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#890609 02/09/23 02:34 PM
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I finished my first playthrough this week, and I loved my experience throughout the game. There are some minor and major issues that I have with the story and characters, but i want to focus on the titular aspect of the games writing.

Any game and story will have some aspects that are better than others, but when you decide to adapt already established characters and follow up on stories already told in full, a writer faces a problem. Especially so in a Role Playing Game, given the nature of player driven story telling by the means of choice and consequence being the foundational pillar of any RPG. Who can decide what counts as the "Official Sequence of Events" or Canon, regarding something so epic in scope and full of choice as the Bhaalspawn Saga. It is not Wizards of the Coast, it is not some Wiki on the Internet, it isnt even Larian, although this is of course their story in principle. It is the Player.

Disregarding players unfamiliar with the classic Baldurs Gate Trilogy for a moment, a returning player will always carry certain expectations, hopes and wants with him, specifically colored by the choices and subsequent story developments they experienced for themselves. This "Headcanon" isnt a consequence of filling in gaps in a story, as is mostly the case when using the term. It is the collective experience and resulting "Canon" for the individual player. This must be respected by any story, that wishes to build on what has come before it. Regarding new players, I'd like to refer to the Pillars of Eternity and it's Sequel. The game offered returning players a save import choice, but more importantly, it gave a questionaire type Menu, that allowed all player to set a "World State" lets call it, emulating the choices one would have took in the first game, that had impact on the 2nd game, even carrying over permadeaths of returning companions. It showcased that save imports weren't needed to respect player choice, further proving that a singular canon sequence of events wasn't necessary to adapt elements of a story that were dependant on player choice.

With the introduction out of the way, Major Spoiler Warning going forward:

Let's start with the playable pair.
Jaheira and Minsc are both excellently done in regards to their writing in general, but especially their personality and unique quirks. They're both an authentic adaptation of the character they were AND that they could have become, given the established (BG1/2/3, disregarding other sources) events between the end of the Bhaalspawn Crisis and the start of the Absolute Crisis. Minsc isn't really difficult to get right, i actually like his "official" 5e portayal, because it is Minsc as he always was. Matt Mercer is an excellent VA and although it took a few lines until his voice started to not sound too different, I really like his potrayal of Minsc, especially his interactions with Boo and Jaheira.
Speaking of Jaheira, not only did they cast the perfect VA for her, the writers show excellent understanding of the character. They nailed her Character and made her ambigious enough regarding past events so as not to invalidate any preset image that one might have of her, while still being able to put a new spin on her. I enjoyed her interactions in Act 3 so much. From how she talked to Ninefingers, to her willingness to give everything if it meant saving minsc, not to mention her home and family. I had really feared that they ruin Jaheira, by making her a romance option, by making her the canon love of Gorions Ward, or by any of the stupid decisions "Official" sources took over the years. Instead I found an old friend, that showed signs of age and change, but that i recognized for who they were. And when i found Khalids Pendant, I truly knew they had done justice to the character.

It pains me, that i cant say the same for the other 2 returning characters.
Let's start with Viconia. Viconia is a fascinating character in the original Games. As a priestess of Lloth, she refused to ritually sacrifice an infant, causing House DeVir to fall out of the Spider Godesses favor. That led to open war with other Houses, Viconias Mother trying to sacrifice her daughter to appease Lloth, her brother killing their Mother and getting subsequently turned into a Drider. Viconia lost her divine powers and was forced into exile. On the surface she faced horrible treatment from people that expected nothing less in return. Until she met Gorions Ward. Throughout their journey together, she changed from an abrasive, arrogant, socially inept and cruel person to someone that would put her trust in others, making an effort to help her companions, in her own unique way, and ultimately becoming a better person, reflected in the game by changing Alignment from Neutral Evil to True Neutral.

The "Viconia" in BG3 doesn't resemble any iteration of this character. She puts Shadowheart to 40 years or more of cruel, twisted torture, abducting her, abusing her, mind wiping her, forcing her to torture her own parents, all in the name of Shar. She is an even worse character, than as a Priestess of Lloth. She got retconned into betraying her own cult in Waterdeep, once again all in the name of Shar. She turned from a, for Drow standards, deeply empathetic but misguided character, to a sadistic, vicious, fanatical Zealot full of contempt.

What i would have expected to find, was a stern, stoic person, being a strict, yet maternal figure to Shadowheart, seeing herself in her, trying to instill her philospohy into her to mould her into what Viconia thinks Shadowheart needs to be, to not only succeed her, but to survive the erratic decisions and Ambitions that Shar will put on Shadowheart as Mother Superior, once she suceeds Viconia. You can see this behaviour in how she speaks and "helps", or atleast tries to help, troubled female companions in BG2, like Aerie and Imoen, aswell. Her Struggle to shield Shadowheart from Shars Dark Ambitions, while still appeasing her and seeing to her duties as Mother Superior would have made for an excellent character struggle, befitting her Character, and making the Divide between Shar and Selune, that defines Shadowhearts entire story even more ambigious, ultimately making both paths morally grey instead of a clear black and white. This is not what i wished this would have been after finishing the game mind you, this was my expectation after 3 Acts of Shadowhearts story, romancing her, getting to know her and hearing her speak about her upbringing, and especially how she talks about the Mother Superior before and after an eventual turn to Selune.

