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Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
You know whats funny? For a solid 2/3 into Act 3 I thought a secondary approval bar would load for every companion
Why? because that might mean unique scenarios to the *end of the world looming on the horizon* or major reactions/ choices they will make based on how you complete the game

Can you imagine? You hit 100 approval, finish the main component of the companion quest and then there is a small mini approval bar (probably 3 stages or 4 at the most given the run time left in the game in reality) and depending on choices with I dunno *the remaining 2 villians and giant battle* if you fill those up you get 3 hidden cutscenes
That would have been such a cool thing to do! and, you wouldnt even know how to unlock them, it remains a mystery.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
I have one simple question for Larian. Why couldn't Astarion just... bite Cazador and become a true vampire? Just why?

Originally Posted by Bellanouva
- The resolutions presented - Ascended, Not Ascended - it does feel like full vampire should be an option but I understand why not - it would per DnD lore have the same emotional outcome as the ascended route
They could've just said that the tadpole affected the process. Moreover, vampire spawns are evil already according to D&D lore:

"Vampire spawn speak Common. They can be of any evil alignment."

There are literally no reasons not to bite him

Last edited by galleg0s; 11/09/23 05:57 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by galleg0s
I have one simple question for Larian. Why couldn't Astarion just... bite Cazador and become a true vampire? Just why?

Originally Posted by Bellanouva
- The resolutions presented - Ascended, Not Ascended - it does feel like full vampire should be an option but I understand why not - it would per DnD lore have the same emotional outcome as the ascended route
They could've just said that the tadpole affected the process. Moreover, vampire spawns are evil already according to D&D lore:

"Vampire spawn speak Common. They can be of any evil alignment."

There are literally no reasons not to bite him

Hmm honestly I approached it as in - soul/ personality intact or not? Previous emotional ties remembered and felt or not? Especially since Larian has seemingly abandoned alignment in this game
Spawn - some emotional tethers, some emotional intelligence, capable of it at least. This is established in Larian's story and its consistent. Awareness of pain, pleasure, suffering. Basically they have the capacity to feel something

True Vampire or Vampire Ascendant - unfortunately this is not outlined enough but it sounds like emotions are twisted to their worst form OR the capacity to have feeling/ ties/ connection to others diminishes. This is clear in the rejected Spawn dialogue - Astarion even says he affects to feel love as "its the cards he was dealt and he knows how to play them well". Its just a way to gain compliance, not genuine connection. Just another yoke for control. Honestly Its what turned me away from the Ascendant route until I got some distance from this narrative choice. I believe a True vampire would have much of the same outcome so thus Larian took away this option for redundancy purposes.

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Location: Menzoberranzan
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Location: Menzoberranzan
Originally Posted by galleg0s
I have one simple question for Larian. Why couldn't Astarion just... bite Cazador and become a true vampire? Just why?

Because when you're using bite accack, the target can't be an undead, duh!

Just kidding, I agree with the post above - this option is redundant because of the ascendant one. Also, Larian obviously wanted to make it a difficult choice: stay a spawn but be more or less decent person, or become this powerful thing, but sacrifice 7000 innocents. If Astarion had an option to just bite Cazador, there is no difficult choice. The design is a bit rushed in my opinion and I think this is why we have this logical problem here.

Last edited by Phea; 11/09/23 08:21 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
So when all is said and done I'm torn. Astarion's storyline started as one of the best romance stories I've ever seen in a game. I love it. It felt deeply meaningful and was the highlight of my playthrough. Untill it wasn't. During most of the Act 3 this storyline just didn't exist anymore and the ending was blunt. I hate how this turned out and can only wish some kind of re-writing.

This summarizes exactly how I feel about it too. I feel a bit empty when I think about how rushed and unpolished his storyline feels in the end but his journey up until that point was a magical experience in gaming I won't forget.

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Joined: Nov 2021
Originally Posted by scythe
So when all is said and done I'm torn. Astarion's storyline started as one of the best romance stories I've ever seen in a game. I love it. It felt deeply meaningful and was the highlight of my playthrough. Untill it wasn't. During most of the Act 3 this storyline just didn't exist anymore and the ending was blunt. I hate how this turned out and can only wish some kind of re-writing.

This summarizes exactly how I feel about it too. I feel a bit empty when I think about how rushed and unpolished his storyline feels in the end but his journey up until that point was a magical experience in gaming I won't forget.

