Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
I've begun to piece together the timeline of the last 100 years, and a lot of plot holes disappear if you down some wiki rabbit holes. There are still a lot of holes, but not as many as initially thought. For example:
It all checks out but to quote a bit of earlier from the same movie: I have gone cross eyed .

None of what you have written adds anything to the adventure (at least to me). It doesn’t make character motivations or situations you get into more interesting. It’s a very simple story, with very basic characters made unnecessarily complicated.
I agree. Larian sometimes substitutes believable and understandable, down-to-earth situations for the bombastic and convoluted. I had the same problem with Dallis and Lucian in DOS2, whereas the failed child Divine of Alexander was much clearer in the role he was meant to play.

Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):