To put in simple terms what others have said.

We want the option to remove the Emperors influence over us ASAP. It removes power/heroic fantasy from the quest. (Or rework/rewrite Emperor story)

On another note, this has been discussed briefly, but I wonder if most people in this thread agree that Daisy should be a real person? Because the more I think about the "tadpole tempting you to stay by the river with it forever" the less it makes sense. The tadpole is already there eating your brain. Once 7 days are up you are changing regardless if you want to or not (assuming no Orpheus). Why does the tadpole need to tempt you? Would make sense if Daisy was for example a Dreamwalker that got enslaved to tempt you into joining the "bad side" or run into the "arms" of the Netherbrain.

Or something better that maybe someone else can brainstorm.

I for one, won't care about creating my guardian in subsequent playthroughs if the character I make just, does not exist.. In the current state of the game(act 3), I won't replay anyway so I guess there is that..

*Edit* Although the Dreamwalker part actually sounds pretty good, no?

Last edited by Surge90sf; 08/09/23 10:36 PM.