's turn the heat down and accept that we are all entitled to our different perspectives without insulting or imputing bad motives to folk who disagree with us. And that applies to people arguing both sides of this question.

It's clearly a topic that can get people emotional and worked up, so let's all try to do our bit to keep the discussion friendly, constructive and welcoming of contrasting viewpoints. We can disagree and still keep things civil.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Originally Posted by The Red Queen
Okay folks, let's turn the heat down and accept that we are all entitled to our different perspectives without insulting or imputing bad motives to folk who disagree with us. And that applies to people arguing both sides of this question.

It's clearly a topic that can get people emotional and worked up, so let's all try to do our bit to keep the discussion friendly, constructive and welcoming of contrasting viewpoints. We can disagree and still keep things civil.
I understand you, I see you and I hear you, and I agree. I think we should all be polite and civil to each other even in disagreement. Yet queer ppl coexisting with self-described "anti-woke" people is no small feat. It's extremely difficult to have a polite disagreement with someone about video games when they proudly proclaim with their whole chest that they impolitely disagree with your very right to exist.

Anyways, I've set one person in this topic to ignore and won't be engaging with them anymore. I genuinely believe that to be the best solution to quiet things down. Hopefully the rest of the conversation can be more chill.

Last edited by Nary a Care; 03/09/23 08:08 PM.

Justice For Karlach!
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Why can't we have all the endings? Ignoring pragmatism, because not all of them make sense. Remember that guy that spent his entire adult life trying to ressurect a skeleton in his basement and failing, even though he had access to one of the most powerful books on Necromancy in existance? Remember Mayrina that made a deal with a hag to try and get her husband back? Remember what Ketheric Thorm had to do in order to bring his daughter back?

THAT is the world the game is set in. Why SHOULD your Tav succeed when saving Karlach isn't even Tavs main focus? Why can't one companion die because they refuse to do the one thing that will save them? Avernus was a choice, which Karlach refused in the original version, because "It would be worse than death". I would have been fine if the writers let her die with dignity after she saved Faerun and was brave enough to choose death over servitude, but now the fan-service is done and y'all can have an ending where Karlach lives and fits with the world that Larian built. What people are asking for now is the unreasonable and the unplausible.

@Nary a care: This game is a work of art, not therapy. Larian had a story to tell. Just like with everything else (including PnP D&D) - don't bring your personal trauma into other peoples lives uninvited. Karlach's story isn't yours. No one has the right to make demands of the writers.

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Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Completely random, but what I find fascinating is how an Origin companion which isn't even included in the promotional art for the game, is stealing hearts left and right and creating such massive waves among the fans grin

Personally I also love Karlach's character and it's sad how in comparison to all the other Origin companions, she feels mostly like a random tag-along rather than someone with purpose. Larian has a really great character on their hands whose potential doesn't feel fully realized;

  • Her story journal has barely anything written in it, barely two lines... while Shadowheart and Lae'zel have an entire novel.
  • Karlach's journey is literally just Infernal Iron > Infernal Iron > GG... while Lae'zel and Shadowheart basically get entire acts all for themselves which constantly span from ACT 1 to ACT 2 to ACT 3.
  • Playing as Dark Urge, Karlach is also the only companion which has absolutely no comment in certain scenes for Dark Urge, despite every other companion having full dialogue for it. Which tells me they forgot about her.
  • Karlach's romance is also pushed aside while all the other romances are prioritized. She was my first romance in the game, yet she was the last one triggered for me to finally fully commit to her because all the other romances took priority in trying to flirt with me. Simply why.
  • Where are all the Zariel's lackeys that are supposed to find and enslave her across her journey. Something that's mentioned by her, but then completely tossed out the window and forgotten once she's recruited because Mizora says so.

This is not just an issue with Karlach's ending, this is an issue with Karlach entirely. She needs more meat in her story, more juicy content. She needs something happening between her recruitment and ACT 3 so she doesn't feel like a passive sidekick with nothing to actually do. It takes 2 whole acts before she even does anything meaningful and that's only if the player romances her. If not then she does nothing meaningful really because her story in two acts is literally just grabbing two infernal iron and that's it.

