I assume they want to make sure the issue is still happening with the most current version of the game, rather than only when you originally reported it.
That's precisely the issue.
I do not keep save files of bugs I report and I have no clue whether the bug reports are being ignored now because they took too long to respond. After all I'm not a playtester; I record the issue, provide a savefile, report the bug in detail and move on. No official response is necessary because all the detailed proof is in the report so it just needs to be investigated and fixed.
But right now I have no clue whether all the reports I sent are thrown into the trashcan for taking too long to respond or the reports will eventually get looked at. If I report bugs I expect them to get looked at, not have an expiration date, so need some official clarification on this before I reply back to automated emails because naturally the issues are not fixed at all.