Yes you word it quite well here.

I would also like to add two more things here:

How long are tadpoles interesting? I think I missed the opportunity to remove it early the first playhrough because Laezel died. Tbh I got so sick of the tadpole by act 2, it was just frustrating as from an RP perspective (I like to RP as myself), removing that parasite would be prio nr 1. Especially considering you don't know there is anything that special about the ceremorphosis process early in the story.

And the more I think about the Emperor his storyline does not make sense. Why does he just sit in the prism? Why doesn't he help? Until the royal guard is slain it makes sense , but what is the point after? Orpheus has been sealed for 100s of years.. If he can provide protection for us he can protect himself (from the Elder brain). Unless of course it is indeed just proximity to Orpheus that provides protection, in which case, again, why can't he help?