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After I've completed Evil Urge (of which I shared my critique here: ) I've of course delved into Good Urge's story. However, the Good Ending suffers tons for very similar reasons as the Evil ending. Of course this post will be full with spoilers, and given Dark Urge's character, is quite NSFW. It should also go without mention that this post is about criticism and feedback, as Larian has shown good will in adressing issues with the plot, and isn't meant to be a whine post (not entirely, at any rate. In this one, I sound much more annoyed and frustrated, so I'd like to apologize early for that). This one's also a giant wall of text, so I hope you enjoy the read.

1. About Good Urge

A lot of the similar characteristics is there from Evil Urge - a deep and unknown desire to kill, puppeteered by Bhaal through Sceleritas in the background, but the Good Urge chooses to discover the source of this darkness and overpower it. With the occasional slip, the Urge shows incredible willpower to quench the evil within them, which causes them both great mental and physical pain at several turns in their journey, culminating in being murdered by Bhaal. But in that death the Bhaalspawn is redeemed, and Withers, using the part of the Urge's soul that was not struck down by Bhaal, brings them back to life. Their dauntless courage leads them to make incredible sacrifices, and based on the way I played it, led all the companions down a good path, defeated Raphael so that he doesn't pose a threat to anyone any longer, freed Orpheus to liberate the Githyanki, became a Mind Flayer in Orpheus's stead, destroyed the Netherbrain, asked Orpheus that both they and their companions be remembered, and took their own life in the end to ensure that the last remaining Illithid never has the chance to turn on their friends, but also to deny Bhaal their death, and to forever free themselves from evil temptations. It is the greatest tale of redemption one could ask for, one that ironically stems from the jealousy of the Urge's sister - and Orin paid a heavy price for it.

And had I played companionless (or only with Lae'zel because she is a god damn fantastic companion with the best character development out of all the sidekicks), I would have booked this story a 9/10, but dear lord there are SO many issues that surround a Good Urge that I can't help but feel incredibly disappointed.

2. Beating the dead horse still

I complained in my previous post a lot that Act3 is insanely unfinished. I will complain again. My GOD there are so many important plot points that are insanely disconnected.

Let's begin with the Emperor. My god what an awful character, even from the very beginnings as the Dream Visitor. Despite his age, accomplishments, experience and status, he never once considers that there might be people who doubt his claims. He gets annoyed like a bloody child when anyone demands answers out of him, and even then he keeps bullshitting, despite his very own goal being the salvation of Faerun. And I'll say this: it is perfectly understandable that he doesn't want to appear in his Mind Flayer form, that is not what I'm saying, but the people he protects have minds and doubts of their own, and he never makes an attempt to extend the olive branch. And a lot of the dialogue is weak with him as a result - you never once get to extend the olive branch of your own, you can either side with him or be against him in dialogue choices. Never once is an option given to say "bro, you must understand that we have ALL the fucking doubts in the universe, but let's start clearing all these up nice n steady, you claim fantastical things and I want to believe but you're you, so please" but instead "yea you're chill" or "nah bro" - for a game that otherwise has very in-depth conversational options, it lacks it with one of it's key characters that makes the ENTIRE PLOT possible. This culminates with Orpheus, where he is extremely adamant that "no he's evil!" and never once is there an option for "can you at least let loose your magic so that we can talk to him" - in fact, he gets so bloody pissed at the fact that you free Orpheus that he straight up chooses the winning side in his mind, which is the Netherbrain. Yes, his goal is the salvation of Faerun, and he has good reason to believe that Orpheus is just going to go "no" but there is a LOT of build up with Kith'rak Voss and the many books you can find about Orpheus that he is more than capable of objectivity and putting his differences aside.

The primary takeaway here is that in his quest as a heroic adventurer who wants to save Faerun, he overlooks his own characteristics, and decides that saving both Faerun and the Githyanki is simply impossible, something that is built up to be more than possible, and actually occurs - Orpheus, Voss and Lae'zel ride away at the end of the game on the back of one of the best arcs in this game. Every time the Emperor speaks, the plot weakens, and he desperately needs a rewriting to not be so painful. In my playthrough, he pissed me off so much that I glitched two Watcher Greatswords onto my Fighter so I can oneshot the Emperor on turn1 on Tactician to make him shut the hell up. If anything, he should be elated, if still cautious, that the salvation of two instead of one is more than possible. Yes, Orpheus might give the tadpoled and the Emperor a bad look, but he would also see Voss, his most loyal ally and his companions team up would get him to think, don't you agree?