+ 1 to all that's been said, couldn't said it better myself

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Bellanouva
There is a series of issues with the overall amazing Story/ Romance Astarion has. Mostly they begin at the end of Act 2 and all through Act 3 - SPOILERS FOR EVERYTHING - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Act 2 Issues:
- You will start seeing beyond the interactions with Raphael, the decline of reactivity. Its still great but it gets less and less throughout towards the end of Act 2.
- I would really think that the Necromancy of Thay would be more impactful in general but in particular in Act 2 it could have been expanded - I was surprised we had to wait until Act 3 to unlock it further

Act 3
- I have issues with the way the Cazador Quest was framed (I expected a large spy/ intrigue/ ball sort of plot and then perhaps the descent into the defiled temple at the end. Would have allowed alot more interaction, depth, and inside look at how the coven operates or how Cazador operates. Cazador was a bit of a letdown gameplay wise and just depth of this horrible villain we have seen enshadow Astarion's life.)
- The resolutions presented - Ascended, Not Ascended - it does feel like full vampire should be an option but I understand why not - it would per DnD lore have the same emotional outcome as the ascended route
- Romantically the forced turn or break up is still a bit frustrating but understandable lore wise
-Necromancy of Thay turns into a MacGuffin. Nice guys. Though the spell is great, there is zero impact on Astarion's development, story, or outcome from unlocking this. Its basically a more complex Easter egg. I really wish we had I don't know either looked into True Resurrection or ask the *famous Wizard that keeps visiting Gale* to arrange for us to get a wish spell or *Strong arm Raphael into a deal over killing him in his House of Hope*
- I feel like the Durge playthrough with Ascended is probably the most powerful, as is the Durge resist with Astarion - it honestly feels more fleshed out and complete with more tender moments and care/reactivity. I strongly suggest fans to create a Durge character for this reason for this romance.

Post Personal Quest towards Final Battle
- Reactivity came to a complete standstill for the Non Ascended Astarion. its actually a bit of a shame because his responses get limited and if you are a Durge and finish your quest well - thats it for reactivity. You *might* get more party banter if you switch around companions and run around the city (which I did actually to see what would trigger) and then thats it. It makes such a nuanced character very flat. Especially when we compare the more varied reactions coming from Ascended Astarion. Does Non Ascended just - stop being opinionated? Sassy? Honestly it feels like his personality just goes which is really frustrating considering how full circle it is for him to reject the cycle of abuse.
- Its interesting that they chose to have you click on characters after major quests and plots to see if there is a reaction. That's pretty much all you can do is randomly click on them at camp or in group to see if they react.
- I really expected a more emotive reaction to my Durge resisting in the end- and also the lack of reaction/ animation or cutscene from my love interest *When I die* - again narratively and emotionally missed opportunity.

Before and At the Final Battle
- Generally - there should have been a larger pre battle camp cutscene or reactivity from all your companions. One last night (again could have been a great opportunity to keep the relationship pieces going. I know Larian said they wanted to develop these relationships but that really came to an end in Act 3 very early).
- The High Hall scene could have also had more reactivity as well - including having the *Other companions who are not even in your group*. Where's the rest of the people I recruited? having beers at the elfsong as the world comes to an end? (Actually I could see that happening)
- Astarion specific - There could have been some really powerful cutscenes with him (or any romantic interest) in the final battle that allowed more impact emotionally

His Ending
- The platonic dock ending is a horrible and tone deaf joke for all the reasons outlined. I have no idea what they were thinking considering that this is a very relatable story for trauma survivors. Even if you Romance him and get this scene, to not allow you to comfort him in the shadows, or at least have reactions from companions that arent heartless - I again have no idea why this was written this way.

- The priority of who speaks at the dock scene desperately needs to be changed (or code created to weight who speaks based on flags) - it should go - Romance flag, party taken flag, then high approval flag, and then if the spaces for dialogue are left then whoever is left in the party
-Obviously there needs to be better epilogues in general - and a post ending celebration for the endings that its relevant for. This has been said ad nauseum

Astarion specific Ending - Romantic "Epilogue"- Very limited emotional impact, the dialogue seems very stiff in a way? Not a slag on Neil at all, I think its the writing. No kiss, no passion, no last night with romantic interest. Again this can tie very nicely with the party I mentioned earlier.
-The Durge ending where you decide to end things yourself - I have heard there's no reactivity to that because well either Ascended Astarion doesnt care (or theres no scene) or the Sunlight run off means he doesnt get to see that I suppose? Its awkward to say the least.

*Suggestion for an Actual Epilogue*
- Please reflect the actual player choices from the previous epilogue (which isnt one really, its just a separate ending if you look at it properly). This means either a 6 month reunion, ending cards, something. Would I love it to be cinematic? Sure! Can it be given the timeframe it takes for roll out? Probably not and thats fine.

As you can see I have some pretty strong opinions as a whole on this character and how things were handled. Overall Act 1 and Act 2 create a beautiful story and even the solid parts of Act 3 and the personal quest completion (that scene and voice acting at the end once you defeat Cazador! Brilliant). I think theres just some points that need to be expanded and filled in, and others that need an overhaul.

I agree so much with this. This is all exactly what I was feeling.
My playthrough was supposed to be dark and evil. I had full intentions of having Astarion be my evil buddy the whole way through.
But the guy punched me in the gut the more he revealed about himself and the more he explained the trauma he went through.
MY character changed BECAUSE of his change. His line if you
give your form to the Succubus in The House of Hope about how not being in control of your body is horrible and the sacrifices you made for him to be free just to see your freedom lost makes him feel empathy for you?
I mean *heart exploding* I died, my dudes.
This character is brilliant. Why in the world would they make the ending for him so insulting?

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Joined: Sep 2023
Location: Finland
Thank you, Scythe and Andromeda. ? I so wish us to see some re-writing, at least for the ending.

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