Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by Rack
Originally Posted by Beechams
This is my third posting of this tonight. How many threads do you need?

Please Mr. Larian do something so I don't have to exercise self-restraint or take the initiative and learn how to use mods.

How many times do we have to listen to you people whinging about this stuff? What do you think is going to change? Half the stuff you moan about is not even BG3, it's 5e.

I'll type this slowly in case any of you cannot read very fast.
Using haste potions is NOT, repeat NOT, compulsory. Weapon too OP? Don't fucking use it. Too much food? Don't fucking pick it up. The only food I pick up is the food packs or whatever they are called and whatever odds and sods I get by doing a 'take all' when I loot something.

You didn't have to post that, instead you chose to remove all doubt.

It's a strategy game, maybe some of us like using strategy?

Maybe some of you should look up the definition of 'strategy'.

I don't use haste; I don't use 'until long rest' buffs; I don't have the special attacks from weapon proficiency; I don't pick up and use things I don't want yet somehow I manage to play the game without bothering about whether the game is too easy or too difficult.
You explain to me why you cannot play without haste or the OP weapons and whatnot.

Because "just make the game harder by restricting your access to humongous chunks of it" is really dumb. It is also an excuse that has no limit.

When a company makes a game, and especially when they make what is supposed to be a hard difficulty, it is *reasonable to expect* that they aim for a difficulty level where things are *still* difficult for the player, on their first playthrough, even if they use all the tools available to them. This is not an unreasonable request. I'm not even asking for a difficulty that remains difficult on multiple playthroughs. I'm just asking that If a player goes in *totally blind* it should be difficult even if you use all your tools on the first try.

That is *absolutely* not what tactician achieves in this game. Even going in blind, tactician gets super easy if you use everything available to you, especially past level 4. On my first run, I was basically inventing ad-hoc rules on the fly to make the game's combat less trivial. "Don't use consumables. Don't use this item because it's just stupidly busted." etc. Things were still too simple.

I came up with a big list of rules to follow to make combat more challenging on future runs:

1. No tadpole powers.
2. No haste.
3. No consumables.
4. No items that I think are unbalanced and OP (it's a long, long list of them, and it's not just items in act 3 - it starts with the absurd healing synergy items you get very early on in act 1.)

There were other rules I had, but you know what? I forgot them, because a second playthrough did not seem fun to me because of these rules. I actively stopped playing this game because of this problem. I did not get a *single full playthrough* where I enjoyed myself all the way through because of this. I could have forgiven all the other problems act 3 had if combat had not been a snore. Instead I played 2/3rds of a single playthrough having fun (although evne in act 2 I started getting bored with the combat) and have no desire to do a replay. My conclusion from this is not 'Oh I'm just being a whiner! I should just enjoy myself by balancing the game in my own head and coming up with rules I need to follow for thing to be even a little difficult!' My conclusion from this is rather "I will no longer purchase Larian games in the future if this is what I can expect from them."

The problem with saying "If a player doesn't find things difficult just impose rules on yourself!" is that it's an excuse without limit. Why require that game devs make anything more than story difficulty? Why does "balanced" difficulty need to exist? Just impose limits on yourself. Why does the AI need to get better? Just impose limits on yourself. Just don't use half the items and class features if you don't like them! Why have the enemies do anything more complex than run straight at you and attack? If it's too easy, just don't use things!

We are NOT making unreasonable requests here. I am pretty familiar with this genre. I know that in almost every cRPG, there end up being items, or abilities, you can get, that can be exploited in ways that are non-obvious, to essentially break the combat of the game. If that was the case with BG3 - where there were a handful of items that really cheesed things, or a single ability that people found non-standard use for that made the whole game trivial, but the game was difficult otherwise, I'd have your position. I'd say "Well, if you want a more difficult game, just don't use those things."

That is decidedly NOT the case with BG3. In BG3, how to make combat trivial is *super obvious*. Combat becomes trivial with *many simple items they hand out to you.* Some of which just seem bizarrely ill-considered. You can get healing synergy items, in act 1, that I would consider too OP *for a level 20 character in TT*. Haste is written the way it is in 5e because people tested it; for all the problems with 5e they DO try to take difficulty into account and limit haste to just +1 attack per turn (and even then it's a very, VERY good spell). Larian decided to just say "Nah, let it give people a new full attack." Larian came up with a tadpole power system that is very heavily encouraged in-game to be used that rewards you with *insanely* broken abilities. Larian gave you a bunch of items that *are not difficult to find* that cause your MAGIC MISSILE SPELLS to do hundreds of damage. In many ways, it just seems bizarre. People HAD to point out the problem with haste to them in EA. Were the super-broken healing items in EA too? BG3 is a *humongous outlier in the genre* in this, and not in a good way.

Finally, on a personal note: *what in the world is your problem*? You have gone into multiple threads where people are criticize this game's difficulty, insulting everyone, often just copy-pasting the exact same comments you made in other threads. You have to know that spamming the exact same, insulting comment over and over again is not exactly considered the best behavior. What in the world do you find so horrible about this criticism in general that you feel the need to behave this way? If the criticism of the difficulty gets you so heated, why not just...not go into the threads? If you feel like you need to critique the criticism itself, why not do so in a more polite manner?