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Originally Posted by Dauyxe
Of course there is a possibility that I just happened to have a very stable playthrough and that's why can't recall any gringy dissonance. laugh I'll write down my playthrough briefly and if someone wants to add how other paths lead to something weird, feel free! I'm truly trying to check my own thinking here.

Tav: Hi, how do you feel about me?
Halsin: You seem like a good person, but I'm not available for a relationship right now. I have too much to worry about.
Tav: Yeah, sorry about that. I'll help you out.
Halsin: Thank you.

Tav: Hi, so how are we holding on now?
Halsin: You exceed my expectations. But I still can't, sorry.
Tav: I'm doing my best to help you, I promise.

Tav: Hi, you seem relieved now that we have lifted the curse.
Halsin: I am. You are so exceptional and now I feel like maybe I haven't paid enough attention to myself for a long time.
Tav: Yeah, but that's understandable. You have a lot of responsibilities.
Halsin: I do. But if you are open to it, I actually do have feelings for you.
Tav: I have feelings for you, too, but I'm already in a relationship.
Halsin: That's true and I don't want to cheat on anyone. So let's continue this only if you and your partner are alright with an open relationship.
Tav: Yeah, about that. What do you mean?
Halsin: I have strong feelings for you. I don't fall in love easily, but you are so exceptional. I love you and would want to see where this goes. However, my nature is such that I want to be free to have relationships with other people, too. While I have no one at the moment, that's important to me. I understand if you don't feel the same and don't want to continue because of that.
Tav: I think that sounds good. I'll ask how my partner feels about the idea.

Tav: Hi! They said that they are alright with us.
Halsin: That's such a relief, because I really like you a lot. Sex?
Tav: Sex.

Tav: So, what's up?
Halsin: You are still so wonderful.
Tav: A kiss, then?

Halsin: Now that we've defeated the baddies and saved everyone, I have figured out what I want to do.
Tav: Oh?
Halsin: Yeah, all these kids we saved need a dad and I really want to be that to them. I want to build a refugee camp and take care of everyone again. I'm actually really excited about finding a new path in my life!
Tav: That's so great! Good for you.
Halsin: Yeah... So I was wondering if you'd want to come with me, or...? I mean it's totally fine if you have other plans. I'll just miss you, that's all.
Tav: I'll miss you too. I think I'll have another path for now, but you never know when we'll meet again.
Halsin: You'll always have a place in my heart, love.

And that is exactly why I think there are some people who enjoy his romance - the ones that did not wait for him to have him as single romance option but to have him on the side as additional lover with Astarion or Shadowheart as major love interest starting from act 1.

It is understandable that you aren't upset you can't come with him at the end because you have another lover with who, I suppose, you stayed at the end.

Or did you tell Astarion/Shadowheart too that you might come visit them (I don't know if this is an option). Or how would you feel if they would tell you they leave you and you might come visit if you like and leave you behind without option to tell them that you like to stay with them and come with them right now? Because with Halsin we can't. He decides he leaves and we can't say we want to go with him.

Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by Tharrow
I like that in this romance, we can, in a certain playthrough (spoilers for Halsin ending)
send him off with WAGON-LOADS OF KIDS. S:DLfk;as I'm not fucking normal about it at alllll actually I want us to pile on even MORE. He says he's wanted family, this ending is SO happy for him!! I LOVE that the player/player character can work the system to bring about this ending that absolutely buries him in tiny tots. It's SO GOOD. It perfectly dodges the issue of the player character being involved physically in giving him kids since he yearns for family so ofc I'm like, ok dude I Will Provide. I don't have to think about, ok is this PC going to get pregnant? I, the player, can give him kids with my gameplay. And it will be really hard for me to do a playthrough where I don't do this for him lol. And my player character is responsible for those kids being in his life, so it's like my PC, whether or not I make them able to carry a pregnancy or not, can give him this bevy of kids (by making the decisions to get there ofc)!! I fucking love it. I'm abnormal over it actually. it's so smart. Feral, screaming, vibrating, etc. In future content I want even more. More! More! More kids for Halsin, it's not enough! The wagons weren't enough!!! If we get dlc there better be another wagon of kids to bring to Halsin! #1 BIG DADDY!!! I love himmm I love him lol he's amazing. I forget who it was who posted this, I'm really sorry, I hope I find you again, but they said: Our PC should have all the lines about being able to tell him he will be an amazing father. Yes yes yes yes yes! I haven't got to this dialogue if it's already in the game, and if there's nothing like it, this is what I'm begging for! And getting to squee with him about how he'll have the best time with all his kids, and later getting to hear him gush/complain/reflect about being a dad and all the lessons it brings. Dude ahhhh AHHHHHH to me this is his good ending, it fills my heart to bursting with joy. And we do that! If player character didn't make the decisions to get to that ending, it doesn't happen for him. I will work for it, I will do it for him!!!

Yes it is nice that he can return to Thaniels land starting to take over a leadership role, helping/raising these children.... sure, agreed.

BUT - why is there no option to tell him that we like to go with him RIGHT NOW? He even says earlier in the game he hopes that you BOTH can one day return to Thaniels land. If they had just given an option for Tav/player to tell him you don't have anything else to do and will come right now with him and rebuild/raise children WITH HIM it would have been SO MUCH BETTER then what we have now.

Because it sounds like he is building his future but WITHOUT US. He isn't even ASKING US to be a important part of it - he doesn't speak about us helping him or we doing this together. He decides that he goes alone and only want us to VISIT him - that doesn't sound like an invitation to stay with him. It sounds like thank you for the fun but I will go now. Bye. And that while speaking before about his love for Tav. So this isn't Tavs decision, it is only Halsins decision and we can't even challenge it. How is this considerate or caring about the partner? It sounds like a break-up but since he is saying we don't have a relationship at all I guess in his view it isn't - but if you do break up with him, suddenly he is all heart-broken... so what is it?

Sorry, you keep posting all these text things but I stopped reading it. I don't get it. Maybe I never will. If you are happy with Halsin then this is great! But I guess by reading this thread (and checking reddit, discord, tumblr ...) you can get an impression from the other side - that not everyone is happy about it. That there are people happy with Halsin doesn't take away our disappointment.

