Originally Posted by Chiquidmaster
Originally Posted by Silver/
Originally Posted by Chiquidmaster
Originally Posted by Silver/
Yes, I cannot imagine that any of this language directed at the writer is friendly... nor its adjacency to the subject matter and attached stereotypes. I have seen people banned for less. I am not a mod, so this is not a threat. Merely advice because I don't want this thread locked because of one person... again.

Mis disculpas si no te he entendido. Con respecto a lo de exhibicionismo, creo que se notaba que no iba al escritor ni a ninguna persona en concreto, mencionar un nombre de una empresa (y sin decir "todos los de ") como si fuera una persona da una pista. Aún asi, si no se a entendido que es una broma lo borro.
I had my part in this by examining the angle of the writer, well, writing for themselves. Because there is that type of writer. And Larian supports people catering to small audiences.

Nonetheless, at this point, we're veering into insults. I ask for more diplomatic language because, all it takes for this to blow up in your, and *my* face is one more angry person. Dragging the writer doesn't help the cause. While Larian has listened to respectful feedback before, they will not drudge through a page of insults. This thread was intended for player feedback, not venting. I understand the urge to vent. I have vented myself before. Even so, some things are better left unsaid. We should move on from the talking point of kinks and fetishes.

Seriously, I'm not going to explain the joke any further, I'm not going to point out that a writer is not mentioned and that it is not an insult to anyone. It is an ironic criticism of a way of writing a character by a company, and I have not understood why to notify a moderator for an ironic joke in which no one in particular is mentioned even if you do not understand it. In any case, the thread has been distorted quite a bit with this topic, which harms the rest of the colleagues. If you need any clarification in private please.

For the rest, and given the risk that someone will think that any comment is offensive and I notified the moderator and chose to withdraw, I have already made my point clear in different posts in the thread. I hope we get lucky and they fix it
I have not reported any posts, so I believe moderation may have been eyeing this discussion with distrust in real time. Yes, it may be a joke to you. That doesn't mean it cannot feel hostile to other people or escalate further. Jokes are an entryway and a probing. Everything that can be said has been said. It's best to return to the original prompt:

"[This is not intended as a disparaging of polyamory], but rather a discussion of whether, intentionally or not, Halsin constitutes a good representation of such, if his romance content fits his previous characterisation and behaviours and reads as a healthy and positive relationship between equals."