Next up, it's Raphael again. Bro wants the Crown for himself, he wants to rule, yadda-yadda, we know this from the previous post. I still don't get how killing Raphael isn't a primary objective. Both for Evil and Good Urge, Raphael should be a GIANT red flag, the biggest of them all. Imagine making all that sacrifice (or racking up that many bodies as Evil) only to overlook Raphael and get backstabbed by the end. But again, he really has no relevance on the plot because he is a side objective, and it's stupid. He's been built up from the very beginning of Act1 - we saw the war in Avernus, we met Raphael not soon after during our adventures, we learn that he wants to end the war in Avernus, we learn that he is a manipulative and powerful bastard, and we learn he wants all that power for himself. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo... why is he a side objective?

Now we can speak of companions. A lot of them seem to be simply along the ride? Lae'zel and Jaheira are the only ones that actually care about what happens in the world - somewhat. After I one-turn killed Orin (because apparently, she can die in a Shapeshift unlike anyone else? Isn't she supposed to revert back to her humanoid form?) and rejected Bhaal, no one really seemed to care? And I had Jaheira, a romanced Shadowheart and Wyll in my group. All Shadowheart could say was "well you pulled me out of the dirt so ty" YOU JUST WITNESSED YOUR LOVE OF YOUR LIFE GET BRUTALLY MURDERED AND RESSURRECTED, HELLO? While one might expect Jaheira to be more stoic, she should solicit some form of reaction as well given her history, and Wyll just straight up rawdogged the entire thing, standing there looking pretty.

It's the same bloody deal at the end at the docks. No one other than the Urge and Lae'zel herself gets emotional over her leaving to fulfil her dream and duty. Not every companion fancies her (especially Shadowheart), but surely everyone would have some sort of reaction after having spent so much time together in what was a historic adventure that resulted in the salvation of one and the upcoming salvation of another? And at the end of the docks, when I chose to take my own life, only the Astarion who only had about 11 affection points shouted in panic at the Urge to stop. Everyone else just watched? Not to mention the notion that you don't get to say goodbye to anyone, especially to a Shadowheart who herself took the life of her parents out of love? Wouldn't she be incredibly heartbroken to witness not just her parents, but her lover die after only being able to spend so little time with them? Normally, I'm a sucker for a tragic yet beautiful ending, but because of how weak the epilogue is, I was wishing that Withers would just come along and resurrect us again and put us back in our mortal body (somehow) because it was such a narratively weak moment that it deeply hurt the Urge's final moments. And I guess we had to witness Karlach blowing up with only Wyll really reacting to the entire thing. No one else had an epilogue. None of the sacrifices and losses are remembered, none of the places we visited are brought up again, none of the factions and people we helped, nothing. Oh, and, by the way, I completely fucked up Wyll in my playthrough, because:

3. No one's tried the front door

To be plain: I sequence broke the game. HARD. I was going to make a separate post about this, so I'll just copy paste my draft here:

In Act3, when you first go to pay Gortash a visit and before triggering Orin's kidnap sequence, you are not actually forced into interacting with Gortash. If you have access to Invisibility, you can sneak up on him and kill him on the spot (in fact, it is rather easy actually, at least with the Fighter I was playing with a pre-used Haste from Wyll and a Diluted Oil of Sharpness and fighting Gortash solo, from Explorer to Tactician). Once the deed is done and you get out and let the abduction sequence go through, your companions will still talk as if Gortash was alive and that we have to accept the deal with Orin, despite the fact that Orin herself has congratulated us on killing Gortash so quickly. This sequence also locks you out from making use of Gortash's hands and receiving the password "Sicarius" from Orin, despite the deal being that you get entry to the Murder Tribunal if you take care of Gortash, forcing you into interacting with the Murder in Baldur's Gate plot if you want to progress the story (where, magically, if you only loot the bag of hands off of the Assassin, you still learn Sicarius). This also locks Mizora out of joining you at the camp and destroys the Steel Watch Foundry without interacting with any of the relevant ways to blow it up to disable the machinery, yet all the Steel Watchers remain functional and will immediately attack the Urge once spotted. You also can't rescue the Grand Duke anymore.