I think things need to be more clearer - either he is meant to be a fling, then make it obvious. He should communicate it right from the start that he is open for sex (even with others) but won't commit. Then he shouldn't keep the player/Tav waiting and speaking about his stirring heart and all other romantic romance lines.

If he is (maybe as additional option) to be meant as real romance option with romance talk and romance ending, then give the players at least the opportunity to stay with him at the end, to have a talk with him about their relationship, about what it means about their future together. No one (even if monogamous) knows how long you will love your partner and stay with this person. That doesn't take away from him being poly. If in the future he might fall in love with someone else along Tav, then they can handle it later. But this is then part of fanfiction/player head canon. So for those who like him monogamous they can imagine he does not fall in love with someone else until Tav or both die. And those who like poly can have their poly relationship too - at the moment even in game if you romance Astarion/Shadowheart. There should be at least the option/dialog that they have a future (how long doesn't need to be stated, he doesn't need to say I will love you forever because he can't know) together, you know, proofing that he really loves Tav and wants to stay together.

If the player needs several handbooks to be educated about poly relationships to maybe understand what is going on then I think something is wrong. And just that there is a name for it doesn't mean that there are a lot of players who would like or enjoy that. You can do what you like in your personal life but this is a game and he was a fan favorite and what they did with him (either intentionally or due to lack of resources or whatever) really negatively impacts a lot of players who were waiting and hoping for him. The ones who asked for him turn away from him and even those who did not want to romance him are upset with him and start to hate him because he impacts their other romances..... was it really necessary to add a beloved NPC as companion just to turn him into a mess that a lot of people dislike after this? What was the point?

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Cawyden
Originally Posted by Dauyxe
Of course there is a possibility that I just happened to have a very stable playthrough and that's why can't recall any gringy dissonance. laugh I'll write down my playthrough briefly and if someone wants to add how other paths lead to something weird, feel free! I'm truly trying to check my own thinking here.

Tav: Hi, how do you feel about me?
Halsin: You seem like a good person, but I'm not available for a relationship right now. I have too much to worry about.
Tav: Yeah, sorry about that. I'll help you out.
Halsin: Thank you.

Tav: Hi, so how are we holding on now?
Halsin: You exceed my expectations. But I still can't, sorry.
Tav: I'm doing my best to help you, I promise.

Tav: Hi, you seem relieved now that we have lifted the curse.
Halsin: I am. You are so exceptional and now I feel like maybe I haven't paid enough attention to myself for a long time.
Tav: Yeah, but that's understandable. You have a lot of responsibilities.
Halsin: I do. But if you are open to it, I actually do have feelings for you.
Tav: I have feelings for you, too, but I'm already in a relationship.
Halsin: That's true and I don't want to cheat on anyone. So let's continue this only if you and your partner are alright with an open relationship.
Tav: Yeah, about that. What do you mean?
Halsin: I have strong feelings for you. I don't fall in love easily, but you are so exceptional. I love you and would want to see where this goes. However, my nature is such that I want to be free to have relationships with other people, too. While I have no one at the moment, that's important to me. I understand if you don't feel the same and don't want to continue because of that.
Tav: I think that sounds good. I'll ask how my partner feels about the idea.

Tav: Hi! They said that they are alright with us.
Halsin: That's such a relief, because I really like you a lot. Sex?
Tav: Sex.

Tav: So, what's up?
Halsin: You are still so wonderful.
Tav: A kiss, then?

Halsin: Now that we've defeated the baddies and saved everyone, I have figured out what I want to do.
Tav: Oh?
Halsin: Yeah, all these kids we saved need a dad and I really want to be that to them. I want to build a refugee camp and take care of everyone again. I'm actually really excited about finding a new path in my life!
Tav: That's so great! Good for you.
Halsin: Yeah... So I was wondering if you'd want to come with me, or...? I mean it's totally fine if you have other plans. I'll just miss you, that's all.
Tav: I'll miss you too. I think I'll have another path for now, but you never know when we'll meet again.
Halsin: You'll always have a place in my heart, love.

And that is exactly why I think there are some people who enjoy his romance - the ones that did not wait for him to have him as single romance option but to have him on the side as additional lover with Astarion or Shadowheart as major love interest starting from act 1.

It is understandable that you aren't upset you can't come with him at the end because you have another lover with who, I suppose, you stayed at the end.

Or did you tell Astarion/Shadowheart too that you might come visit them (I don't know if this is an option). Or how would you feel if they would tell you they leave you and you might come visit if you like and leave you behind without option to tell them that you like to stay with them and come with them right now? Because with Halsin we can't. He decides he leaves and we can't say we want to go with him.

Yes, like I tried to show in my altered version of "how it went", it's, at least for me, a huge difference if you have romanced someone else prior to Halsin (unless you have romanced someone monogamous and are forced to break up with them). You don't expect a deeper relationship from him if he's but one of your lovers, he even takes the backseat here, which is clear if you take him to that romance lady at the circus. If you have another lover and still pick Halsin for that meeting, he expresses his surprise, saying he thought you'd bestow the honor upon someone else. Meaning it's clear that Halsin isn't the main love interest. Then it also makes sense that he leaves you at the end and says he hope you'll come see him etc.

But when you're only with him, it's like you're not getting what you thought you would because he still seems to treat you as if you're just a side-thing.

Tav: Hi, how do you feel about me?
Halsin: You seem like a good person, and under different circumstances I would totally have romanced the hell out of you. If you help me out with the Shadow curse, maybe we can get to know each other later?
Tav: I'd like that.
Halsin: Me too.

Tav: Hi, so how are we holding on now?
Halsin: You exceed my expectations. And here's some things about me what you'd might want to know. I'd love to get to know you more too.
Tav: I really want to know you better.
Halsin: You will. Soon I'll be able to give you my full attention, but for now, my mind is still elsewhere. But soon. Good things come to those who wait.

Tav: Hi, you seem relieved now that we have lifted the curse.
Halsin: I am. And now that the fog's been lifted from my mind, I found you, and you're exceptional.
Tav: So are you.
Halsin: About earlier, I really do mean what I've said about giving you my full attention. Now you can have it. If you want me. I don't fall in love easily, but you're so amazing that I feel like a smitten teenager when looking upon you. II want more than to be just friends. What say you?
Tav: I thought you'd never ask. Yes, I'm in love with you, too.
Halsin: That's wonderful. However, I want to be free to f**k other people, too. And I kind of want you to do that too, maybe I can even watch? Or participate at some point? You're okay with that, right? If not, this won't work. Yes? No?
Tav: Ehh...yes?
Halsin: Wonderful. Sex tonight?
Tav: ...ok

Halsin: God I'm nervous. Never felt like this about anyone before. You're so special.
Tav: I like you too.

