I mean why would they? The majority of their playerbase is happy with what they got, the game is sitting at 96 on Metacritic with a broken/disjointed Act 3 and a pathetic ending so why bother.

Didn't D:OS2 get a Metacritic of 93? Yes, it was relatively unheard of compared to BG3, but then again they also released a DE for D:OS2 that apparently fixed companions or whatever that others are claiming a year after. There will come a time where people will start finishing the game and feel like Act 3 is kind of a mess, and reviewers are already somewhat catching onto the fact that Act 3 is a mess.

Monetarily (and this is just me hoping, since I'm mostly speaking out of my ***), releasing a DE version in the future will bring more eyes back to the game (even if free), and if they include fixes to the story/companions/lacking things like D:OS2 DE did, then I feel it would garner some new, positive attention.

Last edited by Invuska; 15/09/23 04:46 PM.

Justice for Karlach