Which kind of made following the plot along really difficult, alongside losing access to a significant portion of Wyll's story, making him an extremely weak character in Act3. It just seems like a weird way to break the game, because in Act1, Voss has protections against an event like this - you just simply can't kill him, you are FORCED to interact with him, yet Gortash has none?

4. How the companions think about the Urge

And perhaps the strangest of all - everyone, excluding Jaheira and your romanced companion (if you have romanced someone to begin with) kind of don't care about the urges and them being a Bhaalspawn? You can tell them that you constantly have dark thoughts and urges, you can tell them that you're the child of the literal God of Murder, and everyone's like "oh we all have our difficulties in life, you're good bro" - which in itself I don't think is bad, the bad part of this I feel is moreso the fact that only a romanced companion and Jaheira finds out about your true identity. Jaheira implies at several points that redeemed Bhaalspawns never once get a peaceful sleep in their life, that she and her companions were woken up many times to blood-curling screams from their Bhaalspawn friend having nightmares, and SHE EVEN SAYS that Bhaal has much more control over the Urge than her previous companions. The Urge, in all honesty, seems extremely dormant throughout the entire plot.

This didn't jump out to me as an issue in the Evil playthrough as - and as I even picked so in a conversation with Sceleritas - I played into being a psycho, not really needing the Urge to commit atrocities, but here, there is a genuine lack of Urge moments. Beyond getting Alfira killed, your hands are never forced, nor do you have to win saving throws against the Urge to protect your allies and yourself. Which in turn means that your companions kind of don't really have any reason to fear you, despite having psychotic episodes? Despite sleeping in the middle of the camp, surrounded by people who would absolutely hear the Urge throwing a fit in their nightmares? No distrust, no inner mental torture over the Urge trying to do their best, no suspicions? And especially with how weak the scenes are when you reject Bhaal in his temple, the Urge might just be a custom Tav with not much else going for them. The only difference is Alfira's death (and getting the Deathstalker Mantle in return).

5. Conclusion

Same deal as last time - a well-crafted character that is surrounded by a lot of stupidity, only to conclude in a lack of a conclusion. The game reeks of a very blatant lack of scholarly work and QA testing in key areas, and I'd like to see this improved upon, hence why I share this feedback. I hope that you enjoyed the read.

Larian, please fix.

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Agreed, after playing Good Dark Urge myself, I was disappointed how few moments they had and how little impact they had.

I am also disappointed and confused by the of Dark Urge storyline.

So, once Orin dies and Dark Urge rejects Bhaal, they get killed on the spot and drained of the taint, before being resurrected by Withers. Not only this feels like it would gain AO attention, as a quasi deity like Bhaal just commits an equivalent to divine intervention. It also seems like a massive cop out.

Why doesn’t our romanced companion rush to our body, maybe trying to revivify and it not working? But the heroic sacrifice being invalidated so easily is not impactful.

It would be better if Withers only brought back the Dark Urge until they could finish the job, living on borrowed time.

However, I am more annoyed by Bhaal taking away the taint with a snap of his fingers. If Urge loses the duel with Orin, they get cursed with going mad from the urge, which is another example of Bhaal being able to do more than they ought to.

I would be happier, if Bhaal denounced Dark Urge, telling him he will never be free of his cursed blood, never know peace, etc.

As for the ending
, I am annoyed that we cant get Omellum help. It sounds logical, but is not an option. Instead we are railroaded into heroic sacrifice or siding with emperor.

Act 3 is a mess, the game needed a whole year or two of development.

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It is weird because I posted a thread yesterday saying this exact thing. And no one answered. You are right ofc.

But I think it is more a symptom of how act 3 is complete EA still. And the main story has several issues which requires them to make a second pass, and it all starts with the first face to face encounter with the Emperor. It has been pointed out many times. Too many things make no sense. The Emperor admits he has been mindcontrolling everyone yet acts all "why don't you trust me" as if the convo never happened. Stuff like this happens quite often tbh..

Personally I was dissappointed of how it is a complete rip off of the MC in the originals, they really should have taken another approach imo. Something else that was the Dark Urge so to speak.