Tav: Can we talk?
Halsin: Of course, love.
Tav: So, about last night.
Halsin: It was wonderful, wasn't it. I've dreamt about you for so long. You are amazing and I only wish I'd met you sooner.
Tav: So, how do you see our relationship?
Halsin: Relationship? That's not what we have. I only want you, but please, I want you to f**k other people too. That would be fun, right? Don't limit yourself for me.
Tav: .....ehhh, can I say something?
Halsin: Nope.

Halsin: I get all warm inside by the look of you. Love you so much and can't imagine my life without you.
Tav: A kiss?
Halsin: I thought you'd never ask.

Halsin: Now that we've defeated the baddies and saved everyone, I have figured out what I want to do.
Tav: Oh?
Halsin: Yeah, all these kids we saved need a dad and I really want to be that to them. I want to build a refugee camp and take care of everyone again. I'm actually really excited about finding a new path in my life!
Tav: That's so great! Good for you.
Halsin: Yeah... So maybe you can come visit or something? You know, I'm sure they'd love to meet the hero that saved the world.
Tav: What about me?
Halsin: I'll think about you.And I hope you'll stop by for a f**k or two whenever you have the chance. Bye, love.
Tav: wha...wait...can I come?
*door closed and Halsin gone*

Alternate scene:
Tav: So, I think we have to end whatever's between us.
Halsin: What? For real? Why are you breaking my heart like this? I love you and I thought you felt the same way? Please? Don't leave me.

Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by Tharrow
In terms of him having romantic feelings, he is also aware that his behaviors could negatively impact a player character who does not like the same things he likes. He stops and explains his way of behaving before engaging in the behavior, giving the player character the opportunity to either continue on with him, or to disengage.

Wow, what a post, thank you.

Just one quick response because I don't have much time left - he tells Tav his feelings and only AFTER Tav says that the feelings are mutual he follows up with the non commitment topic. After quite some time where he seemed kind of interested in Tav but asks Tav to wait until the curse is lifted. And in this time Tav might fall in love with him.

To come around so late with his views and how he want to approach being with Tav, especially if he notices that Tav is interested in him, is not showing much care or being responsible. He should have let it slip or talk open with Tav about his views on relationships/commitment to let Tav know quite early about it. But he lets Tav fall in love with him too and then comes around with the "but...".

Sure, Tav then can still reject him (also at least in my game this is buggy right now and while you don't have a romance scene and a break up is implied by dialog the next time you talk with him he is calling you his lover). It is still too late because he let Tav fall in love with him and could / should have known (from his vast experience having met a lot of people and being to a lot of places which he talks about) that his way of living/loving is not everyones way.

This is why people are calling this behavior manipulative. If Tav is already in love with Halsin Tav is more likely to still engage with Halsin due to the deep feelings. If Tav would know this from the beginning it would maybe impact Tav so much as to not even fall in love with Halsin. Maybe it wasn't meant to be manipulative but you could see it like this.

I mean, I get why people in real life would be careful to open up with such private information early, but this is a game and as a player I might assume Halsin works as the other romances and have a proper/monogamous romance path just to find out very late in game that he isn't as expected and now you are stuck with this decision (and without love) or take him anyway (and be disappointed) or to reload and replay a lot of hours or to abandon the playthrough and start new (and romance someone else).

For me romances are the main reason to replay the game - I don't plan and play further playthrougs for the decisions (I always play good so not much variety there) or classes (I don't care much about gameplay and only play on easy) but for the companions and especially, romances. But then I want my happy ending with this love interest (and ideally without needing to rewrite most of it in my head to make it satisfactory).

Maybe it is expecting to much, yes we can have sex with him, yes he has romantic dialog, but the major point for me is really the ending which sounds like he isn't even interested to work with Tav together to build a future together (even if timed and not until they both die). But the other romances have this - yes, they can have other outcomes, but if romanced and depending on decisions you can stay with them and talk about the future together.

Last edited by Cawyden; 16/09/23 08:26 AM.
Joined: Aug 2023
Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Tharrow
If I am making any kind of misstep in terms of restraint/signal to noise ratio here, I do appreciate intervention.

So, I understand that this is the question: how do I interpret Halsin's loneliness, his stoicness, and him as a trauma survivor, in the context of him as a person who also displays kinks and fetishes, some of which are directly related to his past trauma, and who also practices nonmonogamy? Absolutely massive topic, I am trusting you and contributing my perspective. Thank you for asking for it! I'll do my best to answer without centering myself and my experiences, but also with the acknowledgement that there is no universal truth to attain when it comes to something as complex as trauma responses. In a therapy setting, with a real person, the reality of life introduces millions of variables, none of which can be said with certainty to cause any specific behavior, and healing with a therapist works to assist the real person with having all the tools they need to support how they might continue living on, carrying memories of traumas and coping day to day with the aim of restoring functionality, having self-awareness, and making choices that serve their aims of living whatever those may be. And I'll answer also from a perspective of literary analysis, since rather than a real person, this is someone's OC at the end of the day. I'll be watching the character do what he does, and the story told with him, without presuming it's trying to represent any universal prescription regarding real-world trauma; it's one OC. And it's one OC in an ensemble cast. As to what content I have to comment on, I speak to what is given in the game on release and some datamined content, which likely skews my interpretation because I know we're not intended to see that stuff. But I saw it, thank you dataminers :3

Well, that's a complicated question, for sure. I have taken some time to make a careful response. The first place that it takes me is to the qualifiers for sorting behaviors into adaptive vs maladaptive. The way I've had it explained to me is, maladaptive is how behavior is described when it brings us and/or others into conflict and dysfunction, maybe not right away, maybe in the long term. These maladaptive ways of behaving can have destructive impacts on ourselves and others if left unchecked. So, if we look at the impacts we're having on ourselves and others, we can come to understand our place in relation to others, and how our behaviors impact others, and check maladaptive behavior. Adaptive behaviors create our coexistence with others for a copacetic present and future community. This is my understanding, so it may not be consistent with the knowledge of someone trained in the field where these phrases come from. Apologies if my using them as shorthand for 'adaptive=in service of one's life with oneself and others' and 'maladaptive=not in service of one's life with oneself and others' is incorrect or reductive. I hope my use of them this way is not appropriative of anyone's diagnosis; mistakes I make are made through my ignorance.

