Originally Posted by Cawyden
Originally Posted by Madguise
...i decided to visit tumblr to see if there were any displeased halsin fans in it, and the tag is filled to the brim of fetishes and fans actually using the content from the game(the brothel, how he's a sex god) to fuel their headcanons. posts after posts, nothing about how his romance feels unfinished. this got me wondering if perhaps john (halsin's writer) ventured on tumblr as he was writing halsin's character, and saw alot of fetish posts on halsin in the halsin tag, and assumed that's his fanbase, assumed that was what we wanted. it honestly clocks out, i implore you guys to visit the halsin tag on tumblr

That is not true - there is discussion on tumblr about his romance and inconsistency with his writing, just like in this thread. Sure, if you only scroll under the #halsin tag for 4 min or so you won't find much because there is a lot going on on tumblr - you have fanart (most of it really cute and not even NSFW), people posting screenshots of Halsin posing or with dialog and yes, of course there are people who might just enjoy his looks or are only interested in him as a fling.

But regarding tumblr discussion of his lacking romance, here you go:

Or just fanart addressing the epilog/romance:

There is also discussion about this on the offical Larian Discord Server. And on reddit. And I am pretty sure on other social sites as well, but I am not active on facebook, instagram or whatever.

Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
I noticed a fair amount of flirty dialogue before the Act III scene. It can start at the tiefling party and runs through Act II. Halsin does know how to bring the innuendo. hahaha

Yes, even at the party you can "flirt" with him, but I must say I am not so happy with the flirt dialog that Tav has for Halsin. There is one line of getting to know him better which is ok, but the others are like "I REALLLLLLY want to get to know you better" to which he kind of replies "Ah I see, I might be able to help you with that later" like Tav is in heat and he has to heal Tav with Sex or so.... reminds me of the vulcans with their Pon Farr in Star Trek. Anyway, it is more like Tav telling him he/she/they want him for Sex (NOW) and less about spending time with him and getting to know him better and to see how things develop between them. I mean it is ok if a player only wants Halsin for Sex and nothing more, or sees it as start point for the romance (similar to Astarion where you have casual sex before) but if you don't want your Tav to sound like he/she/they needs him desperately for sex, you can only stay with the non flirty dialog options.

And I was really disappointed that there isn't extra dialog if you play a druid too. I think there are one or two dialog lines when you first meet him but that's it.

Exactly, agree on all inclusive druid theme. And it is not comparable to say: are you adapting well to camp? That the conversations of our other romances even before sex