This is key for me as well. Inverting the camera pitch is the first option I look for in any game's settings

I think they tried to create a control layout which would not involve camera pitch at all, perhaps also as a way to 'direct' our field of view, but even for something as simple as pitch=zoom if the Y axis is standard rather than inverted, this goes against every gameplay instinct I have and all the muscle memory of a lifetime.

On the PC version I have downloaded the NativeCamera tweaks mod pretty much expressly for this purpose and the WASD mod so that I could use RMB for rotation. I'm waiting on the hotfix update for those.

I can actually understand from a directorial standpoint their desire to limit our pitch. I actually don't need the full 360 rotation here, but something with some give is necessary otherwise there is nothing to invert. Even if it's only like a 15-30 degree pitch I'll take it. Otherwise I basically have to relearn up from down here, which isn't going to happen, no matter how much I might wish lol.

Anyhow just had to chime in to support the request.

Last edited by Black_Elk; 06/09/23 03:23 AM.