My impression of Halsin is that he is preoccupied with how his behavior impacts others, in a good way. He is deeply self-aware about the danger posed by his bear form from the moment you recruit him. Specific detail, recruitment:
He has an anger, sorrow, fear, or other emotional reaction to being caged that will not allow him to move through the goblin camp without being a bear, which will result in him being very obvious and not sneaky at all, which will necessitate slaughtering the whole place if he goes with you.
As a result, he encourages the player character to leave him behind if that is not their aim. He knows his bear form is going to negatively impact someone else, and he warns about that. A behavior, the inability to control bear form, is something he cannot change about himself, it is a fixture of his behaviors that could complicate or negatively impact another person, so he advises that person about himself and lets them choose what to do with that information. More goblin camp>
Halsin does not go on a solo rampage through the whole goblin camp as a bear.
This wouldn't make sense mechanically, as it would remove a player character's agency, and it wouldn't make sense because he knows he'd die if he tried. And so, in this case, a mechanical result of this being a video game shows an aspect of this character to me, which is: he has a potentially destructive form, that he restrains, and informs others about, when he takes human form and can communicate.

Romance spoiler
This also happens in the sex scene of his romance, where strong feeling/stimulation causes his bear form to emerge. This time after he controls it and is a man again and can communicate, he explains his bear form and makes sure player character understands exactly what being with him in bear form would be like. Then he waits for their choice. His potentially dangerous inability to control his bear form is something he rigorously provides information about, so that all decisions are made with informed consent. As a nonmonogamous person, he is also aware that nonmonogamy can be potentially harmful to people who do not like it. As a result, he explains to the player character that their other romance options will need to provide their consent before he will pursue a romantic encounter and bond with them. He is aware that the behaviors of his nonmonogamy, sex and words of affection and declarations of love, have the potential to cause harm. So, he stops, explains, and upholds his boundaries around furthering things until informed consent has been gathered, or until people's "no's" have been aired, and the player character's decision to move forward without cheating is clear. And if his romantic interest led to a breakup, he does not deny himself what he wants. He has conflicted feelings, but he pursues what he likes because there has been reassurance of consent attained from all involved. That shows, to me, a trust in what others decide for themselves.
These are not, to me, maladaptive behaviors that carelessly introduce harm to others in the short or long term, but behaviors that reflect self-awareness and knowledge and care for the consequences of behaviors. It is a mature way to act.

In terms of him having romantic feelings, he is also aware that his behaviors could negatively impact a player character who does not like the same things he likes. He stops and explains his way of behaving before engaging in the behavior, giving the player character the opportunity to either continue on with him, or to disengage. I think it's telling, too, spoilers for some dialogues,
he will not drink around the party, who he's new to, explicitly because when his inhibitions are lowered he knows about himself that he will start declaring love to the first person he sees. He has decided that is not a responsible way to behave, and I wonder if it's led to miscommunications about his intimate intentions before. Maybe he'd imbibe around people who understood that's the way he is, where he is assured there will not be harm/misunderstanding created by his drunken behavior. I would Love to see that in the game!! Then we could hear him sing. Please? Please? Pleases??

It's useful that you fielded this type of question: Could commitment avoidance as a whole be a trauma response?

As far as romance goes, there's no way to know for a real person. It may come to pass that healing that comes with time spent managing one's trauma responses moves nonmonogamy to a place of lesser importance than, for example, a commitment with a person who likes monogamy. It may come to pass that healing that comes with time spent managing one's trauma responses does not move the needle on nonmonogamy at all. Getting to a healed functioning place of coping with trauma is not a cure to liking living without commitments; and lack of commitment does not mean lack of interdependence and community and love. Many nonmonogamous people have trauma. Many monogamous people have trauma. The part of healing that is becoming aware of and working to remove maladaptive behaviors, by using our self-and-others awareness, is a responsibility that has no orientation. So, acting in a way that is harmful to others, whether we are committing to relationships or not, is what we must become aware of and work to be a better person about. Acting in a way that is responsible to others and their feelings, whether we are committing to relationships or not, is a requirement of being in relation with others. What is unhealthy is acting with carelessness towards others' fragile existences. Halsin is not careless. And that is the well from which I perceive him drawing his stoic attitude: carefulness. Restraint. And losing that careful restraint humiliates him, and humbles him when it happens. I think he has lived a long time and has processed trauma before, and lives alongside his acute
shadow curse
trauma without letting it overtake his priority of care to others romantically; yet he can't engage because it could. spoilers for romance and quest
That's my interpretation of why he will not get into it until his quest is resolved by lifting the curse. While he is in the acute threat stage of a trauma, he is holding off on becoming lovers, because his thorough care is fractured. Did Larian intentionally write the stories in a way that holds off certain parts of romances until the characters are out from under the burden of acute threat? I haven't played every romance so I'm not sure if that's across the board.

What I mean by fractured care: I do think he lets that acute threat, the shadow curse, overtake his priority of care to those he leads in the grove. Dude is struggling when we meet him. He's made decisions that do not serve him or his community. This is where I see maladaptive behavior to trauma in his story. He is avoidant because of the shadow curse, of the leadership that he could take over the home of the grove. His stumbles with the grove all do feel like his poor handling of trauma and fear and anxiety of the burden of responsibility he feels about the curse and his distraction with it. This is how I feel about his loneliness: though he yearns for connection while he's managing that stress, he chooses not to engage until he is in a stable place out from under acute threat.
Sometimes when you're dealing with shit, you're not available to be a good lover. His issues with duty of care do seem to be unmanaged, until the player:
resolves his quest in a specific way that frees him. The player character helps him overcome an external and internal struggle, leading to an arc where he eagerly and gladly seeks out the exact responsibilities he shunned at the time of his recruitment to the party
which I love and which, to me, shows healing from the place in which we found him. More on that:
In his healing, we see him taking on commitment, not relying on player character having romanced him. It's an interesting take on the idea that healing brings commitment: in this case, it's to his project with the new community, bringing his issues at recruitment full circle.
Those are my thoughts on his personal quest-related traumatic experiences.

