Joined: Oct 2020
Here are some of my thoughts. Act 3 has left me a bit deflated and occasionally frustrated. There seems very little direction as to what to do next and, whilst this isn't entirely bad, I am left feeling spoiled for choice as to what to do next, and wondering will this adversely impact another quest line if I do it. In short, there seems too much going on in too small a space. I also often feel my party is underpowered for a lot of the encounters (despite being Level 11). This leads you to wander around trying to find something to do next in order to level up. Some events seem to be virtually impossible unless you party is made up of characters of a specific class, with specific items and spells. This reduces the role play aspect of the game by railroading you into certain options/choices. Sometimes I feel I'm doing things in the wrong order and have to keep going back to earlier saves to try a different route or choices. This brings me onto save scumming. You can't seem to get away without doing this at some points, especially the Iron Throne quest. It took me around three hours just to get to the point where I made it out with 9 hostages (I think there a 12 including the Duke). This just ruins the immersive feel. Overall, I love the game. Acts 1 and 2 had a few minor issues but, overall, were brilliant. Act 3 just needs to be tweaked so as to keep the feel of the game and allow for more role play. What do others think about Act 3?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2009
Its bad. The story and narrative completely breaks down.
Joined: Jul 2023
I'm currently in act 3 and pretty much only left with the main quest. Overall I can say that I liked act 1 the most ... by far. I feel the same as you with act 3, though I didn't have any trouble with the encounters so far. My companions don't have much to say anymore as well. Doesn't feel as immersive as it did in the beginning.
Joined: Jul 2014
I liked Act 1 a lot despise the overwhelming sense of familiarity that came from 3 years of EA. I liked most of what was there for Act 2 even if it felt a lot shorter than the other two and it would have benefitted from one or two extra areas (it's also worth noting that I initially rated it higher since I counted the mountain pass/creche as a part of it, when it's apparently considered still Act 1).
I... have very mixed feelings about Act 3 so far. For one, performances and bugs were bad enough that they turned me off from playing the game entirely and I'm kinda sitting here waiting for further improvements at this point.
Also, it feels... Fairly monotone. With most of the action happening in the city streets and the sewers, there's a perceived lack of variety I can't shake off. I think I would prefer if the structure of this act was closer to something like "The city is your central hub, but you'll travel all around the province to visit different places in your quest". On top of it, I don't think that "putting everything in one area" benefitted it even remotely. Separate city quartiers would have probably paced the whole thing better and offered chances for greater cosmetic variety.
That aside, it's not the amount of content that disappoints me as much how ABRUPTLY most stories and questlines seem to end. Cazador hyped up to the high heavens turning out to be a complete push-over you can just walk into AND bitchslap in one go. The "coven of hags" not being a thing. Most of the companions fading into the background with very little reactivity across the entire Act 3.
And so on.
Last edited by Tuco; 09/09/23 09:21 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I didn't like or enjoy most of the parts of Act 3 that I played (I stopped about halfway through Act 3 and began a new party). Much of Act 3 feels unpolished and unfocused, as if they tried to cram as much into it as they possibly could. I like that it seems to be more open though, but overall I prefer Act 1 & 2 by far.
Last edited by Kendaric; 09/09/23 10:11 AM.
Joined: Feb 2021
Act 3 is like final season of cancelled tv show which tried to end its story the best way possible despite all the plans for at least 2 seasons.
Overall Act 3 isn't that bad, but some things make a terrible aftertaste.
Joined: Dec 2020
So far, I like act 3, tehre are some intersting quests and I'm having fin, but I agree with Tuco that Cazador was underwhelming (and the voice actor sounded a bit like a bad parody of Bela Lugosi :-D) and as much as I liekd to meet again, I was looking forward to her
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Jul 2014
Act 3 is like final season of cancelled tv show which tried to end its story the best way possible despite all the plans for at least 2 seasons. Holy shit if this isn't a good summary of what vibe it gives.
