I honestly don't see Astarion and Halsin as star companions too. I would like an explanation too, if that's ok.
I mean, Astarion is a fan favourite, granted. And he has a bit more involvment with the story, but Halsin is just boring. He fizzles out after act 2 and has only the polyarmoury going for him. I tried talking to him a few times, took him with me on a few occasions to see, if there is a quest popping up, but no, he jsut hits on my girl. So I parked him back at his tent and did go back to the companions, that actually have stories to tell.
I mean, yeah, he became infamous because of THAT scene, but that's about it. I think, a star companion would be a bit more in the middle of things.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who