Sucks that such a captivating character received the Beast treatment from DOS2, who compared to everyone felt like an afterthought story while everyone else's was fantastically juicy and intricate.
Just saying I agree with all of this which is part of why I really feel ignored by Larian and like they don't really care about us as players.

Justice For Karlach!
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I would completely agree with you, @Raz415, were it not for the myriad counterexamples present within the game itself.

Lest we forget, the Gondians are successful in fixing this exact problem, for a literal army. The only reason why this is not possible for Karlach is because it isn't present in the game, having been (incompletely) removed at the last minute.

As for your other examples, resurrection of a skeleton is a far, far different problem than fixing an Infernal machine - which we do quite easily twice and would be required only a third time. In Mayrina's case, the Hag didn't even intend to try fixing her problem, being specifically set on inducing pain in all of those who ask for her help.

Editing for completness' sake, the case of Ketheric is clear-cut grief-induced hubris. An extreme example of unhealthy coping mechanisms, if you will, and it completely makes sense within the bounds of his character and personality. He loved his wife to death, he was equally loved by her, and the loss of both her and his daughter broke him and caused him to look for solutions in all the wrong places.

These are, indeed, both part of the universe of D&D, but when taken as a whole, they are barely footnotes to the immensity that is the rest of it.

Last edited by Arkaelus; 03/09/23 08:29 PM.

Justice for Karlach
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Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Raz415
Jesus Christ you people actually got a new ending because of your whining and you still aren't happy with it. Crying about Karlach's ending just shows how much you've missed the point of her entire character. The writers did an amazing job the first time around, and they decided to include some fan-fiction in the game for you. It's time to let it go.

"what Karlach deservers" lmfao. It's a videogame, get a grip. The story is writen by writers which decided how it will end for her. No, love doesn't save you from impending death. No, you don't always get what you want, even in Faerun. That's the sad part of her arch, if it had YET ANOTHER happy ending it would be just another ending like all the other endings you can get for your companions. If your thick heads didn't get it from all the exposition, some companions deal with different kinds of trauma. I'd be honestly disappointed if, after Karlach finally lets it all out, after all the pent-up rage and hidden sadness, you actually got her fixed so she go to Build-a-Bear and live happily ever after. That's not good writing, go watch a romcom if you think it is.

Bruh there's no fanfiction. All the add were already prepared in case of emergency. You can't fix all your Act 3 + add some dialogues in 2 weeks. The writers did an excellent job until Act 3 which is rushed.

No need to be that mad because people are arguing against the game with constructed arguments. That's a fact, the game is not finished and don't let the player have coherent ends. Karalch is part of the problem.

Plus this is based on DnD, and characters that the player meets see their destiny modified by the player's way of playing. That's why D&D is so appreciated. So it's completely stoobid to have one of the main characters see her story put on rails at the 2/3 of the story despite not so discrete invitation in Act 3 to find a solution.
It's even more stoobid when it concerns only one companion, and even even more when you have a real fix if Karlach is your main character.

That's not whining to expect a coherent and complete game from start to the end. No one ask them to have 17k ends. But if they want to do it anyway, they have to do it properly for the 17k ends without irregularity in the finish.

And I'm not even talking about how boring are all these "sad character" in every story, like all the tragic past HAVE to expect a tragic future and nothing more, but murderers, egoists, thieves, more or less all bad people can have a free redemption pass to the happiness. That's even more unjustified on a DnD game. You can kill Gods, doom entire races, but you can't fix a damn engine with the best blacksmiths and all the required furnitures ? Yes of course brillant story-telling and all, everyone will find this logical....

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Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
This is not just an issue with Karlach's ending, this is an issue with Karlach entirely. She needs more meat in her story, more juicy content. She needs something happening between her recruitment and ACT 3 so she doesn't feel like a passive sidekick with nothing to actually do.