The absolute worst offender is her "dialogue" or rather lack thereof. As with a certain other character in the games finale, there is absolutely no dialogue talking place. The Person posing as Viconia is yelling a few jarringly out of character lines and only really reveals herself to be a cartoon villain, then a fight ensues. Even with Minsc and Jaheira in tow, there was nothing i could say or do that let me have any agency in this, it is as bland and binary as having literal WW2 Nazis as a final villain for Shadowhearts story. Viconia and Jaheira stood at the top of the Throne of Bhaal together and you want to tell me, this is how their reunion would go do down? Beside the fact that Viconia would never do any of this, given the prevalence of Act 2 "Dialogue-Bossfights" and their relation to Shar, why isn't this final encounter handled in this way aswell? Lets say Larian specifically wanted this vision for the finale of this story and replaced the Mother Superior for a different Character, it still is an absolute letdown of a finale, given the path we took to get their. There should be a deeply philosphiocal debate about Shar and Selune, that ultimately results in either the battle, or acceptance of Shadowhearts decisions, maybe even siding with us against the extremist followers of her demanding Shadowhearts Death.

It would have been better to not include Viconia at all, than to have this travesty of a misread on who truly Viconia is, an empathetic but arrogant Outcast, that only ever wanted to be free of the subjugation, others wanted to impose upon her.

Sarevok... Where to begin? Sarevok is a truly evil person. He embraced his divine heritage, but not out of fervor or admiration for his father. Sarevok thought little of Bhaal, seeing him as nothing more than a stepping stone for his own ambitions. He conspired against his own (adoptive) father to take control of the Iron Throne, he succesfully orchestrated a masterplan to take control of Baldurs Gate and sow chaos across the Sword Coast, with the ultimate goal being the Ascension of the Throne of Bhaal, becoming the new Lord of Murder. After his death, his essence was sent to the aforementioned Throne, where Gorions Ward encountered him twice more where he pledged his aid and arms in the battles to come to the brother that had bested him, thwarted his ambitions and cast him into oblivion, leading to Gorion's Ward to part with a piece of their own divine essence (or Imoens for that matter) to resurrect Sarevok. After that, he engages you in multiple deeply philosophical discussions, about fate, morality and death. He offers you an oath, so that you can be assured in his loyalty, which you can decline. He is completly dumbfounded by this, as he cant see reason in the fact that you trust him after all that he has done. Throughout these interactions, if one succesfully challenges his views through debate, Sarevok ultimately turns from Chaotic Evil to Chaotic Good, a fact that is reflected in his Dialogue and Voice Over. As with Viconia, he becomes a totally different person. It was a compelling and inspiring story about absolute evil being overcome and ultimately redeemed. If he wasn't redeemed, his Fate was to repeat his own mistakes and ultimately be bested again, whether it be by his Brothers hand once more or not. People that have played BG3 should realize by now how significant Fate as a concept is in this world.

When i saw Sarevok at the Tribunal I was struck with disbelief. I thought, "He must be Shapeshifter, ofcourse!". And after a really well done bossfight, I stood before his corpse. Not a Shapeshifters corpse, the corpse of Sarevok Anchev.

The game wants you to believe that he is a worshipper of Bhaal, a ludicrous suggestion, he despised Bhaal in his Life, and regardless of the players actions in ToB, gives up on his dreams of ascension. But even more than a worshipper, he seems to be his high priest succeeding Amelyssan, lording over the Tribunal. The only way any of this can even remotely fit in with the story and character of Sarevok Anchev, is if he was indeed a Shapeshifter all along, impersonating Sarevok, for his sheer presence would help boost the fervor of the cults initiates through the Tribunal. Bhaal would get revenge against his traitorous son that allied with Gorions Ward to thwart his plans, by using Sarevoks Legacy in a way that would make him go mad with rage. Orin gets to make her little play pretend psycho family. And Sarevok gets to not have his Legacy ruined by one of the worst cases of character assassinations i have seen in my life.

Sarevok Anchev is my second favourite Villain of all time. His story and legacy mean alot to me and I cant fathom how one of the most iconic, well defined characters of the setting could ever be misrepresented in such a severe fashion.

On one hand, while these two character "Interpretations" left a sour aftertaste, they didnt ruin my experience. On the other hand, a friend of mine, the one that got me into Baldurs Gate in the first place, lost all drive to continue playing after meeting these two characters. He is a massive fan of the Classic games, having first played them in his formative years and many times since. I can absolutely relate to his negative experience and i suspect he wont be the only person with this kind of reaction. I honestly hope, that Larian is willing to go back and make changes to certain parts of the story. These two Characters do not even resemble their Original versions, and that is absolutely unacceptable. It is a show of utter disrespect and ignorance towards two of the greatest character arcs in RPG history and it makes me wonder how they got Jaheira right in the first place.

If this wont get addressed for an eventual "Definitive Edition", the game really doesnt deserve to be called Baldurs Gate 3, regardless of how excellent it is in almost all other aspects.

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Fret not, it is getting increasingly difficult to fruitfully discuss the story of the game behind spoilers but least you made the effort in the first post. Our moderators are doing a good job there, but perhaps it would make sense if this section was divided into categories by Act, so we could get into it more without worrying about plot reveals.

Anyhow I had a very similar impression overall.

I thought Jaheira was handled brilliantly and it really made the entire game for me. Her alone. She did that! haha. Ok not entirely, but it really made me smile when she eventually showed up and I've kept smiling. Jaheira's reintroduction was fantastic for me, and totally worked, even for someone who probably played like 20,000 hours of BG over the years, and who can think of a gamesave for every corner of that head cannon lol.

That said Jaheira was not the most important Baldur's Gate character to me personally, as that position was always occupied by...

In BG1 and BG2, if Jaheira was in the party when the first encounter with Viconia took place, then Jaheira's the one who gives Charname permission to take the hit on reputation and encourages us to welcome this Drow gal into the fold. She suggests this via bark in BG2 as well, that she's fully on board here, and thinks it's a 'good idea', wise even.

