I mean, they are also the last two with a sizable budget, incidentally.
And from where, exactly, do you get "sizable budget" for WotR? Please do show me, because by my reckoning WotR's budget was a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of BG3's budget.
Try to ask nicely next time and I'll teach you the basic logic of estimating a budget.
Also, can't help but point that the only reason you decided to take offense with my use of the word "sizable" is because you most likely arbitrarily decided to attach the WRONG interpretation to it. For example you probably assumed that I meant its budget was close to BG3. Something that not only I didn't actually said but I openly contested in the past, stressing the massive difference between the two.
This forum isn't as toxic as steam discussions but could be much better if people tried to be a little nicer to each other. Please do better, you're asking someone else to be nice but by the way you're writing it doesn't seem you're being nice either.