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Originally Posted by Beechams
This is my third posting of this tonight. How many threads do you need?

Please Mr. Larian do something so I don't have to exercise self-restraint or take the initiative and learn how to use mods.

How many times do we have to listen to you people whinging about this stuff? What do you think is going to change? Half the stuff you moan about is not even BG3, it's 5e.

I'll type this slowly in case any of you cannot read very fast.
Using haste potions is NOT, repeat NOT, compulsory. Weapon too OP? Don't fucking use it. Too much food? Don't fucking pick it up. The only food I pick up is the food packs or whatever they are called and whatever odds and sods I get by doing a 'take all' when I loot something.
...and NOT buy and play Larian games, ok I get it. Problem solved tnx mate

Joined: Apr 2013
Joined: Apr 2013
Originally Posted by Beechams
This is my third posting of this tonight. How many threads do you need?

Please Mr. Larian do something so I don't have to exercise self-restraint or take the initiative and learn how to use mods.

How many times do we have to listen to you people whinging about this stuff? What do you think is going to change? Half the stuff you moan about is not even BG3, it's 5e.

I'll type this slowly in case any of you cannot read very fast.
Using haste potions is NOT, repeat NOT, compulsory. Weapon too OP? Don't fucking use it. Too much food? Don't fucking pick it up. The only food I pick up is the food packs or whatever they are called and whatever odds and sods I get by doing a 'take all' when I loot something.

You didn't have to post that, instead you chose to remove all doubt.

It's a strategy game, maybe some of us like using strategy?

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Joined: Jul 2022
Originally Posted by arion
Originally Posted by Beechams
This is my third posting of this tonight. How many threads do you need?

Please Mr. Larian do something so I don't have to exercise self-restraint or take the initiative and learn how to use mods.

How many times do we have to listen to you people whinging about this stuff? What do you think is going to change? Half the stuff you moan about is not even BG3, it's 5e.

I'll type this slowly in case any of you cannot read very fast.
Using haste potions is NOT, repeat NOT, compulsory. Weapon too OP? Don't fucking use it. Too much food? Don't fucking pick it up. The only food I pick up is the food packs or whatever they are called and whatever odds and sods I get by doing a 'take all' when I loot something.
...and NOT buy and play Larian games, ok I get it. Problem solved tnx mate
I don't know man.
Are you the lazyest dev from bg3 or the owner and creator of harder difficulty mod for bg3. Or mybe you are Todd Howard "dont worry modders will fix it".
If non of them are true then why it's bothering you that we want improvement to the game.

Its also ironically that those game journalists hou rated down bg3 sayed that the game is to hard and buggy. But when the patch1-2 fixed those issues and they beated the game in tactician difficulty. They don't rated it back. So please the game rewievers make them patches. But eventually the gamers will recommend this game. To friends acording they experience. And if it doesn't hurt the casual players to give an another difficulty lvl then do it pls.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 19/09/23 09:58 AM.
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old hand
old hand
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Originally Posted by Rack
Originally Posted by Beechams
This is my third posting of this tonight. How many threads do you need?

Please Mr. Larian do something so I don't have to exercise self-restraint or take the initiative and learn how to use mods.

How many times do we have to listen to you people whinging about this stuff? What do you think is going to change? Half the stuff you moan about is not even BG3, it's 5e.

I'll type this slowly in case any of you cannot read very fast.
Using haste potions is NOT, repeat NOT, compulsory. Weapon too OP? Don't fucking use it. Too much food? Don't fucking pick it up. The only food I pick up is the food packs or whatever they are called and whatever odds and sods I get by doing a 'take all' when I loot something.

You didn't have to post that, instead you chose to remove all doubt.

It's a strategy game, maybe some of us like using strategy?

Maybe some of you should look up the definition of 'strategy'.

