It is weird because I posted a thread yesterday saying this exact thing. And no one answered. You are right ofc.

But I think it is more a symptom of how act 3 is complete EA still. And the main story has several issues which requires them to make a second pass, and it all starts with the first face to face encounter with the Emperor. It has been pointed out many times. Too many things make no sense. The Emperor admits he has been mindcontrolling everyone yet acts all "why don't you trust me" as if the convo never happened. Stuff like this happens quite often tbh..

Personally I was dissappointed of how it is a complete rip off of the MC in the originals, they really should have taken another approach imo. Something else that was the Dark Urge so to speak.

*Edit* I also pointed out that the romance is just complete afk while you are murdered like the guy above. Act 3 is just complete EA and riddled with inconsistency.

Last edited by Surge90sf; 11/09/23 11:53 PM.