This really establishes Jaheira as classically druidic in her thinking on the subject, and a better Harper than most, for actually believing in the possibility of redemption. In BG2 Viconia takes over the role of Minsc's Witch after Dynaheir, and he goes Berzerk to save her when the pricks in the temple district are trying to burn her alive. Viconia challenges the PC's notions of villainy the whole game, leaning into it or away from it depending on Charname's choices, and her romance was one of the sequel defining arcs. She is the quintessential outcast background.

This isn't like running into Kivan again or something. Viconia was a much bigger deal to the Saga, so the idea that we could meet her again after all these years but not have a way to bring her out of retirement stings a bit. Also, she is practically the archetype for what is now covered by Seldarin Drow. I mean Drizzt was just somebody with the boss armor to strip in BG, I mean right, but Viconia was along for the whole ride. I feel like everything between her and Jaheira or Minsc should have nuance. Even if the player doesn't understand what makes this particular Drow lady different than say Minthara (who starts out pretty psycho and instantly gets blood on our hands). Viconia was like the opposite of that, even if our hands weren't totally clean there either. To recruit her initially you had to trust your gut, or follow your heart, and show some deference to neutrality over law. It was a nice way to handle that in BG1/2 and I think BG3 needs a bit more of a nod to the same. To me it makes perfect sense that she'd end up in charge of a Sharran cult, as she was always fervent. I mean for her "Shar" was a one-liner lol, so sure, of course. But just to put things in perspective, 9 times out of 10 Minsc got chunked to oblivion in my games, but Viconia stuck it out all the way to Hell and back. She's a hero of Baldur's Gate, much as anyone, even if Karlach never heard about it, probably cause Viconia prefers to keep her secrets.

Why can't she crack wise at Jaheira on that score in some endearing way? I mean that would feel right. Like they meet each other again, kinda shocked, and exchange some insider banter that makes it very clear this is a reunion with some weight to it. She should say something amusing on all those ballads the bards have been writing about Jaheira, and poke a bit of fun there. More of a VH1 behind the music there, if we can get a y2k callback ya know hehe. I totally agree that shadow philosophy and the Shar/Selune dichotomy should be centered here, and clear the stage a bit so there's some more room for that heheh.

Last edited by Black_Elk; 02/09/23 06:14 PM.
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I basically had the same reaction. Jaheira - perfection, from writing to voice acting (and the much appreciated vagueness about Gorion's Ward). Minsc - almost as well done, great fun to have around.

Sarevok - very disappointed. I can't accept this ending for him, not after starting to genuinely regard him as a sort of sibling by the end of ToB and helping him work out his redemption. Brother and sisters standing together to defy their divine father in the end - so awesome. My headcanon says this was just a shade like the other ones and I'm not budging on that.

Viconia - no opinion, I've never had her in my party, but I completely understand the disappointment. If they made a BG4 and decided to bring Astarion back as a cackling evil subvillain I would be furious.

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I'm low key in love with Jaheira in this game - she is just perfect.

I haven't met the otehr three yet. I'm on my way to get
, so let's see, how that goes.
I never had strong feelings for the other two and in fact seldom used them in my playthroughs, so I might not even see, if they
are out of character

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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You hit the nail on the head regarding the latter two returning companions.

The playable pair were definitely better but I was still disappointed with how they were implemented.

Jaheira was by far the best of the four. She had the same sarcastic, tough-as-nails, but caring personality I remember and I appreciated all of her interactions in the city. My main gripe is that she joins your party as a level 7 adventurer. Last I remember of her, she was fighting near-Gods with me in Throne of Bhaal. Maybe one can wave hands and just say "well she's old now" but it felt pretty immersion-breaking for me. She can also die really easily in the Moonrise attack if you don't ask to recruit her for the fight (which can be a pretty reasonable thing to do without realizing, if you don't want to mess up your current party comp), which is a disappointing end to the character.

Minsc however was not at all fleshed out as much as Jaheira was, with minimal dialogue, no real quests, and an appearance so late in the game that you barely get to know him. He felt more like a tacked on cameo. And he was also given... a 12 in strength, when his enormous strength in the originals was a hallmark of his character! That doesn't seem like the guy who tore the bars apart with his bare hands in Irenicus' dungeon. I always built him in the heaviest armour you could find and slapped on a two-handed sword or halberd to smack his enemies, but that just doesn't make sense here anymore. Meanwhile he was also given a 15 in wisdom... his lowest stat in the originals (at 6), which made perfect sense for his character. No one should ever describe MInsc as wise, yet here we are. It felt like Larian just saw that his original class was a "ranger", gave him ranger stats, and didn't think about it further at all. This wasn't the Minsc I remember.

But perhaps the most disappointing thing is what happens if you don't recruit Jaheira in Act 2. When you find Minsc in Act 3 you have no way to snap him out of his delusions and you are forced to kill him and watch Boo mourn his dead body. It's one of the biggest slaps in the face for a character's ending.

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Oh oh also...

She needs better hair! They really should have anticipated this from the many discussions about Minthara's hair hehe.

Right now her part is off. They also nixed her beauty mark over the lip. I'm not too attached to the BG2 portrait on that one, cause it was a rip (the BG1 portrait is better in my view and this Viconia does feel more like the BG1 Viconia to me) but they obviously went with more of a BG2 approach to her trim there. I think they should have kept her in a hood for the reveal and left more of her face in Shadow that way.

Ted Arfken did a nice concept for her a couple years ago... I liked his idea for Jaheira as well. The both have the Elf thing going with the larger eyes and wider set, but mostly I just liked the vibe and outfit there...

