(-------------WARNING MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS----------------)I recently wanted to know more about Duke Stelman and her role in the political landscape of Baldur's Gate. Is she the 'good guy' type who fell prey to the Emperor and was being maliciously exploited? What is the connection between her and the Emperor? A bit of a deep dive into their background lore and store was really shocking. I am merely scratching the surface without owning all the supplemental books on these topics.
Who is Duke Stelmane?"Duke Belynne Stelmane was one of the members of the Council of Four, the governing body of Baldur's Gate, during the late 15th century DR.[2] She was a shrewd businessperson who also was a member of the Baldurian branch of the Knights of the Shield, a secret cadre of merchants and information brokers.[1] "
Who are the Knights Of The Shield that Duke Stelman and The Emperor Reference In BG3?" The Knights of the Shield were a group of information dealers and political manipulators that operated within the Sword Coast, Lands of Intrigue and, to a lesser extent the North, for over a thousand years, dating back before Dale Reckoning.[1]
While on the surface they appeared to be a secret society of merchants and nobles who were interested in the mercantile and civic matters of their respective lands,[2][3] their high leadership were in fact guardians of a secret in service to the archdevil-turned-deity, Gargauth. This was a secret to the citizens of Faerûn who knew of their existence, as well as most of their membership." Source:
So who is this arch-devil turned Demi-God, and what kind of being are they?" Gargauth (pronounced: /?g??rg???/ GAR-gawth[15]), originally known as Gargoth and sometimes called Astaroth[1] or Gormauth Souldrinker,[8] was a former archdevil and the Faerunian demigod of betrayal and political corruption.[9] Wandering the Material Plane after being cast from Hell for reasons unknown, the utterly depraved devil[1] was dedicated to infecting the Realms with his own brand of corruption and cruelty.[16] An incarnation of evil most rotten, Gargauth embodied the inevitable moral decay that followed both the victories won by evil means, and the selfish, greedy, and ambitious entities (both leaders and groups) that achieved them.
Gargauth had been known to befriend benevolent women in difficult situations under the guise of a helpful stranger before leaving them just before the child was born. Such children often emulated their father, leaving Gargauth's bloodline with many scions.[28] Some tieflings of House Gralhund could trace their ancestry back to the Exile.[29]
Gargauth counted as his foes a litany of evil gods, including the Dark Deities (Bane, Bhaal, Loviatar, and Talona). He was also opposed by Bane's son Iyachtu Xvim, as well as Cyric and Shar.[1][9] He was one of the few foes of Dugmaren Brightmantle, explorative and knowledge-seeking member of the Morndinsamman, since the Hidden Lord embodied everything corrupting and malicious about the search for knowledge.[30] He posed a particular threat to Siamorphe, demigoddess of rightful rulership for the benefit of the people, as he had interest in corrupting the sort of souls she held up as virtuous exemplars,[9] and he sought to steal the portfolio of rot from Finder Wyvernspur.[31] Gargauth also opposed Ghaunadaur, who long ago had stolen the aspect of Gormauth Souldrinker from him and completely subsumed it.[8][32] " Source:
What are his temples like? Where are the temples dedicated to him?"Gargauth had little in the way of actual temples dedicated to him, but the few he did have were usually beneath large cities and accessible through deep pits. Sulfurous incense, burning braziers, and fire pits smoldered throughout the underground complexes, the walls in such places lined with depictions of Hell and with huge, brazen altars serving as the focal points of the sanctuaries.[4] Baldur's Gate, Bezantur, Laothkund, Myratma, Sheirtalar, Teziir, and Waterdeep had hidden temples of the Hidden Lord beneath the streets, and dozens of other were said to be scattered throughout the Realms." Source:
So how does a shield come into play with all of this?"The Shield of the Hidden Lord was a powerful artifact associated with the demigod Gargauth, and the organization of Sword Coast nobles known as the Knights of the Shield.[1][3] Somehow Gargauth ended up trapped within the shield, and sought to escape.
In the Year of the Shining Shield, 889 DR, Duke Tithkar Illehhune joined the mercantile consortium known as the Knights of the Shield, bearing the shield that had bore the voice of Gargauth. He claimed the mystical artifact was a divine gift that heralded the group's ascension as a force to be reckoned with across the Realms.[3]
In fact, Gargauth used the shield to manipulate the First Lord of the Shield Council for centuries. Through the shield he imposed his will upon the group, involving them in a number of wars and conflicts that spanned all of western Faerûn." Source:
I suspect that the Emporer and her knew each other for some time. At the end of Act 3, if you romanced the Emporer and made the right choices, he asked you to stay with him, and help rebuild the Knights Of The Shield (based on gameplay from a friend, I am working on this path now to document it). If he was also a Knight Of The Shield, it means they knew each other, as the upper elite of the order could only have 3 people know of their membership. Going through his old hideout, its obvious the two have a history together and there is some fondness for her in the personal items of hers he has kept.
I suspect they were working together, and something happened to her to make her unable to operate and he took over. The Emperor's support and part in the metaplot was one of political intrigue and backstabbing as the God he served is the hate enemy of Shar, Bhaal and more.