Joined: Jul 2023
One thing I liked in act 3 that I forgot to mention: The combat soundtrack when you fight Raphael. Was an epic moment for sure.
Last edited by Liley; 09/09/23 10:00 AM.
Joined: Dec 2017
I'm in act 3 now again and I really almost "fear" playing there because on my first playthrough, so many quests were broken (fireworks, Jaheira) that I'm scared that I may break something again by triggering bugs.
Actually gave up my first playthrough mid act 3 because of that and started over because I couldn't do many of the things because of bugs. I wonder if all of that is fixed now.
Last edited by Firesong; 09/09/23 10:44 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I just get burned out playing the game in Act 3. It feels overwhelming with the sheer volume of sidequests, and it lacks a sense of meaningful progression since there's no epilogue. Considering most players are already at max level and giga-looted at this point, it seems unnecessary to pursue additional magic items and story threads that lead nowhere.
Joined: Sep 2023
I wouldn't know, I can't play it until Larian fixes non-lethal damage to actually work.
Joined: Jul 2014
I wouldn't know, I can't play it until Larian fixes non-lethal damage to actually work. Wut?
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
I think act 3 has loads of promise. I enjoyed it hugely despite all the bugs, but it would obviously be much better without them. It was overwhelming on first reaching the city, but then I get that with other cRPGs too, and I found that if I just started chipping away at the quests it got manageable quickly enough. I thought that on the whole the quests were interesting and varied, rather than a whole bunch of fetch-quests, and exploring Baldur�s Gate was amazing. I agree that there were some quest lines that I�d liked more of, especially the hags, though admittedly I never found Ethel again in my playthrough, as I was doing it without any guides and clearly missed something. From a note I found, I�m guessing I need to watch out more carefully for some mushrooms next run! (Don�t tell me, I want to find her for myself  ) And I definitely agree that the epilogue was a let down, and I really wanted all my party and key NPCs to get a look in. But if bugs are fixed and epilogues expanded, I�ll probably think Act 3 is great. And if, on top of that, some of the quests/storylines that feel like they might have been truncated were fully developed and the quest design tweaked in a few places where I did find it frustrating, I reckon it would be a triumph.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Sep 2023
Act 3 is exactly what I feared it would be, given Larian's history of tripping up in the final leg of their games. It is not merely that the environment and story itself feels rushed; the combat also begins to fall apart.
Act 1 was definitely my favorite. Act 2 was overall pretty good; though I did begin noticing more bugs, the overarching plot of the area seemed to have strange, confusing gaps at times, and by the end of the act I was feeling the fatigue of not having had much of a combat challenge for basically all of act 2. Act 3 was disappointing enough that I seriously considered quitting halfway through and am now putting down the game until I hear it's significantly better. Or maybe it will never be, and I'll have to research some mods to fix it.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2009
I wouldn't know, I can't play it until Larian fixes non-lethal damage to actually work. That wont happen. Too much effort to add so many branching paths to account for all possibilities. At best some of the worst examples like The brothers for the hag quest in act 1
will get a nonlethal story path.
Last edited by Ixal; 09/09/23 01:54 PM.
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Joined: Oct 2021
I stopped 2/3 of the way through Act 3. I really like it. I like the urban environment, I like the character moments, I like the combat encounters, I like the banter, I like the quest structure, I like the density of activity and the feeling of a city waiting to be discovered.
What I don�t like is how strangely paced it feels with respect to the rest of the game. NPCs we�ve been developing for the whole game are dismissed with a flick of the wrist. Quests feel incomplete or conclude in places that feel odd. Once you�ve explored the whole city, a lot of quests have you going to places you�ve already been when there�s not actually new stuff in those locations.
I think Act 3 could potentially be the best Act, if given a bit more attention.
Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
Joined: Mar 2020
I still haven't beaten act 3 Freeing Gith price, defeating Jason' Isaac's character, finishing Wyll's and Astarion's quest is all that's left . I liked act1 the most - it is easily the most content rich, and polished of the three Didnt' like act2 aside from . As such act3 seems like a step up for me. Couple issues: I think it fails to pay off on promises made throughout act1&2. Story threads are continued, (tieflings, hag/Maryna, companions) but they are minor, and in some cases retcon, or contradict choices we made previously (Hag being the most outrageous one). Forunately for me, I wasn't invested in act1 story, so I am more than happy to see something more Baldur's Gate like, but as the whole the story feels disjointed. There is multitude of issues with reactivity - that's started for me as soon as I left EA area, and haven't stopped. Act3 might be worse, as there is more story content there, but it hasn't been worse than act2 for me. Most quests, seem fairly straightforward - that said, I thought there was only one truly complex quest in act1 (goblins vs grove), so the rest of the game being rather straightforward doesnt' surprise me. A lot of magic has evaporated for me after act1 - with skills like speak to dead/animals becoming underutilised. A lot of combat encounters in BG3 do come down to gimmicks. I don't think they are bad, but I think some of them are poorly set up. Iron Throne specifically required careful preperation, and I think the game should have prepared the player for what is coming. I had to restart every major encounter in act3 (Iron Throne, Orin, Raphael, Sarevok) - I wouldn't call them hard (maybe aside from Iron Throne depending on how many prisoners you wanna save), but you need to play them in a very specific way to succeed. For example, when I entered encounter with Orin, I simply didn't have enouth AoE attacks prepared. Once I fixed that, the fight was easy to do . Fortunately, my bard is crowd control oriented, and Hypnotic Pattern seems to be a solution to almost every late game problem. I really like the feel of the city, but I am not a fan of being contained to it. To me, the city work best as hubs, the way they were done in BG2/Deadfire. However, considering Larian's structure, I am impressed by Baldur's Gate. However, they have a lot of work to do, to improve the reactivity as it falls apart big time in act2&3. Individual quests feel underwhelming. The game peaks in act1 and the rest of the game lives in its shadow. Still, it could be much much worse. It probably will be - I hear things about the finale of act3 which don't sound great.
Joined: Sep 2022
I slogged through Act 3 completionist style, bugs and all. Oh boy! There were gems: Raphael's finale, Sarevok, jungle of Chult, Shadowheart's finale, various buffs from allies made throughout the game. There were trials: Iron throne (excellent change of pace, once you figure it out!), Steelwatch foundry, Gortash, approach to Temple of Bhaal. Torture: final battle(s)!! Impossible decisions: The guardian's final choice. Stealth missions: And after playing through, so many places can be shortened by stealth. Let downs: No Cloakwood. No Ulgoth's Beard. No Upper city. Confusion: Couldn't find hideout to progress main quest for hours of searching; answer was right there all along of course. And bugs: forget save-scumming, I had to reload Iron throne and jail-breaking Florick anyway. I tell you what, I won't go completionist in Act 3 again. Pick and choose and progress. I was absolutely laden down with legendary and very rare magic loot. My second choice items were in some ways better than first picks. Had no illithid powers but OP anyway. Nonetheless, final battle was tough!
Last edited by FreeTheSlaves; 09/09/23 02:05 PM.
Joined: Jul 2023
In Act 3 The House of Hope, The House of Grief and The Iron Throne were highlights for me.
But I just could not relate to The Emperor and didn't understand the story arc around him. Do I trust him? No. Do I want to romance him? No. Do I want to know his favorite cereals for breakfast by searching some basement? Absolutely not (and at that point the writers completely lost me, I hope I just didn't get the joke.) Then the original identity of The Emperor is revealed and I'm sitting there literally just shrugging.
Finally I was looking forward to the liberation of Orpheus, but how disappointing that turned out. I'd love to have a way of setting Orpheus free sooner and see him play a bigger role (opposing The Emperor as well as Vlaakith).
Waiting with my 2nd play through until some kind of overhaul. Anyway, even in the current state, easily the game I enjoyed most since Witcher 3.
- You are one of us now. - Yes, I suppose I am.