So running thru the Goblin camp in Act I, I summoned Lump and gang to help with the fight outside. Earlier I let the owlbear cub live (sucking up to shadowheart after looting the Selune chest) so it was in the camp. Lump and gang killed it during the fight (nothing I can do to stop this, cub attacked them). Once the fight is over I get a COMPLETE AND TOTAL B.S. cutscene for Breaking my oath.

I did not do anything with any party member to break my Paladin's Oath. A summoned NPC I have NO CONTROL OVER killed the cub, after the cub attacked the NPC. I'm sorry Larian this IN NO FUCKING WAY should have broken my Oath.

Not only do I have a fee to regain my oath. I now have a Permanent, Unwanted, NPC in my camp.

Sorry Larian, BAD GAME DESGIN, in my book crap like this lowers my rating of your game by a LARGE amount.

This is the only instance I've run across that breaks a paladins Oath with out reason. I see no way that my paladins oath should be broken by this. If I could control Lump and gang that would be different. But as it is , in effect I'm charged,tried,& convicted with Murder for calling the cops, having them kill someone.

Fix this oath breaking event so that if none of the controllable NPC or Main character attacks or harms the cub it does NOT trigger oath breaking.