Just got to act 3 and so so lost... so much so many directions.
1. Clown Parts
2. Murder investigation
3. Missing call girl
4. Devil
5. I don't trust my mentor from act 1 and 2
6. Harpers
7. some little boy missing his mom (I fed him)
8. A elephant thing I want to slap.
9. Refugees everywhere
10. crazy chick morphing everywhere.
11. Drow concubines that when you pay the money the screen went black (bait and switch I tell you)
12. Githyanki trying to make me do things.
13 Party members don't love me.
14. Draw bridge is up
15. earth is shaking
16. collections for the refugees
Act1 and ACt2 it fell into place on what to do.... I need focus man.... focus I need someone to besides youtube to help me keep on track.