Joined: Sep 2023
Hello! Please advise, maybe there is a solution to a specific problem, which appeared relatively recently, but already spoils the fun of the game:
There began to appear long subloading of textures and objects, when moving characters periodically "float" frozen in one pose, and in dialogs and scripted scenes does not immediately trigger lip animation. The game is installed on SSD, version - GOG v4. Installed mods for AI companions, extended party limit, a set of equipment Drizzt Do'Urden, rebalance Dual Wield, ModFixer. Met a lot of reports on the forums about a similar problem with people with a clean game, without mods, so it's probably not in them.
Hardware: win10 x64, i5-3330 3.20 GHz, 32Gb RAM, GeForce GTX 970 4Gb, SSD 500Gb. The game on autodetect graphics settings puts everything on Ultra. I tried to enable "slow HDD" mode in the game - to no avail.
Joined: Aug 2023
If it was me, and I know almost bugger all about this sort of thing so feel free to ignore me, I'd uninstall the mods anyway, just to make absolutely sure. I know it's a total pain, and it would annoy me too, but the game is still in the early stages of being patched/optimized etc and mods can make so many unexpected things go squirly.
You don't have that many and adding them back gradually wouldn't take too long.
Hope you find a solution.
Joined: Sep 2023
Unfortunately removing mods did not solve the problem. Completely reinstalled the game, now version v. Also on reddit found advice on cleaning the folder LevelCache - it slightly improved the situation with the speed of loading objects and sliding while moving characters, but the textures are still loaded long.
Last edited by Dzen; 07/09/23 04:18 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
You using DX11 or Vulcan? I found that switching from Vulcan to DX11 helped me. I have an AMD gfx card. No idea if that is related, since my problem was mostly with slow loading of the game initially.
Joined: Sep 2023
I'm running on dx11, vulcan is crashing with an error for some reason. By the way, about launching on dx11 - I read there on reddit (there are a lot of posts on BG3 with long loading of textures and game objects, so I'm not the only one) that you need to run bg3_dx11.exe with administrator rights and in compatibility mode with win7. It helped someone. I did not help(.
Joined: Jun 2019
I have the same issue, and it seems like it's gotten worse since patch 2. It was far more tolerable in previous versions.
Intel Core i5 9400F @ 2.90GHz 32.0GB RAM Geforce GTX 1650 4GB Installed on SSD
I've tried running it in compatibility mode, as admin, swapping between DX11 and Vulkan, making sure the process is high priority, etc. Not sure how else to fix it.
Last edited by Auddi213; 08/09/23 01:16 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Does it look like this? This just started happening to me in a multiplayer game (friend is hosting) only when I started exploring Baldur's Gate's Lower City more. [img] https://imgur.com/a/LLhs549[/img]
Joined: Sep 2023
Yeah, that's right. Such loading of objects can take quite a long time. And then, even when everything is loaded, the textures in dialogs for the first 10-20 seconds are soapy, worse than the minimum graphics settings. There were no comments from larians about this? I already meet a lot of people with this problem, but not a single patch note did not have these fixes, as if the developer is not aware of such optimization problems.
Joined: Jun 2019
I rolled back to an earlier patch and it's much better. Guess we just need to hope it's fixed going forward.
Joined: Sep 2023
I found that too,since the hotfix 2.1 that change something of savedata
Joined: Sep 2023
I'm having similar issues and it's been driving me crazy since last night. I did submit a bug report. I tried every single recommendation on this page (yes, every single thing...) and nothing worked: https://larian.com/support/faqs/graphical-issues_83Was working fine up until around 1am EST on Sep 7. Tried playing again around 9pm EST Sep 7 and suddenly half the graphics just would not load at all (just black areas/voids) or textures wouldn't complete. See image links. I waited ten minutes and they never loaded. I didn't wait longer than that. image 1image 2image 3image 4Even the title screen and menu screen graphics don't load correctly. I typically play at lower settings, but have had no issues at all prior to this (it's been playing great at medium settings). I feel this must be related to Patch #2. Right now I'm reinstalling the game and if that doesn't work, I'll try rolling back the patch.
Last edited by nararouge; 08/09/23 04:31 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I feel this must be related to Patch #2.
Right now I'm reinstalling the game and if that doesn't work, I'll try rolling back the patch. Did rolling back the patch help you?
Joined: Sep 2023
I haven't had time to do it yet, but working on downloading the old versions now. I'm on the Steam depots page for the game and I do notice that as of just 3 hours ago, they're apparently working on a third Patch as well as another hot fix for Patch #2...so I'm hoping they're aware of these issues. [url=https://steamdb.info/app/1086940/depots/][/url]
Last edited by nararouge; 11/09/23 02:18 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I rolled it back but it crashed as soon as I started up the rolled back version (couldn't even get past the Larian Studios logo). Got pop-up messages about unofficial mods, broken/unverified files that couldn't line up with the game files, etc. Made me run file verification via steam and found 4 files missing (the patch #2 and it's hotifxes lol, obviously those were the ones missing). Even running it as admin without steam, it would still crash immediately. So I guess there's no way to run it without the full updates in place...which sucks. Steam automatically redownloaded those 4 files without my approval. Edit: if anyone else wants to try, I followed the directions here: https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-downgrade-steam-games/?newsletter_popup=1Here''s the BG3 depots page: https://steamdb.info/app/1086940/depots/Was hoping maybe when it redownloaded just those, it would fix itself...but no, still the same issues when I started it back up. I think I have tried LITERALLY every single possible fix in existence. It's truly up to Larian at this point. Really really hope they are aware of this and are working on it. Please submit a bug report if you haven't: https://larian.com/support/baldur-s-gate-3#modal
Last edited by nararouge; 11/09/23 04:44 PM.
Joined: Jun 2019
I feel this must be related to Patch #2.
Right now I'm reinstalling the game and if that doesn't work, I'll try rolling back the patch. Did rolling back the patch help you? Rolling back to an early patch helped me a great deal, but of course those early bugs will be present. Textures still pop in a bit, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was. I followed this guide and haven't had any problems at all: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3023295121I'm sticking with this older patch until a new one is released.
Last edited by Auddi213; 14/09/23 06:14 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Too bad i can't do any of these solutions on my ps5, should've just stayed playing on my pc, the game is broken on ps5, terribly broken, act 3 is literally unplayable everything is blocky as the textures won't load. Why i decided to buy it twice i do not know, probably because it's much more comfortable playing on my couch.
Joined: Sep 2023
Thanks so much for posting a rollback guide specifically for BG3!! I'm going crazy not being able to play. I saw they're coming out with a new patch on Sep 21, but that's an entire week from now. I'll try rolling back with the guide you posted and see how it goes...thanks again!
Edit: ....well, no luck with that either. And my saved games were all incompatible with the old version anyways, so I would've had to start a new game in any case. Really hope they're aware of these problems and working on a major fix.
Last edited by nararouge; 15/09/23 12:08 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I know right? I even went and bought the 80 dollar early access, but now that I'm at Act 3 I'm wishing I didn't buy it in the first place, this is ridiculous, and there's little to no mention of it almost anywhere, either most people are ok with this disaster of a port, or they're blind and don't even notice the textures not loading and the frame rate going to the low 20s.
Joined: Sep 2023
I had to stop playing now because i have 10 fps in Wyrm's Rock and around. Hopefully the 9/21 patch will solve this problem.
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