This. Very much this! I can't agree more. It's also incredibly upsetting that a lot of leads to fixing the infernal engine end up being nothing.

And yeah, it's not like I "want a happy ending for Karlach" just because I'm having an Annie Wilkes moment disagreeing with the writer's vision. I want her questline to be finished.

That's why this thread exists.

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Seeing as that person is still going while I'm trying to disengage from arguing with them, I might not have many options aside from getting moderators involved...sigh...

Last edited by Nary a Care; 03/09/23 08:54 PM.

Justice For Karlach!
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Originally Posted by Mighty Melvo
Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
This is not just an issue with Karlach's ending, this is an issue with Karlach entirely. She needs more meat in her story, more juicy content. She needs something happening between her recruitment and ACT 3 so she doesn't feel like a passive sidekick with nothing to actually do.

This. Very much this! I can't agree more. It's also incredibly upsetting that a lot of leads to fixing the infernal engine end up being nothing.

And yeah, it's not like I "want a happy ending for Karlach" just because I'm having an Annie Wilkes moment disagreeing with the writer's vision. I want her questline to be finished.

That's why this thread exists.


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Feel I must apologise for this, my intent was to keep the reply as... indistinct as possible, but I failed to point it to the correct message and it got posted as general.

Justice for Karlach
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And yes, I gotta say; the fact that they give you an option to have a "good ending" if you PLAY as Karlach but not if you have her as a COMPANION is even more insulting and there's just no excuse for Larian not to have options for both.

Last edited by Nary a Care; 03/09/23 09:10 PM.

Justice For Karlach!
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This is a brilliant point. I think I genuinely repressed it due to its beyond-frustrating nature...

Justice for Karlach
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Originally Posted by Nary a Care
And yes, I gotta say; the fact that they give you an option to have a "good ending" if you PLAY as Karlach but not if you have her as a COMPANION is even more insulting and there's just no excuse for Larian not to have options for both.

That's just another fact that proves that Karlach's story was rushed and needs to be finished smile I'm pretty sure Larian folks know about that, I only wish they will not abandon and finish it in due time.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Raz415
THAT is the world the game is set in. Why SHOULD your Tav succeed when saving Karlach isn't even Tavs main focus? Why can't one companion die because they refuse to do the one thing that will save them? Avernus was a choice, which Karlach refused in the original version, because "It would be worse than death". I would have been fine if the writers let her die with dignity after she saved Faerun and was brave enough to choose death over servitude, but now the fan-service is done and y'all can have an ending where Karlach lives and fits with the world that Larian built. What people are asking for now is the unreasonable and the unplausible.

This game is a choice based RPG, and Tav is not some prebuilt character like in The Witcher who has their own predetermined wants and goals. Tav is MY character, and I determine what his main focus is, not some arbitrary template that you have thrust upon them. Also, Larian didn't build this world, it is a world that they were given which has its own rules, which for the rest of the game Larian follows without issue. The fact in this one specific case they don't is not a good design choice. In fact it is so egregious I can only assume that it wasn't intentional and was not a design choice, but simply a matter of lack of time.

Finally, it's very disingenuous to attempt to imply that someone has mental health issues because they disagree with what you're saying.

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Originally Posted by Arkaelus
I would completely agree with you, @Raz415, were it not for the myriad counterexamples present within the game itself.

Lest we forget, the Gondians are successful in fixing this exact problem, for a literal army. The only reason why this is not possible for Karlach is because it isn't present in the game, having been (incompletely) removed at the last minute.

As for your other examples, resurrection of a skeleton is a far, far different problem than fixing an Infernal machine - which we do quite easily twice and would be required only a third time. In Mayrina's case, the Hag didn't even intend to try fixing her problem, being specifically set on inducing pain in all of those who ask for her help.

Editing for completness' sake, the case of Ketheric is clear-cut grief-induced hubris. An extreme example of unhealthy coping mechanisms, if you will, and it completely makes sense within the bounds of his character and personality. He loved his wife to death, he was equally loved by her, and the loss of both her and his daughter broke him and caused him to look for solutions in all the wrong places.

