Originally Posted by Arthur Hansen
Just because they don't reply to individuals that send in bug reports does not mean they are a waste of time. They are just too busy reading, verifying, finding what's causing the bug and then fixing it.

No clue why you said that because personally I don't need Support/Developers to reply back to bug reports. I am fully aware they're too busy and do not have time as I've said it myself multiple times now, what I'm asking for is clarification on the automated email.

Seem to have missed my original post and thus are missing crucial info so please throw a glance at the post showing the automated email which is stating;

In the event that our hotfixes and patches have not resolved the issue you've reported or you still require assistance, please reply to this email and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as they are able.

So am waiting for official clarification here since it means I'll have to send back 16 emails to 16 reports which received this email, which I absolutely do not wish to do if Support will get around to investigating the reports eventually. I want to ease Support's job, not add to it.