[Linked Image from]

I think if we don't get to see Shar save her from the Spider Queen's vengeance then that's bound to be a let down. I read somewhere the suggestion that we should be able to trade out for Viconia when we get to that point so we could still have a Cleric. But to me it would be more fun to have them together. You know like, "I hate what you've done with your hair, and what are you wearing!" Griefing Shadowheart about not having enough tattoos for a justiciar her age, and "I don't care what your aunt Jaheira said!!!" heheh. Seems like it could have been a goldmine for some clutch banter.

To me the thing which doesn't fit and isn't going to sit right is the idea that Viconia is the one who's primarily responsible for Shadowheart's woes, like from childhood, by the implication. Shadowheart's quest becomes all about finding her "parents" and getting to the bottom of that mystery, but if you want to do that right, we as the protagonist should be able to play out the dysfunctional family, with the lesson that 'mother' has an inherently redemptive angle, even Shar. You need a reveal which lends more weight to the value of the obscure there.

Like where we don't do what Viconia asks, and lie to protect Shadowheart, and then doing that is the thing which makes Viconia actually trust us. When we find out some sub-plot stuff there, that makes every dark choice of Shadowheart's still seem like maybe it was the right call after all. In a more morally ambiguous universe, where gods are intervening and all these peeps are just sorta hapless proxies for the divine wills at work, at least. Instead of a Mommy Dearest set up, where we just want to see that person get instantly off'd, cause we're on team Shadowheart now, instead it could have been a whole schtick with the dysfunctional Sharran side of the adoptive family tree there hehe. Viconia was a fantastic BG character! Of all the companions who made it through to the sequel she'd have been the longest lived.

By this point she should be among the wisest people we speak to in the entire game. She's both older and wiser than Jaheira, but what does that mean here lol. According to her BG2 starting stats, Viconia was the one who must have read all the wisdom tomes in BG1 hehe. I mean for real, by now she should be like the Heraclitus of Faerun on that score, imparting the revealed wisdom of a priestess who's served Shar for centuries already.

I'm happy to see her in BG3, I just want more, and better!!! Always for that one!

ps. This is pretty much exactly what I would want as well...

Originally Posted by Vlad the Inhaler
What i would have expected to find, was a stern, stoic person, being a strict, yet maternal figure to Shadowheart, seeing herself in her, trying to instill her philospohy into her to mould her into what Viconia thinks Shadowheart needs to be, to not only succeed her, but to survive the erratic decisions and Ambitions that Shar will put on Shadowheart as Mother Superior, once she suceeds Viconia. You can see this behaviour in how she speaks and "helps", or atleast tries to help, troubled female companions in BG2, like Aerie and Imoen, aswell. Her Struggle to shield Shadowheart from Shars Dark Ambitions, while still appeasing her and seeing to her duties as Mother Superior would have made for an excellent character struggle, befitting her Character, and making the Divide between Shar and Selune, that defines Shadowhearts entire story even more ambigious, ultimately making both paths morally grey instead of a clear black and white. This is not what i wished this would have been after finishing the game mind you, this was my expectation after 3 Acts of Shadowhearts story, romancing her, getting to know her and hearing her speak about her upbringing, and especially how she talks about the Mother Superior before and after an eventual turn to Selune.

Pps. Also really doesn't matter what the Wizards say on this count, just to premempt that, cause it wont matter to the reaction I have. The wizards made a lame call there, like a real ball dropper, and Larian should help them walk it back, because this is super high profile compared to novelizations that nobody read. I don't care about Karlach's ending nearly as much as this one. Whatever canon plot points have to have happened, the game should respond to player nostalgia and allow us to tease out sensible motivations or uncover a hidden truth via initial dialogue prompts, so she can have a proper send off. Let it remain a mystery, historical obscurity, a secret where nobody knows for sure what really happened. But don't run roughshod over those fond memories ya know, by forcing her into a one note. She's right at the beating heart of the game's legacy for many. I hope they revisit this stuff for their final cut.

Last but not least, the choice to handle this particular character in that particular way runs entirely counter to everything else we've heard from the higher ups regarding how they want us to reimagine that particular fantasy race. Instead they've been flattened back down into a pancake. Undid all that work with one stroke. I'm not sure they quite realize that's what they've done, but if you think of it from that frame, they've basically painted 'em right back into that corner. The Character I'm talking about was an exemplar of running counter to type in that way. She broke the mold on it (with Ashideena probably lol) and is possibly the reason we have certain options foregrounded in the PHB now. They should do her up right, the way they did Jaheira!

Either that or we learn she's been Orin in disguise the entire time, from the very start. Shadowheart raised by doppelgangers twist. Like seriously, if they have to fix it like that, then fine. But gotta do something here.

Last edited by Black_Elk; 02/09/23 10:37 PM.
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OK running with that last idea here's the scene they need to fix it for her...

Dialog prompt:

"VIconia DeVir, the stories say she was..."

1. the best
2. the worst
3. Nod to Jaheira indicating she should take the lead on this one
4. "this is absurd!" (current default)

If you choose 1 or 3, then Jaheira steps in front of Shadowheart with her hand motioning to stay back. Says...

"Don't listen to her! This is not Viconia De'Vir who stood with me atop the Throne of Bhaal! She passed long ago into shadow.
This is an imposter!"

Then boom - Viconia polymorphs into a Greater Doppelganger! Jaheira barks "nature take the life she gave!"

Problem solved. You do the same with Minsc or Boo. Maybe Minsc isn't so sure, but Boo senses something is off so - presto!