*Edit* I also pointed out that the romance is just complete afk while you are murdered like the guy above. Act 3 is just complete EA and riddled with inconsistency.

Last edited by Surge90sf; 11/09/23 11:53 PM.
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Piping in here to agree with the act 3 inconsistencies and reactivity from companions at key moments. I think once you hit lower city is when it felt backseat. Though, now that it was mentioned it is weird that the dark urge moments DO cut down after act one. I don't think there are as many thoughts or dialogues outside of the few scenes that get you the you know what.

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Yeah you're right on all points, nothing much to add here.

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Originally Posted by Surge90sf
It is weird because I posted a thread yesterday saying this exact thing. And no one answered.

Must have missed that post, else I'd have commented under there - I suppose at least this one had some traction.

Originally Posted by Surge90sf
*Edit* I also pointed out that the romance is just complete afk while you are murdered like the guy above. Act 3 is just complete EA and riddled with inconsistency.

I also want to point out one giant missed opportunity (edit: which, now that I read back, Annoyed Player in this post also brought up, though in a slightly different form, so apologies for the redundancy!):

Why wouldn't Bhaal leave us alive after rejecting him? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to him to keep bombarding you with terrible Urges, breaking your mind and body but holding on just long enough to make the right choice atop the Netherbrain? It would give the suicide ending extra power, as when the player gets there, it's not just the Illithid temptations that torture the Urge, but Bhaal himself still. And it seems like the most bittersweet and correct ending, but then you can move the Withers ressurection scene here, cleaving your soul back to your original body (with a certain vagueness given if it's your partial-Illithid or normal body). It's just strange because it makes Bhaal that much less threathening and gives him very little presence overall. Out of the Dead Three, Myrkul seems to be the only properly menacing one. His Chosen was a force of nature, a strategic genius and even summonned the Apostle of Myrkul. Gortash is a joke in all honesty (with his only redeeming quality being if you go along with his proposed alliance) to the point where I can't even remember the name of his God from the top of my head because of how irrelevant they are. Orin even more so, especially since I am not even sure if it's a bug that she dies in the Slayer form, unlike literally every other shapeshift in the game. (Oh, and a quick sidenote: I forgot to put this in the post, but Jaheira, after collecting all 3 Netherstones, says: "It's time for us to destroy a Netherbrain. You don't know that Grandma. It's an Elder Brain at that point. Jeesh.)

Last edited by ghettojesusxx; 12/09/23 10:09 AM.
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It is not only the last part of that story that makes no sense.

The scene where you step unto the Wyrms Crossing for the first time makes no sense either. "A surge of memory hits you. You are the former greatest assassin of Bhaal!" .. Ok? Why am I suddenly remembering things? Did the two random NPCs talking about their day jog my memory? So much for build up.

And this is definetly not the only example of things that make no sense.

Last edited by Surge90sf; 12/09/23 10:49 AM.
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Originally Posted by Surge90sf
It is not only the last part of that story that makes no sense.

The scene where you step unto the Wyrms Crossing for the first time makes no sense either. "A surge of memory hits you. You are the former greatest assassin of Bhaal!" .. Ok? Why am I suddenly remembering things? Did the two random NPCs talking about their day jog my memory? So much for build up.

And this is definetly not the only example of things that make no sense.

Yeah, I'm not sure why it was put there - they already had two backup solutions in the forms of
taking your first Long Rest, experiencing the nightmare and Jaheira looking over you with steel drawn, and Gortash himself revealing just who you are. It'd actually be better if the "surge" was removed entirely, lol.
Thanks for the reminder on that one, totally forgot about it.

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I'm doing a new Dark Urge run with only Shadowheart now since she's my romance and excellent party member overhaul. It seems that it's more interesting because of some points you've made. The game basically only recognizes your romanced character for important events, the others are so off and weird in their reactions and interactions to the Dark Urge that honestly not having them makes the run feel more personal and interesting. But yeah, the Bahaal part where you die, and everyone is like.

Originally Posted by Surge90sf
It is not only the last part of that story that makes no sense.

The scene where you step unto the Wyrms Crossing for the first time makes no sense either. "A surge of memory hits you. You are the former greatest assassin of Bhaal!" .. Ok? Why am I suddenly remembering things? Did the two random NPCs talking about their day jog my memory? So much for build up.