Returning to the question, this time: Could commitment avoidance to player character be a trauma response?: Rewriting Halsin's character to be 'cured' of nonmonogamy after one or two therapeutic conversations about past and acute trauma with player character would reinforce negative stereotypes mononormative culture holds about CNM, that it is a maladaptive sexuality that a therapeutic intervention will eliminate. If those conversations happened and in no way revised his commitment standards to player character, that would not reinforce our dominant culture. If Halsin would be rewritten to take an interest in commitment in his bond with the player character around aspects of establishing a relationship, and committing beyond the sex, emotional support, and affection he provides with romance in his current characterization, I'd watch with interest as to how it's handled. It would not surprise me to see this, since mononormative culture holds the story of healing to look like movement towards traditional commitments to lovers. He easily could be rewritten to add an arc that involves commitment to player character after addressing and working through his trauma. This is how it happens for real people sometimes, of course, and maybe this is an OC reflective of that reality some people experience. That's not the reality other people experience, who heal, addressing and working through trauma, and continue to happily seek sex outside of commitment. Halsin could be written either way and be perfectly fine representation. One writing aligns with mononormative expectations, one writing does not. Neither path is worse or better than the other. Neither is healthier or unhealthier. They simply are ways of being a sexual being.

The place of guidance that I interpret him drawing his self-awareness is not a therapist or therapeutic conversation with the player character tbh. My interpretation is that he draws the wisdom to be aware of himself and how his behaviors impact others from his faith in the Oak Father and nature. He sees himself as part of nature, a place full of killing, fighting, mating, and eating each other, and he puts faith in nature as a place that has immutable laws of behavior and being. While these laws can be twisted from their path, like the curse, nature's true being must be restored.This is the way the world is to him: there is no changing what happens according to each thing's nature. So his awareness of himself and how his actions impact others is knowable through knowing nature. And he values nature, including his own nature, which is a nature that likes free love. It's what he likes and he hopes the one he makes his proposition to likes it too. This paradigm of understanding about himself is not, to me, signalling an unhealthy way of coping with what he's lived through, but an understanding borne out through a dependence on faith. He talks so much about nature. He's an archdruid.
He begins his healing when nature is healing.
He believes in the restoration of nature and in his own embodiment of the tenets of nature.

How others see him as hot and desirable, whether or not that has formed trauma in him -- I wouldn't put on his character without an explicit description from the character describing his experience of being sexually desired as, specifically, traumatic. Trauma at being sexually desired: that's a really specific storyline. It is explored with another party member in the ensemble cast. That is how another party member feels, so it is represented in the game. Trauma is not universally experienced as a result being sexually desired, where'd you get this in his character?

Fetishizing his trauma: fine, harmless, normal, common. I get players wanting player character to have follow-up dialogue like that's like.. trauma mention aftercare.

Early access players owed a more widely-liked and anticipated type of guy after putting in three years of campaigning: Not how it worked out, Larian went in a different direction. Got a traditional wood elf character romance, sorry.

Downplaying the response to male rape victims: I am leaving this conversation to others for now, here in this venue of the official forums. I am uncomfortable sharing my perspective here.

I love what you wrote, and Larian should read it carefully to take notes.

What creates a cognitive dissonance for me personally with the character is that at the beginning, as you describe in acts 1 and 2, he is a person aware of his trauma and what he has experienced. In fact, if you play a drow you have some additional lines about it there. But in act 3 all that maturity and conscience is broken, Halsin becomes a bad dad and talks nostalgically about his abusers in addition to making jokes (my reaction in the game that I deleted was to shout: what? Huge). This doesn't make sense to me at the writing level, it really seems like it was written by two different people or in a hurry to fill it out. Then if you compare how the very similar trauma of Astarion and Halsin's is treated, you realize that indeed all of that part of Halsin was probably written very quickly, when with time they could have added content from Halsin regarding that topic that he help close that episode. Also, taking into account that the character has no real motivation to be there (he doesn't have any personal progress, he doesn't like cities...) they could take advantage of this and his love for Tav as motivation.

Larian takes note on that cute iPad of yours and fixes the bear. First notification. This topic is serious and you are going to get rid of jokes, don't get used to it Larian

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Halsin's romance does seem to work much better if you're romancing someone else (who'll go along with it). Maybe that's the real meaning of obligatory poly.

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Originally Posted by Cawyden
Originally Posted by Dauyxe
Of course there is a possibility that I just happened to have a very stable playthrough and that's why can't recall any gringy dissonance. laugh I'll write down my playthrough briefly and if someone wants to add how other paths lead to something weird, feel free! I'm truly trying to check my own thinking here.

Tav: Hi, how do you feel about me?
Halsin: You seem like a good person, but I'm not available for a relationship right now. I have too much to worry about.
Tav: Yeah, sorry about that. I'll help you out.
Halsin: Thank you.

Tav: Hi, so how are we holding on now?
Halsin: You exceed my expectations. But I still can't, sorry.
Tav: I'm doing my best to help you, I promise.

Tav: Hi, you seem relieved now that we have lifted the curse.
Halsin: I am. You are so exceptional and now I feel like maybe I haven't paid enough attention to myself for a long time.
Tav: Yeah, but that's understandable. You have a lot of responsibilities.
Halsin: I do. But if you are open to it, I actually do have feelings for you.
Tav: I have feelings for you, too, but I'm already in a relationship.
Halsin: That's true and I don't want to cheat on anyone. So let's continue this only if you and your partner are alright with an open relationship.
Tav: Yeah, about that. What do you mean?
Halsin: I have strong feelings for you. I don't fall in love easily, but you are so exceptional. I love you and would want to see where this goes. However, my nature is such that I want to be free to have relationships with other people, too. While I have no one at the moment, that's important to me. I understand if you don't feel the same and don't want to continue because of that.
Tav: I think that sounds good. I'll ask how my partner feels about the idea.

Tav: Hi! They said that they are alright with us.
Halsin: That's such a relief, because I really like you a lot. Sex?
Tav: Sex.

Tav: So, what's up?
Halsin: You are still so wonderful.
Tav: A kiss, then?