No hard feelings right. Just fix it. Make it happen! hehe

Last edited by Black_Elk; 02/09/23 11:12 PM.
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I feel much the same. The returning characters run the gamut between well done and hard to understand.
I was delighted by Minsc’s translation, but considering you’re not really working with a great deal to begin with, I considered Minsc a layup for the team. Unlike some others I actually would have found greater deviation from old Minsc more forgivable and interesting.
I’m also happy Larian didn’t ruin the fun of Boo.

I also thought Jaheira was well done. Very faithful to the original games but not to the point of arresting her development as a character. I totally bought the hardbitten, wished she could be a cynic put on. And her relationship with the city for that matter.

As for the returning characters who weren’t spoiled before release.

Sarevok never struck me as a fanatic . His attitude toward Bhaal and godhood always seemed pretty matter of fact. But I have trouble understanding the motivations of anyone in a murder cult, so who knows. That extends to Orin I don’t really understand her motivations, or maybe they’re just too simplistic to be interesting. Sarevoks journal says he was brought back in BG2 but very little of the interesting development for his character there seems to have occurred, nor does much seem to have happened to him since then except falling in the Doppelgängers again and continuing Bhaals work. If they made more clear he was the revenant of only part of Sarevok I might more easily have bought in, but much like his VO there’s just something lacking.

And Viconia. I’ve felt like reserving my judgment here before playing as Shadowheart, there seems to be more going on here that Tav isn’t party to. As Tav, Viconia is little more than a cameo. One who I have trouble matching up with the original games.

No point in denying I’m a Viconia fan, I don’t usually go through BG2 without a spot for her (or Jaheira and Minsc for that matter) and going to the Underdark without her is leaving a lot on the table. Maybe for that reason I’m trying to be more impartial than is reasonable, still based solely on Jenevelle’s story it doesn’t seem like the Viconia in BG3 would have survived the first two games.

Thanks to BG3’s notoriously spoilery journal entries Viconiam’s cell has gone rogue adding to my interest in her story despite there not seeming to be much there to discover.

I like the game. I like the story, I like the characters better, but maybe because of that I find all the rough spots on the road where it’s underwritten or drops plots all the more glaring.

Last edited by Sozz; 03/09/23 04:38 AM.
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I think V should be recruitable, and then once in your party should have dialogue to explore different aspects of her story/

First off because to ally with her you have to give her SH, so now you're out a cleric. Recruiting her would gamewise make sense.

There's actually alot of potential in the story larian has given her. Running the HoG, providing aid and helping people, all in the name of an evil goddess, and then her part in the mission, sending SH to get the artifact because who cares if Shar didn't tell her to save the world, she lives in the world and has saved it before so yeah she's going to prove to Shar she is a best priest of Shar by ignoring her orders and saving the world to spite her.

That has SO MUCH potential as a good story, but BG3 is about SH so it makes it all about SH, if we could recruit V after giving her SH, we'd get to hear her side of the story and give her some agency and power back over her story.

as for S

I don't like it, but compared to 5e canon, he is a homeless drug-addicted priest of Bhaal who lives on the streets of BG city, tormented by his immortality.
That was bad, and mean spirited and gross. Him being a powerful cult leader and a grandfather, it undermines his ToB story but it's better than M&BBoV

I can kind of see how, if he became lost he could find identity and power in the cult of bhaal, even if he doesn't believe those who do worship him and it's not like he can return to the Iron Throne. So I guess it works?

Last edited by Starshine; 03/09/23 06:59 AM.

Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove!
Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak
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Originally Posted by Starshine
I don't like it, but compared to 5e canon, he is a homeless drug-addicted priest of Bhaal who lives on the streets of BG city, tormented by his immortality.

It's baffling that WotC seems incapable of reading a script. Sarevok lost his immortality when he got resurrected in ToB. He lives on as a mortal, how can his non-existenst Immortality torment him?

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An important thing is this, if the character was recruitable, nothing else about their set up or reintroduction in the plot actually matters all that much.

Once you get them from point B to point A (into the party) then whether they work or not is down to things like banter and how it feels to actually have them along for the ride.

This is why Jaheira works, cause she has room for that to happen.

If all you got from Jaheira was her plot point re-introduction it would be the same way, but as soon as you get to bring her on board you can ignore all that in favor of what you have in mind. You know, to fit your own story about it. You really don't want the player forced into these party break, either/or situations, we should want to add to the party. It's a better strategy with more room to play around.

This is a key difference between the returning Characters.

They aren't actually returning if we can't recruit them as companions with agency that they can borrow from the Protagonist.

To gate one character's content behind another is a miss I think, everywhere that happens, like to the point about playing an Origin instead for this if somehow the characterization is different there. Somehow I doubt that, but even if it was, the experience of the Tav should take priority.

For me the canon party of BG2, mine was was Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc, Viconia and Edwin, since that was our party of returning old timers. Imoen is kidnapped so you get a rotating slot for your full cast of 6. Sure some people would trade em out for the other BG2 companions at various points, or try to make a party where everyone agrees and has the same alignment, but if you wanted the funny banter and cutthroat romances, it was hard to top the gold standards. In BG3 we have Minsc and Jaheira which while fun, we are still missing that villainous touchstone for the stroll down memory lane.

I can't be the only one who wants to get misty eyed when...

Viconia puts her hand on Shadowheart's shoulder and says "Shar looks upon us with favor" right before we all leap down that chasm to fight the biggest spider queen's spider that's ever been in a computer game! hehe I mean come on! Right?

also, specifically regarding the visualization. Thing there is that we already had nearly the perfect look. It is head 1, default hair. This one...

