Maybe I do much wrong within those fights. I have my own drow-fighter, Laezel, Astarion and shaddow in the party with Imperator and for the first battle I "consume" about 5 groups of "helpers"
Than "short rast" and try to keep the party alive running to the final door upstairs (How can I heal the imperator? Only way I see is drowing potions or use those pure healing spells from shaddow)
" Manage Jumping upstairs somehow ... while the bombs falling .. use some other "helpers" to occupy the enemies. "Tentacle regen chamber??"
Open the door and read I must only reach the "spot".
I jump to the circle outside, call the last helpers near the dragon and on my way. The Dragon killed the helpers soon and the Mind-Flyers on the circle burn my Party, somehow (after reload and restart) my Imperator reach the crown,
I use rest of the party to drow healing potions to keep him alive on this long way, he manage to open the portal and went inside.
2 turn later all my party is inside too. With low live points but alive! I use bows to kill the brain short before the time runs out
Thats no fun!! I play in the easyes way! What is easy in this horror Fight?
Maybe there ar MODs sometimes for more traders, selling spellscrolls like fly or potions for extra attribute points, to get a stronger party. Maybe the LEVEL12 cut can be change and there are more level ups for more livepoints.
The story of the game is nice! But the fights are too heavy
halsins portal! The fight inside the Steel Watch Foundry , the goblins camp, ... so much long time taking fights!!
More fightingtime -- because of this dammed rolling dices -- than exploring! and thats inside the "story modus"
In one of the older (DSA? ) games, there was an "autocalculate" for fights. The KI Only calculate the result, no fight-time nessesary. I liked this! Or like D:OS2 easy enough to finish the battle within 1-2minutes.
I understand "Larian" must use BG Rules, but maybe they can give us an "not so exact BG" easyer Modus for the fights.