I don't use haste; I don't use 'until long rest' buffs; I don't have the special attacks from weapon proficiency; I don't pick up and use things I don't want yet somehow I manage to play the game without bothering about whether the game is too easy or too difficult.
You explain to me why you cannot play without haste or the OP weapons and whatnot.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Act 1 is not that easy, considering you are level 2-3. There are fights which is difficult depending on your setup, no doubt. But I would say from act 2 no fight is difficult. I dont even allow for talks I press the Attack option and get swarmed, and stil manage. Of course knowledge of the game mechanics, itemization etc helps. But I opt out of using too much area of effect for a reason.

Act 1 I think is fairly balanced. The Goblin Stronghold fights can be devastatingly difficult. But act 2 and above all act 3.

It is cool to recieve all items you have in this game but then the game needs to be balanced around this. Act 3 npcs and monsters needs their hitpoints doubled, at a bare minimum.

Without using anything special I burned down "Spoiler"....Savorek in 1 turn. Just using melee.

I mean we walked through the game on 2 players in multiplayer. We gave up in act 3 as it was too easy, restarted and need to, in order to have fun, limit our options. For example, no multi classing and avoid certain items, or the challenge is simply limited.

But I do say that act 1 on Tactician can definately end up in a few reloads in fights. But thats just fun.

And I play the game without haste, buffs, elixirs etc. There is no need. If you rush headfirst into certain fights yes you will have issues.

The only thing I ask for is that we can have an ingame option to increase enemy health bars. With all items aqquired in this game (some aqquired at level 5, 6 already is items you maybe will be lucky to find ONE of in a level 16-20 table top campaign). I love the items, they are cool and great made, the entire game is just rock solid but all I personally ask for is an option to increase enemy health in order to provide a more challenge for us that actually do like to min max, and use whats available.

Just take the dual crossbow ranger Hunter/Thief, as an example. Throw in a level warlock, since hex procs double, triple proc on your sneak attack and your colossus slayer. But its not needed.

Risky Ring as an example on a warrior multi classed with rogue, and the crit items this game has, its just crazy damage numbers you can accomplish.

In our multiplayer session I was at a point playing as a ranger Gloom stalker and assasin. We had to respec my character as my playing friend was not involved in fights, if I got a surprise I would clean up an entire group of enemies deep in act 2 before he even took his first action.
The examples are many.

Sometimes you are unlucky and indeed must reload a game. happens to everyone. But it happens literally never half way act 2 and forward.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Mouthbreathereli
So to me, adding enemies is not a good idea, having turns that last a half hour because there are 30 enemies sucks. The main thing they need to do is adjust action economy. If I can't get six attacks a round the game becomes much harder. You might say let the ai get six attacks, but the ai always out numbers you, I don't think that would be fun.

Adding additional enemies is a very difficult task to implement from a programming perspective if Im not mistaken.

Adding to their total hitpoints however is a 5 minute job.

We should have an option, in options to just have enemy health increased to their max or simply add 50-100, 150% more hitpoints.

However, the game is also out on consoles which will make it harder maybe to implement, I dont know.

But I think they could implement this on PC at first then look at the console later. Right now we drastically need a higher difficulty setting then tactician. And honestly, the primary issue right now is enemy health.
I think this takes care of 90% of the issues players have with the game right now.

And as for staying true to DND. Well, tactician dont even give enemies their full Hit dice. If they just gave enemies full hit die, (maximum hitpoints per hit die) we would already see a near 30 to 150% increase in enemy health (depending on amount of hit die an enemy has).

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Joined: Sep 2022
I actually prefer the math of Balanced play through. I don't like seeing HPs inflated and numbers up the wazoo. It's borderline ridiculous seeing Banite paladins with stats that put my MC to shame. With those scores they should be the protagonist, not my chump. So for me, a harder difficulty with numbers inflating even further is a turn off.

Tactician is hard enough for me. It's satisfying too. However, it needs to be said that it collectively adds many more hours to play.

Probably my biggest concern is that any increased difficulty will force cheese-builds and effectively _reduce_ viable character choices. I had Jaheira a Ftr6/Dru6 with Str18 and Wis14 on tactician, which was more a RP build, and she contributed fine. (Better than fine, thanks to OP items.) If we're all forced into the usual Sorlocks or 1/1/10 builds, it's not worth it.