Halsin: Now that we've defeated the baddies and saved everyone, I have figured out what I want to do.
Tav: Oh?
Halsin: Yeah, all these kids we saved need a dad and I really want to be that to them. I want to build a refugee camp and take care of everyone again. I'm actually really excited about finding a new path in my life!
Tav: That's so great! Good for you.
Halsin: Yeah... So I was wondering if you'd want to come with me, or...? I mean it's totally fine if you have other plans. I'll just miss you, that's all.
Tav: I'll miss you too. I think I'll have another path for now, but you never know when we'll meet again.
Halsin: You'll always have a place in my heart, love.

And that is exactly why I think there are some people who enjoy his romance - the ones that did not wait for him to have him as single romance option but to have him on the side as additional lover with Astarion or Shadowheart as major love interest starting from act 1.

It is understandable that you aren't upset you can't come with him at the end because you have another lover with who, I suppose, you stayed at the end.

Or did you tell Astarion/Shadowheart too that you might come visit them (I don't know if this is an option). Or how would you feel if they would tell you they leave you and you might come visit if you like and leave you behind without option to tell them that you like to stay with them and come with them right now? Because with Halsin we can't. He decides he leaves and we can't say we want to go with him.

I don't know if you have played bad Astarion but after seeing him invite Halsin it feels bad, at least if your character is of good alignment, if it is an evil character it is very appropriate. I won't go into spoilers because I think it's worth playing the bad Astarion, but I will say: Astarion lies during the game several times, it's difficult to know when he's telling you the truth or not. It's the way to protect yourself from it. And he has serious problems with the word no.

Larian the bear, fix the bear. I know that those biceps are erotically intimidating and I know how difficult it is to imagine a thousand dirty things while you look at it on your PC screen, I have the solution: minimize the screen. First notification

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Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Halsin's romance does seem to work much better if you're romancing someone else (who'll go along with it). Maybe that's the real meaning of obligatory poly.

Honestly, you even endure slang insults when you expect it and then find this.

It is a relationship without depth, many polyamorous people would tell you that it is a pathetic representation of polyamory. Not to mention that I say again: as it is written it is not that Halsin wants polyamory, it is Tav without you having chosen anything who chooses it. It's all completely manipulative:1 -because the hell you have to break up if it's not a relationship. Have you tried breaking the relationship with Halsin? She becomes the drama queen. You don't break up with someone, that implies that there is a romantic relationship 2- Have you tried telling him that you are not interested from the beginning? No, simply. It's the drama queen Halsin strikes again, that doesn't make sense with a bummer. Not to mention everything that happens within the relationship and when drama queen Halsin makes an appearance. You have a romantic relationship with Halsin, even though there are people who want to justify a bad representation of a character during an act (which is also not consistent with the personality of the other two acts) by saying that it is a bummer. I still see that the real problem is the last minute implementation of the whole poly theme, which has ended up with a manipulative Halsin with whom no one would want to have a relationship, an inconsistent and unpleasant shadowheart and an Astarion who according to the ending you makes you feel trash. And if you wanted to put a poly option for whoever wanted it (which is clearly going to be 1% but that is not the player's problem) fine, you can work one out. But make a desirable option for the remaining 99% and work for it because otherwise you will eat criticism as it is all the time (understand Larian, we have paid a fortune, we have asked Halsin a lot and we have fought for him to receive such crap). And of course if they don't fix it relatively soon it will be my last Larian game. That is to say, Halsin's romance does not sound good in any case.

Larian, make the insults and biting words of a skeleton who practices occupation in your camp worth it, that we can wear them as medals of: I came all this way for that piece of bear. First notification

Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Thank you so much for you thoughrough response. You make a lot of excellent points.

Your comment: Fetishizing his trauma: fine, harmless, normal, common. I get players wanting player character to have follow-up dialogue like that's like.. trauma mention aftercare.[quote=Tharrow]If I am making any kind of misstep in terms of restraint/signal to noise ratio here, I do appreciate intervention.

My reply: Common, yes? Harmless? Absolutely not. And the reason for this is that when it keeps reaccuring it speaks to conditions of CT-PTSD and unhealed trauma, that is still so impactful that it still guides your emotions and sexual arousal. This means, that if Halsin is still at this stage 250 years later, he still hasn't healed from the trauma.

Personally, I absolutely buy this. But that only makes his reaction of downplaying it in a way that is supposed to make us as the player "Oh, he is good with it! What a champ. He repressed his feelings and turned it into a kink." Other than being extremely incentisive to men who have been sexually assaulted (and before anyone chews my head off: I know from very intimate firsthand experience), it also encourages this toxic idea of "dealing" with it. In addition to this, the fact that this information is not only gated by some rather immature and, for me, uncomfortable content and then you only find out AFTER. This means that your character just became implicit inan experience that was deeply related to Halsin's still ongoing trauma, without knowledge or consent.
The PC got linked to that traumatic episode without consent, and was not given as an option of "we could explore this for you to face your trauma and find healing" - from personal experience this usually backfires, but I know not all agree and that experiences aren't the same.

You comment: Early access players owed a more widely-liked and anticipated type of guy after putting in three years of campaigning: Not how it worked out, Larian went in a different direction. Got a traditional wood elf character romance, sorry.

My reply: Wood elves traditionally have polyamorous relationships, yes. Halsin is not this. Halsin goes under the category that you posted earlier "swinger", and will repeatedly tell you it is not a relationship.
If you look at Halsin's character outside of his romance, he is loyal, dependable, steadfast, devoted, and gives an air of wanting to create beloging and family.
But in his romance, you get everything but this. It is actually the only thing you don't get.
And just the pure irony of him in the end scene of him saying: "Now is the time for us to take care of each other" immediately after he has told you that he is leaving, is one of those whiplash moments where I am certain he is rolling a critical 1 in wisdom. Add to that that he says "precious few hands with which to do it" and that he earlier compares you to family - the closest and often most permanent bonds you can have - that pushes every sweet word he has said down the gutter.

This is not about mononormative behaviour; This is about using deliberate words that build up expectation of an action or outcome, and then pulling it out from under you without discussion.