And this is definetly not the only example of things that make no sense.

Curious, I had the dream only after I talked to the blacksmith/Orin where she told me I was her sibling.

Overhaul I loved the Durge, but the way they made it at Act 3 was so rushed, like it seems everything else, that the immense potential I was building up in my mind just fell apart so hard. Still I like Durge more than any other origin or custom. I hope the DE can make it better.

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"Curious, I had the dream only after I talked to the blacksmith/Orin where she told me I was her sibling."

Right that happened to me too. It is sad that stuff like this happens so much I can not even remember all of them..

Last edited by Surge90sf; 12/09/23 12:35 PM.
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Well, I've to post about this now that I tried it out...
I went back in my saves to try out becoming the Chosen of Bhaal and then defying Him atop the Netherbrain. When you are given the choice of what the character will do after everything is said and done, one of the options is "I'll hunt down Bhaal, surely he can't be that tough after the Netherbrain" but then Bhaal just straight up full-on mind controls the Urge like four seconds later to the point of his eyes glowing all red and getting Orin's dagger? And I'm not convinced that he has that much control over the Urge because the Urge became the Chosen because why couldn't He just control the Urge on the Netherbrain then?

Where in the hells has the Urge been in this entire game? Was Alfira really that huge of an existential threat to Bhaal? I can't help but laugh at the silliness at this point. What a terribly useless God.

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If I had to summarize Dark Urge it would be like this: Durge is as underdeveloped as Karlach's ending used to be.

The rewards for commiting to it suck, most moments don’t matter, it is barely harder than a standard origin, companion reactions to the durge storyline are basically none, etc.

It feels like it was added last and wasn’t properly tested. It sounds good on paper and the origin is way better than TAV, but compared to Shadowheart or Laezel, it's not that special.

In a way it suffers from similar problems as tadpole powers. If Tadpole powers are free of consequences for the most part and basically busted. Dark Urge destroys sidequests, content and magic items for garbage tier rewards. And even good Dark Urge isn't that great, since you get almost no other scenes like the one in ACT 2 or the one in ACT 2.

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While I remember it, only Astarion gets more custom interactions with the Dark Urge, as the same writer created both Astarion and Dark Urge and gave them extra content.

Outside of that, nobody else gets anything, which is a massive missed opportunity. Hell, after playing good urge here are some ideas:

-Make way more saving throws, so you don't commit to urges, basically all the choices where Dark urge calls, should require saving throws. So, not all situations, but way harder than it is right now.
-Each time you resist the urge, it becomes harder and harder to resist, making it tempting to fall to urge at certain moments. It would really come into play in Act 2. And was implied early on.
-Make falling into urge rewarding, I wrote about it in suggestions.
-Rework the ending, so nobody is forced to become mind flayer, if you refuse the Emperor. In fact, here is an idea, depending on your choices and how much you resisted the urge:
A) Fell into darkness: You take over the Absolute and slaughter everyone, your loved one included.
B) Neutral: you fell too many times, allowing you to destroy the brain, but Bhaal keeps destroying your mind, forcing you to kill yourself, so that you can't hurt anyone else.
C) Good: you resisted the urge enough times, you are still afflicted with it, it will never go away, but unless you let it, you can control it, living a semblance of normal life.
-Make your companions be terrified of your actions, if you commit to them and if you resist them, have them provide moral and physical support and way more dialogue + reactivity.

You get the idea. Playing as either Karlach or Dark Urge is a bit lacklustre as they have got less content than Shadowheart or Laezel. Wyll after rework suffers from it too.

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Welp, I suppose we got a fix for Good Urge -
The option of taking control of the Netherbrain after defying Bhaal in his Temple now no longer happens in Bhaal's name. I guess.

I know that Larian has the weight of the world on them right now with the amount of things they have to fix, and a bunch of new stuff to implement, but this just feels insanely lackluster. Nevertheless, Patch3 fixed a bunch of stuff regardless, for which they deserve kudos at the very least.

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Originally Posted by ghettojesusxx
Welp, I suppose we got a fix for Good Urge -
The option of taking control of the Netherbrain after defying Bhaal in his Temple now no longer happens in Bhaal's name. I guess.