I'd want restrictions on higher difficulties:

- Save restrictions, e.g. a maximum number of say 20, can't use in combat/dialogue
- Less magic items, dial it back say 25-50% especially potions, scrolls and rares+, gosh even consider attunement in the form of maximum 3 very rares+
- Limit haste to an extra bonus attack or similar action
- Increasing cost of respec'cing, e.g. 100gp per level.
- Reinforcements? maybe adding 1-2 midway through encounter

The thing is, just looking at this short list, much of it I can implement already in my own game. I'm on my second play through and I try to avoid potions of speed.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Beechams
Eight pages in and the Team Hardcore real men still can't get their heads around the fact that nobody forces them to use the OP items or to use the broken implementation of haste or any of the other things they complain about.

There are at least 4 mods on Nexus that convert various things to 5e and several that make various classes more like 5e. There are also at least a couple which alter the level curve.

And personally I have tried using mods but it causes the game to not function. So I prefer this comes from the game studio.

Why should we need to modify the game in order to actually enjoy combat.

And I never used haste or potions, its no need. I saved them for when it was really needed, and it never was.

And I love the items implemented in the game. Its a fresh fountain of ideas, not all are overpowered. But with such items comes that we need a higher difficulty.

So you are saying we should not use the things at our disposal.

Why dont we all respec into nature clerics while at it, dress in leather armor and use melee attacks only, while keeping strenght at 8.

The primary issue with the game right now is enemy health being too low. Thats it. All the rest of their stats on tactician is in my opinion solid. Good AC, DC, saves, to hit. But their hit die is not maxed out as per table top. And they should be.50% more hitpoints would make the game dramatically more difficult, and bosses should have around 200% more hitpoints. Thats it, its literally the only fix needed. The amount of damage we can do in this game surpass Tabletop by miles in many cases. Yet enemies have tabletop stats.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Wizbane
Disagree with most of the messages of the 8 forum pages so far.

What game are you enjoying if any? BG3 or something else?

Because I see posts asking for a stricter resting system, when camps are essential to story flow and party management.

I see posts asking to double the amount of enemies because encounters only last a few minutes, but what could happen to a turn-based game when doing so? No clue?

Not to mention how silly is the request for random encounters, you never experienced how frustrating they can be in a game?

I think Larian was 100% devoted to player experience overall, I’m not doubting any moment that they could have designed nightmare encounters if they wanted to and in much smarter ways. Instead, you have multiple ways to conduct a fight, multiple characters becoming forces to be reckoned with rather than just lousy npcs, powerful and distinctive items you are happy to find and make you think about builds to wield them, an incredible selection of mobility options on the field, that as everybody knows are key.

Of course game is easy to beat, that’s by design.

You have BG2, you are asking for Throne of Bhaal. Beware what you’re asking for… kinda a deja vu.

But I’d rather have 8 forum pages asking for a NEW game answering those difficulty increases requests, with a survival and resource management approach, where that ring mail+2 counts, than seeing posts of people boasting how their flying pala-druid killed a boss in a round. It’s a gamer issue, not a game issue.

I agree on that resting etc should be as is. Not to mention this would take phenonemal resources to change that I can only imagine. We are not asking for drastic changes which would cause larian to have to invest. Just increase enemy health bars by 50% and boss health bars by 100-200% and I dare say the problem is solved. As I already stated, enemy stats on tactician is already rock solid. No need to change this. But their health pool is too low given the multi class options, and items available/

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Joined: Sep 2023
As a long term DM with 20+ years experience in groups that truly min max and allowing this. Giving enemies a higher health pool and slightly higher stats (as on tactician, its perfect stats but too low health) this solves almost all problems.

For example. You have enemies with 20 to 40 hit die. The average of this vary but can be anything from 100 to 200 hitpoints. But if you ma this you are sitting at nearly 250 to 600 hitpoints. (Given that they usually have X number apart from hit die). Take ancient dragons as an example where if you give them max hitpoints, their hitpoint total is actually MORE then doubled. (in tabletop)

This is what I personally ask for since it is fun to overcome combat encounters by being forced to optimize. And in the current state of the game, if you optimize your party. Even without using consumables, the game on Tactician is similar to story mode in similar games.