[Linked Image from]

Like all you really need to do is up the maturity slider (only 10-15% max on that for an Elf), move the skin tone palette a few swatches to the right, slightly darker eyes. Put her in a hood and we are are pretty much good to go. I think the VA is fine, but when recruited you need a good bark set that fits. If the character was recruitable then an appearance respec would easily allow people to choose among the default options at camp, which is fine for me. Key is to get her in the party, ideally not having to trade out another character for that.

If Larian can't pull this off, then the first mod who does will have the gratitude of many returning BG players. I think the set up mentioned earlier would work quite well for a mod...

We already have a Jaheira cinematic for a dopelganger reveal, so this could be repeated. Simple option would be, current Viconia does an Orin/Dopelganger morph, and we find recruitable Viconia bound in a nearby room after that fight concludes. Shadowheart repeats dialogue about memories and memories she can't access. Viconia delivers a line indicating that all those memories were deceptions and that Orin has been twisting her mind. Posing as Mother Superior, posing as Shar to warp the acolytes, that sort of angle. You could blend the lines of Shar from the Gauntlet with Orins to play this up. All the stuff about Shadowheart torturing her own parents turns out to be false, the wolf memory is also incomplete. In the end Shadowheart comes to understand the wolf was also family. Viconia didn't wipe her mind, that was Orin and the Dopelgangers - Bhaal's revenge against Viconia for all that stuff she did last time - to break her adopted child and successor and twist the knife with his chosen. Everything that's happened since before Shadowheart even left Baldur's Gate and wound up on the Nautiloid. Viconia then gets us onto a more wise sort of clairvoyance about the events that have taken place surrounding Shadowheart and the stuff that's now about to go down, in dialogue options that leave her angle open. Recruits into the fold for the final showdowns. That would be very satisfying for me, with extra dialogue for the Drow if they are around, Minsc and Jaheira for sure. lil alurl!

Finally "fetch me something to eat!"

Now that we actually have stuff to eat, this needs to be a thing! heheh

Last edited by Black_Elk; 03/09/23 11:04 AM.
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Originally Posted by Starshine
as for S

I don't like it, but compared to 5e canon, he is a homeless drug-addicted priest of Bhaal who lives on the streets of BG city, tormented by his immortality.
That was bad, and mean spirited and gross. Him being a powerful cult leader and a grandfather, it undermines his ToB story but it's better than M&BBoV

I can kind of see how, if he became lost he could find identity and power in the cult of bhaal, even if he doesn't believe those who do worship him and it's not like he can return to the Iron Throne. So I guess it works?
But isn't the Minsc & Boo's Journal of Villainy rather dubious canon? Like there were some vague similarities between it and BGIII that might have indicated that the author's sat down together at some point early in development, but even if that was the case they split from there pretty drastically since then, I would think. One of the big 'reveals' from the book was that a certain character was
Edwin, and that didn't pan out from what I hear, the wizard is just someone else, and the Iron Flask plot goes nowhere like the Minsc and Boo version does

Point being, I don't think Larian was ever 'obliged' to do S the way they did. Pretty Sure V's story was pretty different from M&B's version as well (and more sympathetic).

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So far I have been rather impressed with the playable pair - in both cases I was rather unsure about them before they joined the party, but they have been spot on as companions. I haven't gotten to the unplayable ones, so I won't spoil them for myself.

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Just want to add to the chorus of agreement that Minsc and Jaheira are done well, but
Viconia and Sarevokare terrible. What really annoys me is that people encountering these characters for the first time are going to have a completely inaccurate impression of them. Viconia and Sarevok are two of my absolute favorite characters from BG1 and BG2 (Viconia being my favorite vanilla romance option and favorite lady NPC), and Sarevok is one of my favorite video game villains (though I always redeem him in ToB). This is due to the excellent, nuanced writing of their characters, not because "lol I have an evil alignment so I torture children." Their portrayal in BG3 is really just ludicrous and a blemish on a game I otherwise really love.

Last edited by The Red Queen; 03/09/23 05:20 PM. Reason: Added spoiler tags
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I think we might be doing people a disservice by preseving this spoiler, as it's going to shock them when they get there, and they probably won't be prepared psychologically for what has been done to this quite beloved character.

It's not going to make returning players smile, the way meeting Jaheira does, or cackle with glee about what a great job they've done here with an old fan fav. Its sorta weird thing to walk on eggshells around this one, like 'oh just wait, you're going to absolutely hate it!" Lol

Is anyone actually happy with this presentation for her? Really this is the first time BG3 has genuinely dissappointed me on the character front. Their best defense would seem to be, 'it's not our fault, the Wizards made us do it' but that's a poor excuse. I don't care.

As a general rule don't tease us with returning characters from BG1 or BG2 who can't be recruited here. Everywhere they did that in BG2 was annoying, it's doubly annoying here cause we've waited 20 years for some of this stuff. Dragging an old favorite out just force us to kill her is the worst. It's like Faldorn all over again. We have to be able to recruit them into the party, and put our thumb on the scale for what's canon or not regarding these games, otherwise they haven't actually returned and it was pointless to include that pair in BG3.

Again for the character I care about, I would make the central point that they have really shot themselves in the foot here for that fantasy race...

It turns the Drow into an inherently 'born evil' sorta race again, despite everything that's been said on the subject recently.

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Originally Posted by Black_Elk
I think we might be doing people a disservice by preseving this spoiler, as it's going to shock them when they get there, and they probably won't be prepared psychologically for what has been done to this quite beloved character.

Though obviously as a moderator here I accept the risk of spoilers, I personally would have preferred not to have had the characters confirmed here before I encountered them in the game, and I think we should at least give fellow forum members the choice.

