Originally Posted by HarmAssassin
You are always free to say, "no" or to pick other dialogue choices making clear your intent to keep things on the 'friend' level instead of romantic.

Some want more, some want less, some want none. Can't keep everyone happy - personally I think they got it just right for the vast majority of those that will play the game.

You are of course free to hold your own opinions, but calling this game-breaking is a bit overstating the issue. You can always say, "no".
I didn’t call it game-breaking. I specifically said it wasn’t game-breaking, just slightly annoying.

Also, I didn’t put down the list to say it was all horrible.

-I said it was a matter of personal taste and the game was somewhat too horny for me.
-Response to me said the game wasn’t horny.
-I provide examples of the game being horny.
-You said “Just say no.”

I AM saying no. Game is excellent, just slightly too horny for my personal tastes, and there are the examples.

Last edited by Zerubbabel; 11/09/23 08:16 PM.

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