The game is beautiful and so many extremly interesting items and possibilities, we should be allowed to use all this without feeling that the game provides no challenge.

We dont need a new difficulty level. Tactician is already perfect stat wise. Enemies just need more health. Problem solved and everyone that want a challenge is happy.

Just add in options, an option that would say "Enemy hit die is maxed out". And you will all see the dramatic increase in difficulty. 30% extra health from tactician is less then maxed out hit die. Maxed out hit die will in most cases be increases of 50 up to 75% extra health. I personally think this will help a lot.

Last edited by Gissur; 19/09/23 11:30 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by Rack
Originally Posted by Beechams
This is my third posting of this tonight. How many threads do you need?

Please Mr. Larian do something so I don't have to exercise self-restraint or take the initiative and learn how to use mods.

How many times do we have to listen to you people whinging about this stuff? What do you think is going to change? Half the stuff you moan about is not even BG3, it's 5e.

I'll type this slowly in case any of you cannot read very fast.
Using haste potions is NOT, repeat NOT, compulsory. Weapon too OP? Don't fucking use it. Too much food? Don't fucking pick it up. The only food I pick up is the food packs or whatever they are called and whatever odds and sods I get by doing a 'take all' when I loot something.

You didn't have to post that, instead you chose to remove all doubt.

It's a strategy game, maybe some of us like using strategy?

Maybe some of you should look up the definition of 'strategy'.

I don't use haste; I don't use 'until long rest' buffs; I don't have the special attacks from weapon proficiency; I don't pick up and use things I don't want yet somehow I manage to play the game without bothering about whether the game is too easy or too difficult.
You explain to me why you cannot play without haste or the OP weapons and whatnot.

Because "just make the game harder by restricting your access to humongous chunks of it" is really dumb. It is also an excuse that has no limit.

When a company makes a game, and especially when they make what is supposed to be a hard difficulty, it is *reasonable to expect* that they aim for a difficulty level where things are *still* difficult for the player, on their first playthrough, even if they use all the tools available to them. This is not an unreasonable request. I'm not even asking for a difficulty that remains difficult on multiple playthroughs. I'm just asking that If a player goes in *totally blind* it should be difficult even if you use all your tools on the first try.

That is *absolutely* not what tactician achieves in this game. Even going in blind, tactician gets super easy if you use everything available to you, especially past level 4. On my first run, I was basically inventing ad-hoc rules on the fly to make the game's combat less trivial. "Don't use consumables. Don't use this item because it's just stupidly busted." etc. Things were still too simple.

I came up with a big list of rules to follow to make combat more challenging on future runs:

1. No tadpole powers.
2. No haste.
3. No consumables.
4. No items that I think are unbalanced and OP (it's a long, long list of them, and it's not just items in act 3 - it starts with the absurd healing synergy items you get very early on in act 1.)

There were other rules I had, but you know what? I forgot them, because a second playthrough did not seem fun to me because of these rules. I actively stopped playing this game because of this problem. I did not get a *single full playthrough* where I enjoyed myself all the way through because of this. I could have forgiven all the other problems act 3 had if combat had not been a snore. Instead I played 2/3rds of a single playthrough having fun (although evne in act 2 I started getting bored with the combat) and have no desire to do a replay. My conclusion from this is not 'Oh I'm just being a whiner! I should just enjoy myself by balancing the game in my own head and coming up with rules I need to follow for thing to be even a little difficult!' My conclusion from this is rather "I will no longer purchase Larian games in the future if this is what I can expect from them."

The problem with saying "If a player doesn't find things difficult just impose rules on yourself!" is that it's an excuse without limit. Why require that game devs make anything more than story difficulty? Why does "balanced" difficulty need to exist? Just impose limits on yourself. Why does the AI need to get better? Just impose limits on yourself. Just don't use half the items and class features if you don't like them! Why have the enemies do anything more complex than run straight at you and attack? If it's too easy, just don't use things!

