Originally Posted by Raz415
Originally Posted by JandK
One thing I have found to be incredibly difficult on tactician is killing the Commander on the nautiloid.

I'm happy to say that I did manage to kill him and the mind flayer. The other two cambions? Not a chance. But taking out the Commander and the mind flayer on tactician felt like a real victory.

Agreed! I have tried and failed in 3 playthroughs by having one character near the console (just in case) and in one going all-in. The cambions are a really bad idea to try and fight on Tactician regardless, and I think that's a very nice touch. Finally killing the Commander and getting his amazing greatsword just feels like such a WIN in Tactician, I LOVED it.

I just used "Command" to drop his weapon :p Snatched it and used the console ...