Gaslighting in Romantic Relationships


Coercion is a spectrum of behaviours. It ranges from convincing someone by using charm or seeming to be very caring. It can also be exerting pressure or being emotionally and/or verbally manipulative in order to get one’s way. Often the gaslighter uses something important or close to your heart as ammunition.

Halsin: "We never said we would have a relationship or a future together. You must have misunderstood."

What he said: "I can scarcely imagine my life without you now", "I belong at your side" and "You are all I want"

Do I think Halsin was written intentionally to be a gaslighter? No, I actually think they completely missed it in there hurry

As any person who has experienced any sort of emotional abuse or has an understanding of it, can it be read this way? Oh absolutely.

And gaslightning is not gaslighting because it is viewed by mononormaritive eyes. It is gaslighting because the person thinks only of themselves and how the other person might best suit their needs. Halsin does not once ask the PC what they want, does not once ask "what do you need?", but keeps circling back to what he wants over and over.

From a business point of view: Making Halsin this narrow of a targetgroup in enjoyability when the request for him has been huge is the equivalent of: "So, we have heard your feedback! And we know that you all would love this new model of car. But you can only drive it if you're between 190 - 195 cm as there are no adjustable seat options. In addition, you should know that it has a one time battery that lasts for about a month and cannot be recharged."

Halsin is not even liked by most of the polyamorous community, making him designed for an extremely small segment with in another segment - a curious is decision if you added him with the intention to please a lot of fans asking for him.

(Suggestion: You might want to delete the snarky remark at the end. I am not sure you intended it as it is written)

Your comment: trauma without letting it overtake his priority of care to others romantically

My reply: I would agree if not for this;

1. He has been dreaming about you
2. He keeps having very sexualized banter, as if that is his main focus
3. After his quest in act 2 he doesn't stop obsessing. It just shifts. And that is perfectly normal and works for the character, but the danger is not less, the topic or responsibility not less grim, so while I understand his reasoning (and I even find it wholeheartedly endearing), it simply isn't what actually occurs. Especially when you then add the drow situation - it creates a complete disconnect.

I do find it concerning that we mention actual signs of trauma and it gets swept under the rug of "mononormative". Trauma and trauma responses is not something that is that excluded. And because gaslighting is preformed in a different setting doesn't mean that it is not toxic or not abuse. Especially in a community where personal agency is so damned important.

Joined: Aug 2023
Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Cowoline
Thank you so much for you thoughrough response. You make a lot of excellent points.

Your comment: Fetishizing his trauma: fine, harmless, normal, common. I get players wanting player character to have follow-up dialogue like that's like.. trauma mention aftercare.[quote=Tharrow]If I am making any kind of misstep in terms of restraint/signal to noise ratio here, I do appreciate intervention.

My reply: Common, yes? Harmless? Absolutely not. And the reason for this is that when it keeps reaccuring it speaks to conditions of CT-PTSD and unhealed trauma, that is still so impactful that it still guides your emotions and sexual arousal. This means, that if Halsin is still at this stage 250 years later, he still hasn't healed from the trauma.

Personally, I absolutely buy this. But that only makes his reaction of downplaying it in a way that is supposed to make us as the player "Oh, he is good with it! What a champ. He repressed his feelings and turned it into a kink." Other than being extremely incentisive to men who have been sexually assaulted (and before anyone chews my head off: I know from very intimate firsthand experience), it also encourages this toxic idea of "dealing" with it. In addition to this, the fact that this information is not only gated by some rather immature and, for me, uncomfortable content and then you only find out AFTER. This means that your character just became implicit inan experience that was deeply related to Halsin's still ongoing trauma, without knowledge or consent.
The PC got linked to that traumatic episode without consent, and was not given as an option of "we could explore this for you to face your trauma and find healing" - from personal experience this usually backfires, but I know not all agree and that experiences aren't the same.

You comment: Early access players owed a more widely-liked and anticipated type of guy after putting in three years of campaigning: Not how it worked out, Larian went in a different direction. Got a traditional wood elf character romance, sorry.

My reply: Wood elves traditionally have polyamorous relationships, yes. Halsin is not this. Halsin goes under the category that you posted earlier "swinger", and will repeatedly tell you it is not a relationship.
If you look at Halsin's character outside of his romance, he is loyal, dependable, steadfast, devoted, and gives an air of wanting to create beloging and family.
But in his romance, you get everything but this. It is actually the only thing you don't get.
And just the pure irony of him in the end scene of him saying: "Now is the time for us to take care of each other" immediately after he has told you that he is leaving, is one of those whiplash moments where I am certain he is rolling a critical 1 in wisdom. Add to that that he says "precious few hands with which to do it" and that he earlier compares you to family - the closest and often most permanent bonds you can have - that pushes every sweet word he has said down the gutter.

This is not about mononormative behaviour; This is about using deliberate words that build up expectation of an action or outcome, and then pulling it out from under you without discussion.

Gaslighting in Romantic Relationships


Coercion is a spectrum of behaviours. It ranges from convincing someone by using charm or seeming to be very caring. It can also be exerting pressure or being emotionally and/or verbally manipulative in order to get one’s way. Often the gaslighter uses something important or close to your heart as ammunition.

Halsin: "We never said we would have a relationship or a future together. You must have misunderstood."

What he said: "I can scarcely imagine my life without you now", "I belong at your side" and "You are all I want"

Do I think Halsin was written intentionally to be a gaslighter? No, I actually think they completely missed it in there hurry

As any person who has experienced any sort of emotional abuse or has an understanding of it, can it be read this way? Oh absolutely.

And gaslightning is not gaslighting because it is viewed by mononormaritive eyes. It is gaslighting because the person thinks only of themselves and how the other person might best suit their needs. Halsin does not once ask the PC what they want, does not once ask "what do you need?", but keeps circling back to what he wants over and over.

From a business point of view: Making Halsin this narrow of a targetgroup in enjoyability when the request for him has been huge is the equivalent of: "So, we have heard your feedback! And we know that you all would love this new model of car. But you can only drive it if you're between 190 - 195 cm as there are no adjustable seat options. In addition, you should know that it has a one time battery that lasts for about a month and cannot be recharged."