We are NOT making unreasonable requests here. I am pretty familiar with this genre. I know that in almost every cRPG, there end up being items, or abilities, you can get, that can be exploited in ways that are non-obvious, to essentially break the combat of the game. If that was the case with BG3 - where there were a handful of items that really cheesed things, or a single ability that people found non-standard use for that made the whole game trivial, but the game was difficult otherwise, I'd have your position. I'd say "Well, if you want a more difficult game, just don't use those things."

That is decidedly NOT the case with BG3. In BG3, how to make combat trivial is *super obvious*. Combat becomes trivial with *many simple items they hand out to you.* Some of which just seem bizarrely ill-considered. You can get healing synergy items, in act 1, that I would consider too OP *for a level 20 character in TT*. Haste is written the way it is in 5e because people tested it; for all the problems with 5e they DO try to take difficulty into account and limit haste to just +1 attack per turn (and even then it's a very, VERY good spell). Larian decided to just say "Nah, let it give people a new full attack." Larian came up with a tadpole power system that is very heavily encouraged in-game to be used that rewards you with *insanely* broken abilities. Larian gave you a bunch of items that *are not difficult to find* that cause your MAGIC MISSILE SPELLS to do hundreds of damage. In many ways, it just seems bizarre. People HAD to point out the problem with haste to them in EA. Were the super-broken healing items in EA too? BG3 is a *humongous outlier in the genre* in this, and not in a good way.

Finally, on a personal note: *what in the world is your problem*? You have gone into multiple threads where people are criticize this game's difficulty, insulting everyone, often just copy-pasting the exact same comments you made in other threads. You have to know that spamming the exact same, insulting comment over and over again is not exactly considered the best behavior. What in the world do you find so horrible about this criticism in general that you feel the need to behave this way? If the criticism of the difficulty gets you so heated, why not just...not go into the threads? If you feel like you need to critique the criticism itself, why not do so in a more polite manner?

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Totoro
Originally Posted by DumbleDorf
Is Tactitian really easy if you still need to reload fights?

Has anyone 'easily' beat the game on tactitian with zero save scumming and winning each fight effortlessly the first time around?

How about if you try and fail the persuasion rolls on Act 2 minibosses then have to fight them? They really are not easy on tactitian.

The Balthazar / Nightsong fight was a lot easier for me than earlier fights because I'm at level 9 so popped out 2 Icestorms on the first fight, then an ice storm and fireball on turn 2 using quicken and wooped everything.

But its much easier when the mobs aren't poison immune with cloudkill, also I would have to waste a turn casting a poison spell for 0 damage to trigger my poison sorcs poison resist ewww.

I thought I read somewhere that draconic sorcs are meant to be able to bypass resistance to their dragons element, but that doesn't seem to be a thing in BG3, otherwise lol poisoners robe and gloves and spam cloudkil / ray of sickness all day.

Balthazar stole my build and used it against me :x
I probably got killed in all the hardest fights in Act 1, at least once. In my first playthrough, I died at the hands of Lump, the Goblins at the windmill, the giant spider, and the githyanki (both in front of the mountain pass and in the creche), and the duergar got me twice; I kept trying to talk to everyone and it often went bad because I didn't always choose the easy path and sometimes just got unlucky. I'm mucking around in Act 1 waiting for (crossing fingers) custom parties before moving on to Act 2 because I welcome the challenge. I don't think I'm going to get killed very often in Act 1 now that I know what to watch out for. I understand the desire for Tactician+ for those who want multiple playthroughs, but I don't think it is fun to get killed more than once every 10 hours or so, so I'm pretty happy with Tactician as it is now.

As I've said before, I feel like all these problems go away if you just get to pick your Point Buy (higher or lower than 27, depending on whether you want it easier or harder). I think with a minor tactical mistake or some bad luck, I could still lose a fight in Tactician even now; I have to be careful. If I lowered Point Buy to 18 or so, I feel like some of these fights I am now confident about would become trickier.

