Greetings. I registered on the forum looking for information on Halsin's romance since I have my elf druid (one of my favorite classes) and I think they could be the couple of the year. I saw that the romance doesn't start until act 3 so I hurried to get there, I wanted to see that part and the disappointment was immense. Halsin's romance has great potential to be tremendously sweet like Gale's, but it is currently very incomplete.

1- There is a lack of romantic interactions in act 1 and 2, even though you don't have sex, like with the rest of the companions

2-I think there is a lack of interaction in general of a romantic type, romantic cinematographic... although when there are they are very sweet

3- There is a lack of options in their dialogues: I don't need anything else either, and having a monogamous relationship seems open to this but there are no options in a game of elections precisely

4- The ending is horrible, and leaves a very bad taste in the mouth. You have invested many hours in the game and in that relationship so that even though he loves you and you love him, that relationship is a fleeting adventure. What sense does this have? Again there are no options even though you could fit in his future

I was so disappointed that I deleted that game, now I'm playing a druid without rushing, watching everything calmly. To be honest, I think that the entire act three needs a review, the game also needs to correct the endings of the rest of the romances and restore the long epilogues, for example: Gale's romance is wonderful as is Astarion (I recommend them, especially Gale) but they have dependencies on weird flags and don't always jump even if you check everything and they are terribly sparse. I also think that it would also help to have a fixed option with your romance to sleep together in the dialogue like in other games, it would give a feeling of intimacy and continuity, in addition to your romance reacting as if it were your love and not just any NPC, but that's my personal opinion. I think they will review and correct these things shortly, very briefly, and that we will be able to enjoy Halsin and the others satisfactorily.

Last edited by Chiquidmaster; 04/09/23 08:59 PM.