999 Bottles of beer on the wall!!!
It says I'm crossing this milestone right now, creeping on a thousand long winded-ass posts on these boards since the EA began (and about as many hours clocked in-game I'd guess) so just a quick nod here, cause BG3 has been great fun!
Excellent visualizations all around! And the artbook is fantastic!
Here are a couple really cool pages that I don't think spoiler too much. I wish these boards would let us attach a picture directly, cause I saw a few floating around on reddit, but I didn't see these and I love this spread...
So cool! I mean there are some real gems in that book!
The castles and gobbos too, the monsters and the kit, all of it! Absolutely fantastic!
I hope they'll do a little re-run for the print on this one - that would be the tops!