Originally Posted by Salo
  • Fixed characters getting stuck when the Analog Stick Selection setting is set to Left Stick and you rotate the stick in circles as far as it can go.

On PS5: We’re playing on split screen. Before this patch, we occasionally had the issue that the left stick would become unresponsive in turn-based and targeting mode. It would be impossible to move and selecting a target would only work with the directional buttons. Outside of combat, pressing L3 or using the cursor to target an area with throw, jump, etc. won’t work. The only way to fix it is to save and reload.

Since this patch, this and something very similar now happens every every few minutes, making the game very hard to enjoy. In addition to the behaviour described above, when trying to select a target, the targeting circle would always default to appear right next to the other controlled character, completely immovable. Fixable with saving and reloading, but that’s getting very time intensive when it happens every few minutes.

Apart from that, I hope there will be some performance improvements when summoning entities or casting spells. I don’t think we’ve ever seen a full animation because the game freezes for 5-8 seconds when summoning anything, in or out of combat, and a couple of seconds when doing pretty much anything other than simply walking…