It's clear from the discussion that there is some beloved character(s) who people aren't happy with the representation of. If people feel they want to be prepared for that, they can click on the spoiler tags and view. If they'd still rather make up their own minds, they can leave the tags undisturbed.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Yeah, I agree, despite what I said hehe. It's just that, had we gotten to weigh in on this stuff during EA, there would probably be a mega-thread like 40 pages long for this one lol.

I'm not sure why passions run hot for me on some subjects, but for this one I know why, cause it hits much closer to home. The OPs most salient point is the lack of player agency when all this stuff happens.

I'm forgiving. All that's really required to make me happy is a recruitment option, because once you have that, many of the main issues can be addressed actively by the player. Retcons don't matter to me. Stuff outside of the context of the games is fanfiction as far as I'm concerned, what happens in-game is sacrosanct. Those are the real sacred scrolls, the ones we authored, not some random book from ages ago.

The first line we ever heard from this character in both games was...

"Help me! If you don't help me, they'll kill me." Now it would seem, it's time for us to answer the call again!

ps. Digression on itemization and character from BG1/BG2

Helm of opposite alignment, Girdle of you guessed it, Throne of Bhaal, for people who may not get the importance...

In BG1 there was a Helmet which would change the PCs alignment to it's concordant opposite. Worked for everyone except the true neutrals, like Jaheira, though I suppose you could head canon a Dark Jaheira out of that one, but it was particularly cool for Viconia.

In BG2, there were 3 romance options for a Male protagonist, but only 1 for a Female protagonist. Although it was not possible to import the girdle from BG1 into BG2 to trick the game, with Weidu, you could call it up from the console. Using Shadowkeeper it was possible to change the avatar and tags of Charname, allowing Viconia to romance the protagonist, no matter who they were. You could change your own avatar to make match whatever cosmetics and trigger the romances. This gave something to people who found Anomen dull, and a villainous option. Also made sense for her character archetype I think. This was never in the official games and not possible until mods started cracking it open in the Tutu modding era to force put BG1 into BG2's engine. Still it was a nice touch and kept things going during the afterlife.

In Throne of Bhaal the player was able to achieve an alignment shift for this character, which under 2e and given the rest of the game/gameplay there, was pretty novel. It was a precursor to the sort of approval/disapproval mechanics that we see in play these days.

So for the first instance of that, you figure, there's going to be some extra baggage to unpack here. I think this one is like worth calling the VA principles back into studio, so we can have like 3 or 4 different ways that scene might play out depending on who's in the room and what Tav feeds the game as the initial dialogue responses.

One of these paths should allow recruitment, ideally without giving up Shadowheart along at least one path. The advantage here of the CRPG form, and also of the EA writ large, is that you don't have to undo the work that's been done, just keep that but add another path which plays out differently responding to the player and the old crew.

pps. One more quick digression before weighing in on the other character the OP mentioned, who I haven't talked about yet specifically. First, I want to explain exactly why some people found the Druid Stronghold quest in BG2 annoying. It's not because the area didn't have the same amount of content as other stronghold quests (though that was also true) it's because they took a companion character from BG1 (Faldorn) and used her as the big bad for a new Character's questline (Cernd). This is an analogy for what we got going down now in BG3...

You know like as if the Dread Wolf wasn't around the entire time. When we cleared the Mines of Cloakwood, or when we slew the Doppelgangers beneath Candlekeep, saved the City from ruin and devled deep into Durlag's together. Faldorn, the only character in BG1 who could cast a lvl 5 spell! I mean nobody's going to care what happened to her right? lol. Our options there were to kill her in ritual combat or kill her outside of ritual combat, and in either case pretend like we basically didn't know who we were dealing with. Complete miss.

Now with Faldorn we can give this a bit of a pass, cause she was the same voice actress as Jaheira. So you can sort of imagine it like "ok guys, I don't really have it in me to do her all over again, how about we just make her into a big bad and cinch it up with Jaheira's questline..." OK fine, water under the bridge there, we've had plenty of time to cope on that one. In BG2 usually these were very quick cameo interludes, just enough to make you feel kinda bitter about seeing them again, but it didn't really derail any one character's storyline, or color it in that way, except maybe Cernd's.

Shadowheart on the other hand is a more major character here. She's the first NPC we can recruit once the game begins in earnest, so these choices have knock-on effects for how I feel about that character now. Shadowheart is much more like our Imoen in the BG3 context, pretty close to a secondary protagonist and there from the getgo. This is why I suggest the Doppelganger wipe, as a way to leave well enough alone if they just don't want to touch it. But of course I'd rather see a redux here and a more nuanced implementation of that story wrap, for reasons mentioned by others - that this will be the first time many people meet some of these characters. They already put her in the game. Now they have to do her up proper. I mean right? I think they can salvage this, because like the OP I know what I wanted and expected, and the set up was all there, so if they could just give us a little of that, it would be so major!

I have just started my first Origin campaign with Shadowheart. I did not expect this to be the thing that finally has me engaging with the Origin idea, but I guess we're going for it. Just to see.

For Sarevok, here I was willing to reserve judgement, because while he was also a top fav and pretty much the only Throne of Bhaal companion worth mentioning, he's a bit harder to pin down. His initial role as our primary antagonist and killer of Gorion always made him a much tougher sell. He's a blackguard anti-paladin archetype, responsible for everything that goes down in the first game. But then again, the villains got short shrift in the sequel with many fewer companions, so he was able to fill a real niche there. I thought his character was fantastic and his interplay with Imoen sorta made that whole sequel to the sequel for me.

It's easy to imagine him as the Kurgan from Highlander (for all too obvious reasons), so like, if they're going to go there, they should at least make him look like a young Clancy Brown right?

