Originally Posted by cal1s
I'll make it short. Even on Tacticion difficulty the game is too easy. You hardly need any elixiers or potions (besides heal potions here and there), use scrolls or dive into itemization. You can basically kill almost every encounter with spamming sneak attacks with Astarion and Cantrip magic.
I understand that the game should appeal to a wider audience and it did. And I'm very happy that in 2023 a CRPG is that popular.

But please also consider the more hardcore gamers who really love challenging encounters. So please implement at least one more difficulty where enoucnters have higher stats, higher life pool, additional mechanic and spawn at least 50% more mobs.

Thank you.

lol I bet you pre-buff, pre-position and pre-rest every fight. How about playing without saving scamming, no pre-buffs and position and with perma deaths? I bet you cant