(Suggestion: You might want to delete the snarky remark at the end. I am not sure you intended it as it is written)
Your comment: trauma without letting it overtake his priority of care to others romantically

My reply: I would agree if not for this;

1. He has been dreaming about you
2. He keeps having very sexualized banter, as if that is his main focus
3. After his quest in act 2 he doesn't stop obsessing. It just shifts. And that is perfectly normal and works for the character, but the danger is not less, the topic or responsibility not less grim, so while I understand his reasoning (and I even find it wholeheartedly endearing), it simply isn't what actually occurs. Especially when you then add the drow situation - it creates a complete disconnect.

I do find it concerning that we mention actual signs of trauma and it gets swept under the rug of "mononormative". Trauma and trauma responses is not something that is that excluded. And because gaslighting is preformed in a different setting doesn't mean that it is not toxic or not abuse. Especially in a community where personal agency is so damned important.

I answer this first and then I answer the rest of your post, but I see widespread confusion regarding wood elves: wood elves are not polyamorous according to tradition, they are allowed to explore their desires while they are young, Once they find their soulmate they are considered adults. It doesn't mean that that soulmate is forever, they can stop being one, it usually happens at the same time and without drama. That's according to tradition. and according to this tradition Halsin has already passed through here, he is an adult and has adult responsibilities within the community. Then I'll reply to the rest of your post.

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Joined: Oct 2020
The concept of Thiramin, right? But awesome! Thanks for this useful knowledge.

Joined: Jan 2023
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Halsin went from one of the most anticipated romances to a side piece you may do while romancing SH. I'd feel too bad doing it with Astarion... considering some choice quotes. I never got the impression he's actually fine with it. Like with Mizora, it comes across as fake. Except, this time he will directly ask you if it's because you don't have enough sex. It's impossible to gauge his consent with such a massive pile of trauma blocking my view.

Really, It's only *salvageable* because Halsin is a very temporary arrangement. Your companions seem to know that. I would have loved to have a genuine poly arrangement in the game. Not a short term fling open relationship type of deal. This is pure fanservice without substance (in my own, controversial view!).

The only hope I have for a poly relationship -- that is an actual romance! - is a new companion. That is as far away as the definite edition. Yet, I'm hesitant to want this. Considering what happened with Halsin, it may well end up at the same writer's desk. One I consider deeply untrustworthy by past experience. If Larian were to take one thing from this thread, it's that they need a different writer for poly relationships!

Tav is but a shell interacting with Halsin. The relationship is not on equal ground. It's almost like... it has the exact same problems as the red prince? Really, I don't want *another* ever so emotionally unavailable partner, who keeps their cards close to their chest. Except, he happens to sprout grand lines that turn out to be empty... urgh. I can't believe Minthara is more romantic than Halsin. Minthara! I really need a break from thinking about him, this is getting too emotional.

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Yes! I would love a new companion for this!

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Originally Posted by Silver/
I never got the impression he's actually fine with it. Like with Mizora, it comes across as fake.

I've never touched Mizora (or the drow, or any other optional side encounter), so I can't compare, but Astarion seemed quite okay with it to me - just as long, like you said, as it's nothing serious. But all of Halsin's reactions seem quite serious. Confusing, and not something I'm into in the first place, so I ended up hating it. Definitely never trying that again.

Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
I will say, based on the rest of Astarion's interactions, no. He is very much not fine with it and is only agreeing, because he is afraid of losing Tav.

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Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Originally Posted by Silver/
I never got the impression he's actually fine with it. Like with Mizora, it comes across as fake.

I've never touched Mizora (or the drow, or any other optional side encounter), so I can't compare, but Astarion seemed quite okay with it to me - just as long, like you said, as it's nothing serious. But all of Halsin's reactions seem quite serious. Confusing, and not something I'm into in the first place, so I ended up hating it. Definitely never trying that again.

You don't need to go to any origin to see it, I don't play with custom-only origins. For more signs, I have not created any red-eyed drow who are the ones with whom he has the trauma and yet the first encounter with Halsin is relatively tense due to the memories of him. In the third act she forgets everything suddenly and for no reason. The drow get interesting reactions especially in the first act, now I'm starting a semi drow in case changes occur

Joined: Aug 2023
Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Cowoline
The concept of Thiramin, right? But awesome! Thanks for this useful knowledge.

Si, me refería a esto

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Joined: Nov 2020
Location: Silverymoon
Strange. I don't remember any special [Drow] lines with Halsin in Act I - maybe something has been added in one of the patches. I should roll another drow.

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Joined: Jan 2023
Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Originally Posted by Silver/
I never got the impression he's actually fine with it. Like with Mizora, it comes across as fake.

I've never touched Mizora (or the drow, or any other optional side encounter), so I can't compare, but Astarion seemed quite okay with it to me - just as long, like you said, as it's nothing serious. But all of Halsin's reactions seem quite serious. Confusing, and not something I'm into in the first place, so I ended up hating it. Definitely never trying that again.
We don't have to agree. I *do* believe it's open to interpretation. What I'm saying is that, to me, he consents under perceived coercion (subjective) and, if he were a real person, I could not on my conscience assume he's capable of informed consent (objective).

With Mizora, you can see him slipping into his act very heavily. That is why I'm mentioning it. It more or less established (to me) that he would lie about his feelings on the matter. Someone could disagree about this interaction, but that's how I see it.

Joined: Aug 2023
Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Silver/
Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Originally Posted by Silver/
I never got the impression he's actually fine with it. Like with Mizora, it comes across as fake.

I've never touched Mizora (or the drow, or any other optional side encounter), so I can't compare, but Astarion seemed quite okay with it to me - just as long, like you said, as it's nothing serious. But all of Halsin's reactions seem quite serious. Confusing, and not something I'm into in the first place, so I ended up hating it. Definitely never trying that again.
We don't have to agree. I *do* believe it's open to interpretation. What I'm saying is that, to me, he consents under perceived coercion (subjective) and, if he were a real person, I could not on my conscience assume he's capable of informed consent (objective).

With Mizora, you can see him slipping into his act very heavily. That is why I'm mentioning it. It more or less established (to me) that he would lie about his feelings on the matter. Someone could disagree about this interaction, but that's how I see it.

I didn't want to say it like that but indeed, Astarion is not happy with that situation. I admit that I reloaded the game because I saw it as deeply incoherent with all of my character's decisions.

Larian arregla a nuestro papi Halsin. Último aviso (te libras está vez Larian porque no se me ha ocurrido ninguna coña, en el siguiente será doble)

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