I know that Larian has the weight of the world on them right now with the amount of things they have to fix, and a bunch of new stuff to implement, but this just feels insanely lackluster. Nevertheless, Patch3 fixed a bunch of stuff regardless, for which they deserve kudos at the very least.

Credit, where is due, Larian is doing overtime and fixing a lot of content with each patch. I have got nothing against that, but I really wish they delayed the game for a year and made a close beta of acts 2 and 3.

The pacing and consistency falls apart during late parts of ACT 2 and the act 3 is in a state of early access. Still, I enjoyed Durge despite it's flaws, but I can’t help but crave for better writing and implementation of it.

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Originally Posted by Annoyed Player
Still, I enjoyed Durge despite it's flaws, but I can’t help but crave for better writing and implementation of it.

Honestly, after playing all the aspects of Durge I could, and after finishing up crafting this post: - I can't play BG3 alone again. I only really boot it up to play with friends who don't have as much time as I do to play and talk about this game. There is such insane potential in there, yet it is just simply not capitalized on. Maybe I'm on copium, but I got a lot of entertainment out of this game on a very good deal, so I am hopeful.

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Originally Posted by Annoyed Player
While I remember it, only Astarion gets more custom interactions with the Dark Urge, as the same writer created both Astarion and Dark Urge and gave them extra content.
Same writer did both Astarion and the Durge? That guy needs a raise! My favorite two story characters.

Last edited by crst; 23/09/23 10:59 PM.
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well its not called the pretty flower story... the clues in the name guys

Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it.
Yoda: That is why you failed.
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Not necessarily ending related since I didn't get there yet as Dark Urge, but to me it feels like good Dark Urge has some companion reactions in there that don't fit the choices you make at all.
I had the dream about being Bhaalspawn, admitted it to my allies and they were generally cool about it, telling me I could resist it.
I reach
Gortash and he tells me I was his partner in the whole Absolute plan until Orin backstabbed me.
I then talk to Shadowheart (romance), Karlach and Lae'zel about it and
Shadowheart/Karlach completely flip their shit at me. Shadowheart was sweet as hell about it in the end of act 2 romance cutscene and told me not to punish myself for my past, now she does it instead. Karlach acted like the signs were all there when I've been resisting it all along. Meanwhile Lae'zel just repeated the exact same thing she said when I told her I was a Bhaalspawn. And what she says highly indicates that I supposedly did not resist the urges. No chance to reply to any of them either, just straight back to normal dialogue. Yes Shadowheart, give me a kiss after you just shouted at me from the top of your lungs.
Companions in camp had nothing to say. Was a bit unfortunate, had hoped for more and more appropriate interaction.

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Originally Posted by Michieltjuhh
I then talk to Shadowheart (romance), Karlach and Lae'zel about it and
Shadowheart/Karlach completely flip their shit at me. Shadowheart was sweet as hell about it in the end of act 2 romance cutscene and told me not to punish myself for my past, now she does it instead. Karlach acted like the signs were all there when I've been resisting it all along. Meanwhile Lae'zel just repeated the exact same thing she said when I told her I was a Bhaalspawn. And what she says highly indicates that I supposedly did not resist the urges. No chance to reply to any of them either, just straight back to normal dialogue. Yes Shadowheart, give me a kiss after you just shouted at me from the top of your lungs.

Wait, on my good Durge I took Astarion (romance), Wyll and Karlach to pay a visit to Gortash and in my case there were no reactions, sure, Karlach flipped for a bit asking "WHAT IS GOING ON?" but that's it.

Even when I tried talking to them after the fact they had little new to say (basically same lines as my basic Tav got). Well, they had more to say about me rejecting Gortash's proposition than Gortash's big reveal about Durge's past work with him. I wonder what gives.

But yeah, I agree that good Durge needs some massive quality assurance tests done, while being a major improvement to basic Tavs (who are the blankest slate in history of blank slates and have no tie to the main story aside from the tadpole and the fact that the rest of the companions for some reason agreed to follow Tav cause Tav is the main character - that's it), Durge still needs to have a lot of the contradictions in writing ironed out.

Like Durge somehow knows in act 3, after the 1st big dream that
they are a pure Bhaalspawn, with no mother, made of Bhaal's own flesh.
Okay, how do you know all that from just one dream?

Last edited by Nicottia; 07/10/23 03:20 AM.
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