Originally Posted by Cowoline
Well, all the articles praises Halsin so much and talks about how loved his kinkyness is by fans. I find it rather heartbreaking to be honest

Don't let it bother you, its just how news/gaming sites work. 'A tryst with a bear' and writing about sex will just lead to more clicks than writing something along the lines of post that you can find in this thread.

Originally Posted by Silver/
It's not all bad. There's just somewhat of a history of some players getting the short stick (probably why we have playersexuality now). Also the existence of a niche seeming romance, which most studios would probably not do. Larian is committed to having things in their games that are meant to be seen by 1% of players only. I'm not kidding. This is not an insult. It's their official policy. Just doesn't mix well when you have only a handful of romances in the game.

Astarion already had that ground covered. There didn't need to be another companion who offers a route that makes people feel vaguely used. Nor, did they need to make that route the only one left after the merge.

Well if they like catering to the 1% I cant wait for the peanut butter jar romance in their next game. Now that's kinky and the marketing around it is going to be wild. laugh