These are all in act 1 where I will most definately say that tactician feels hard. But as soon as you hit level 5, have multi attacks, available area of effect spells (fireball), the challenge is different. There is a reason 80% modules for table top are level 1 to 5 modules. It is not easy to adapt for higher level content. And when it is, it works but mostly since you are lucky if you found even a +2 longsword at level 10. This game throws us legendary items that you are lucky if you find in a level 20 campaign, where obviously enemies are optimized for 17-20 encounters. But I did not fight any liches or ancient red dragons or any Demon lords yet in Baldurs gate 3:)

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Gissur
As a long term DM with 20+ years experience in groups that truly min max and allowing this. Giving enemies a higher health pool and slightly higher stats (as on tactician, its perfect stats but too low health) this solves almost all problems.

For example. You have enemies with 20 to 40 hit die. The average of this vary but can be anything from 100 to 200 hitpoints. But if you ma this you are sitting at nearly 250 to 600 hitpoints. (Given that they usually have X number apart from hit die). Take ancient dragons as an example where if you give them max hitpoints, their hitpoint total is actually MORE then doubled. (in tabletop)

This is what I personally ask for since it is fun to overcome combat encounters by being forced to optimize. And in the current state of the game, if you optimize your party. Even without using consumables, the game on Tactician is similar to story mode in similar games.

The game is beautiful and so many extremly interesting items and possibilities, we should be allowed to use all this without feeling that the game provides no challenge.

We dont need a new difficulty level. Tactician is already perfect stat wise. Enemies just need more health. Problem solved and everyone that want a challenge is happy.

Just add in options, an option that would say "Enemy hit die is maxed out". And you will all see the dramatic increase in difficulty. 30% extra health from tactician is less then maxed out hit die. Maxed out hit die will in most cases be increases of 50 up to 75% extra health. I personally think this will help a lot.

I don't think this will help. Indeed I think the balance in this game is SO out of whack by act 3 that you'd likely have to inflate enemy hp into the *thousands* simply to stop people from annihilating them in the first few rounds.

I don't think much is actually going to help combat become non-trivial unless they drastically nerf *a lot* of the items they put into the game and dial back some of their own homebrew. I wonder if they're too proud to do that, or if they'll just go the "massively over-inflate monster statistics" route.

Joined: Oct 2021
Joined: Oct 2021
Originally Posted by Beechams
Eight pages in and the Team Hardcore real men still can't get their heads around the fact that nobody forces them to use the OP items or to use the broken implementation of haste or any of the other things they complain about.

There are at least 4 mods on Nexus that convert various things to 5e and several that make various classes more like 5e. There are also at least a couple which alter the level curve.

I'm not sure I understand your argument. Sincerely.

There are difficulty settings in the game. I presume that's to allow the game to increase or decrease the difficulty to the player's satisfaction.

Going by the logic you're presenting, it feels like you're saying the difficulties should be:



Choose your own limitations!


Regarding mods:

Obviously, some folks don't like using mods.

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Joined: Jul 2023
After finishing my first play-through on Balanced mode with a "balanced party" and gathering all the herbs, potions, elixir's, oils, etc. throughout the entire game, and not using any of them, I was looking forward to playing on Tactician whereby all of the above would become more "necessary" (or so I thought). The concept of playing Tactician was not for me to make a gimp party in order to need the consumables, but to make as strong a party as possible based on what I learned in my Balanced run.

Therefore, I made a party of 4 fighters: 3 X Great Weapon Masters and 1 X multi-class Archery F3/Evocation W9 for utility (with fighter stats but using
[/spoiler]Warped Headband of Intellect[spoiler]
for Intelligence/Spell modifier. I basically mowed down everything without breaking a sweat.

I was really sad at the end having once again no need for any consumables whatsoever. I think I used the haste potion on 2 fights just to see
and killed him before the 3rd companion's turn (they finished off the adds) and then the final fight but
[/spoiler]didn't call any allies at all and killed everything in phase 1 before entering the portal, just because I could![spoiler]

In the end, I'm in full agreement with the OP. I'm an old man and if I find this game too easy (with the exceptions of insanely bad rolls 5-6 times in a row) then I can't imagine what today's generation of gamers think. I was however surprised when I finished the Tact run a few days ago that only 1.1% have the achievement...