These are, indeed, both part of the universe of D&D, but when taken as a whole, they are barely footnotes to the immensity that is the rest of it.

I completely agree with you. These examples I gave were to illustrate just how desperate people are bring dead ones back. People would do anything to avoid death, even the rich and powerful. The LENGTHS people go to for staying alive is a big part of BG3 (and so it was in BG2 as well). Act 3 being subpar is just an unfortunate fact, but we have what we have for now. I'm certain Larian will make things better. The thing with Karlachs infernal engine is that it was crazy easy to fix it twice. It went about like this:
- OK imma hammer this metal exactly four times. Cool cool now you just have to install it yourself.
"Oh my, where will we find a surgeon? thinks Tav"
- Like this? (camera pans away, Karlach touches her robe covered chest)
- Yep. All done. Maybe I come up with some ideas later!
And later he doth come with new ideas.
- OK, ready for round 2?
- Yep!
And then Karlach could hug people.

I mean... everything could have been done better. But you know what, this thread is living proof that even so Larian created a wonderful character that people love. I cried my eyes out during her dialogue after
she killed Gortash.
. What annoys me is that entitled people start accusing Larian of this and that while forgetting who brought them this game and this character in the first place. Yeah, by all means, give feedback. But making demands and biting the hand that gave an extra ending...

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Originally Posted by Nessius
Finally, it's very disingenuous to attempt to imply that someone has mental health issues because they disagree with what you're saying.

While I appreciate you standing up for me, I don't think there's any reasoning with this person. I'm just going to report them because it's starting to get uncomfortably close to harassment for my liking.

Justice For Karlach!
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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Mighty Melvo
Originally Posted by Nary a Care
And yes, I gotta say; the fact that they give you an option to have a "good ending" if you PLAY as Karlach but not if you have her as a COMPANION is even more insulting and there's just no excuse for Larian not to have options for both.

That's just another fact that proves that Karlach's story was rushed and needs to be finished smile I'm pretty sure Larian folks know about that, I only wish they will not abandon and finish it in due time.
My biggest fear is abandoning it is exactly what they're going to do when it's clear the story needs more work.

Justice For Karlach!
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Joined: Aug 2023
But... they so obviously didn't offer an extra ending, it's literally just the "she goes to Avernus" ending, but with more detail... Calling this a different and new ending is disingenuous in itself.

As for biting the hand, I may be mistaken, but literally nobody bit any hand, all complaints are focused around the fact that the ending is thoroughly unsatisfying due to the fact that the story was quite obviously marred by rough and significant cuts made to its contents. If any complaint has been levied directly at Larian, it has been done so on the basis that they didn't deliver everything they advertised mere months before release, fact yet again made obvious by the very content which is missing. This not only affected Karlach, but as everyone has pointed out, it affected the story's sense of logic, pacing and fullness, especially visible within the last Act, with ramifications spanning back to the first two - I include here the thoroughly "meh" presentation of the remaining two Chosen who literally just show up, talk for a bit, and then get splattered (which goes against the very thing the story would want us to feel around them), Minthara's missing content, Upper City mansions being accessible through guard towers because the Upper City is missing in its entirety, which is just... ridiculous however you choose to look at it, and many, many other aspects. We're not here to ask Larian for a different story, we're here to ask Larian to finish the story they themselves presented as being within the final product.

Last edited by Arkaelus; 03/09/23 09:31 PM.

Justice for Karlach
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I think there's some miscommunication here. No one is making demands of anyone, we are simply registering our displeasure about a current design choice. I'm very happy they cared enough to add an extra ending for Karlach, it speaks to how much they care about us and the game. I have FULL faith that Larian will be expanding on her ending in the future, but they can't fix it if they don't know that people care.

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Well then I hope they know that I very much care and it's actually a very important issue for me. The more we look at it, the harder it is to justify the way it currently is now.

Justice For Karlach!
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