And then let us bring him back for one last family brawl!

Again, once you can recruit, some of these problems can go away and you can work with it. It's not having that recruitment option which is the main rub, being forced to spectate while they torch your old kodak Kodachrome ya know. That's why I want additive paths rather than gated ones. Just give us some options here, this is where having those options is important.

Last edited by Black_Elk; 04/09/23 04:30 AM.
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I tend to disagree with Vlad about the Sharran character. Because

the Viconia mentioned in Vlad's text is only there in case she is the romance partner of the PC in BG2. And that Viconia dies afterwards. She was my favorite character in that game, and it was one of the few moments I really got emotional in a video game when I read the ending of that story. That's why I still remember it. The "official" Viconia though, the one which survives is evil. Her story afterwards is pretty much what happens in the game. I also don't think there is anything grey about Shar which needs a deeply philosophical debate. At least not how Shar is presented in the game. Nor in most of the officail DnD products. That does feel more like a headcanon.

I do agree though it would have been best to leave Viconia out of the game. It just annoys people who liked her in their playthrough in the previous games, and her being there doesn't really serve a purpose. It doesn't make what happened to Shadowheart any different. It felt like a really unnecessary cameo. But the original Viconia, the one which wasn't changed because of a relationship with a good/neutral PC was an evil character, and nothing what is shown in BG3 seems out of character to me at least.

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That's fair, but I think because this is a BG game, that they should take special care here. Cause if that's how your BG2 playthrough went down, that's the callback you're looking for. Or at least something that doesn't contradict it so hardcore.

I do feel that this is a bit different than say Khalid or Dynaheir dying during the interregnum between BG1 and BG2, or the Faldorn stuff I mentioned. If only because made it into the sequel and had a much bigger role there. And the characters who got got between games were killed by Irenicus, which is different than the protagonist doing it.

As a counterpoint Jaheira's non-romance BG2 ending stated specifically that she "crossed the realms Thrice over, but she never did return to Tethyr or the Sword Coast."

And yet here we are, back in Baldur's Gate lol. Nothing in her presentation in BG3 contradicts the experience I had of her (and you know everyone played every possible path on those hehe) so like if we can get a leeway there, why not here?

I'm doing this now, just to leave no stone unturned lol

[Linked Image from]

I chose the guardian options to help me play it up

[Linked Image from]

Last edited by Black_Elk; 04/09/23 06:30 AM.
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Originally Posted by Caelir
I tend to disagree with Vlad about the Sharran character. Because

the Viconia mentioned in Vlad's text is only there in case she is the romance partner of the PC in BG2. And that Viconia dies afterwards. She was my favorite character in that game, and it was one of the few moments I really got emotional in a video game when I read the ending of that story. That's why I still remember it. The "official" Viconia though, the one which survives is evil. Her story afterwards is pretty much what happens in the game. I also don't think there is anything grey about Shar which needs a deeply philosophical debate. At least not how Shar is presented in the game. Nor in most of the officail DnD products. That does feel more like a headcanon.

I do agree though it would have been best to leave Viconia out of the game. It just annoys people who liked her in their playthrough in the previous games, and her being there doesn't really serve a purpose. It doesn't make what happened to Shadowheart any different. It felt like a really unnecessary cameo. But the original Viconia, the one which wasn't changed because of a relationship with a good/neutral PC was an evil character, and nothing what is shown in BG3 seems out of character to me at least.

Even though a non-romanced Viconia underwent a less impactful, yet still similar character arc, the fact remains that the Viconia in BG3 displays a degree of wickedness that doesnt even fit Viconia in her time as a priestess of Lloth. Her relationship with Shadowheart is the prime example of this. While the way SH talks about her in act 1 and 2 would appear to fit the character, nothing she says or shows about herself in act 3 is compatible with any iteration of viconia we have seen throughout the games. The things she has put SH through would infuriate BG2 Viconia. She wanted nothing more than to be break free from the control of others, men and gods alike. If she knew then and there what she would force upon those that would come to rely on her, she would most certainly ask Gorions Ward to strike her down, in fear of what will become of her.
If this really was their vision for the character, they would have needed to atleast show the player how she got to that point. But it seems like the bare minimum was done with both the character and the finale of Shadowhearts questline. As the other person said, if this would have been playtested via EA, Viconia and Sarevok would have never made it into the game in this form.

Regarding Shar itself, just compare the depiction of Shar in Act 1 with her depiction in Act 3.
Act 1 paints Sharran worship in a very nuanced light. And while the bleakness of Act 2 does paint a really grim picture with the Shadow Curse and its Inhabitants and Victims, it is in the 3rd act that Sharran Worship is truly set in stone as nothing other than comically evil. To finish off the whole Shar/Selune Subplot, that weaves itself throughout the games narrative, making you question not only the morality of the twin godesses, but also Shadowhearts and your own, in such a fashion, disregarding the very notion of any choice or agency the player might have had or wanted, ruins the whole storyline, regardless of who the Mother Superior is.
I can only speak for myself, but I think we have enough of those types of antagonists already. There was the possibility for a nuanced, morally grey storyline, worthy of carrying on the story of Viconia Devir, one of the most nuanced, multi layered characters of any RPG, instead it ends in the most asanine black and white fashion, and ruins a beloved character in the process.

Originally Posted by Black_Elk
I'm doing this now, just to leave no stone unturned lol

[Linked Image from]

I chose the guardian options to help me play it up

[Linked Image from]

Do tell us of your findings, I reckon i wont finish my Durge run for a another week or two.

Last edited by Vlad the Inhaler; 04/09/23 04:35 PM.
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