Joined: Sep 2023
It normally occurs in custscenes and conversations. Armor, clothes and even hair textures of PCs and NPCs are blur and takes like 3 seconds to load. This is during Act 1 and looks pretty bad.
Lae'zel armor is specially affected by this issue when I talk to her at the camp.
I hope they fixed it soon, because this is such a beautiful game on PS5.
Joined: Sep 2023
I'm having this issue with my whole damn playthrough, i am now almost 100hrs in and in act 3, it was tolerable on act 1 the textures would just pop in, in act 2 it was more rampant it was more often that sometimes the actual face and of my own character wouldn't even load but at least if i wait long enough it will load, but wow act 3 is absolutely horrible, every npc i have talked to have all their faces blurry including my party, and the worst thing is, this time the textures won't ever load, it just stays like that waiting to load everyone's faces are just blocks of skin with no detail.
Joined: Oct 2020
It’s quite strange because one of the most lauded features of the PS5 is how quickly it can load off storage. Look at games like Spider-Man. Considering this same problem is on PC I’m going to assume it just hasn’t been fully optimised for PS5 yet and hopefully is something they can fix down the line
Last edited by LukasPrism; 13/09/23 03:09 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I'm having this exact issue among others, the game freezes every time a character summons anything, also the frame rate is all over the place specially in act three, regardless of settings (performance on/off), I wonder if they're going to fix all this, it's very evident that it's all due to bad optimization for the console, I'm surprised they didn't postpone launch like they did with Xbox, cause this is looking to be a very bad port, unnecessarily bad too, if a PS5 can run Final Fantasy XVI it can surely run this game, provided they optimize it like they're supposed to.
Joined: Sep 2023
Update on act 3 for ps5, had to put the game down until a patch comes out, it got progressively worse the further i went, as soon as i reached the area where the Society of Brilliance is located it started stuttering like crazy to a point where your character can't walk normally, it was stuttering so much that it wasn't even registering most of my button presses and the menus were hell, i was purchasing clothes from the pennygood store and it takes a few seconds to even register that i had purchased something, it's having trouble loading the damn menus, and that's on top of the textures never actually loading anymore they just stay blocky. I should not have bought this game early, this is infuriating, making me lose respect at Larian for releasing this game in this state, should have just delayed it than spoil the game like this. I never had these issues on my pc the first time i finished it, suits me for buying the game twice, i should've known.
Joined: Sep 2023
I don't understand how they thought it was ok to release the game in this condition, it's a piss poor port, great game lazy port, either they know these issues exist and don't care, or the don't know and did the bare minimum testing when porting the game. I paid early access on PS5 so I'm in act 3 and it's barely playable, I'm obligated to quit the game nad restart every so often cause textures and detail on NPCs doesn't load no matter how much time you spend waiting for it to happen, load times are terrible considering the 5.5 gb/sec NVME, and the frame rate and frame passing is atrocious, lado the game freezes a few seconds any time anyone summons anything, it's so lazy, I just can't get my head around all this mediocrity in a game so we'll crafted mechanic and story wise.