Last edited by Minscforlife; 19/09/23 12:09 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Minscforlife
After finishing my first play-through on Balanced mode with a "balanced party" and gathering all the herbs, potions, elixir's, oils, etc. throughout the entire game, and not using any of them, I was looking forward to playing on Tactician whereby all of the above would become more "necessary" (or so I thought). The concept of playing Tactician was not for me to make a gimp party in order to need the consumables, but to make as strong a party as possible based on what I learned in my Balanced run.

Therefore, I made a party of 4 fighters: 3 X Great Weapon Masters and 1 X multi-class Archery F3/Evocation W9 for utility (with fighter stats but using
[/spoiler]Warped Headband of Intellect[spoiler]
for Intelligence/Spell modifier. I basically mowed down everything without breaking a sweat.

I was really sad at the end having once again no need for any consumables whatsoever. I think I used the haste potion on 2 fights just to see
and killed him before the 3rd companion's turn (they finished off the adds) and then the final fight but
[/spoiler]didn't call any allies at all and killed everything in phase 1 before entering the portal, just because I could![spoiler]

In the end, I'm in full agreement with the OP. I'm an old man and if I find this game too easy (with the exceptions of insanely bad rolls 5-6 times in a row) then I can't imagine what today's generation of gamers think. I was however surprised when I finished the Tact run a few days ago that only 1.1% have the achievement...

To be blunt I'm not surprised. This CAN be a relatively long game; last I checked only like 10 percent of people in general had the achievement for completing it. Also to get the tactician achievement, would you have to play the entire game on tactician? My first run, I started on balanced and bumped it up to tactician after the first few fights; don't know if that would get me the achievement.

Joined: Aug 2023
Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by Rack
Originally Posted by Beechams
This is my third posting of this tonight. How many threads do you need?

Please Mr. Larian do something so I don't have to exercise self-restraint or take the initiative and learn how to use mods.

How many times do we have to listen to you people whinging about this stuff? What do you think is going to change? Half the stuff you moan about is not even BG3, it's 5e.

I'll type this slowly in case any of you cannot read very fast.
Using haste potions is NOT, repeat NOT, compulsory. Weapon too OP? Don't fucking use it. Too much food? Don't fucking pick it up. The only food I pick up is the food packs or whatever they are called and whatever odds and sods I get by doing a 'take all' when I loot something.

You didn't have to post that, instead you chose to remove all doubt.

It's a strategy game, maybe some of us like using strategy?

Maybe some of you should look up the definition of 'strategy'.

I don't use haste; I don't use 'until long rest' buffs; I don't have the special attacks from weapon proficiency; I don't pick up and use things I don't want yet somehow I manage to play the game without bothering about whether the game is too easy or too difficult.
You explain to me why you cannot play without haste or the OP weapons and whatnot.

Whats the problem here? We want a additional difficulty that's based around all those OP things, I don't understand why that is so hard to grasp?

Joined: Jul 2022
Joined: Jul 2022
Because he or she is a modder a lazy dev or Tod Howard.
That's why and he cannot understand that mods are only avaible to pc. Cloud gaming an console isn't there yet.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 19/09/23 01:27 PM.
Joined: Aug 2021
Joined: Aug 2021
It's really not as simple as "just don't use x spell or y item" because difficulty tuning in a game is actually a complex process that can't be achieved by simply deleting items or abilities. It's a development skill that takes time and resources and many devs can't even pull it off, so expecting players to be able to cobble together a new difficulty in such a manner is unrealistic.

Joined: Jul 2014
Joined: Jul 2014
Originally Posted by Gissur
My Fighter/ranger/rogue, in act 3. Deals, unruffled, no buffs not even hunters mark, I hit for around 100 dmg per attack on a critical strike.(using a shortsword)
that's 50 per hit with an unbuffed short sword. how do you do that, exactly?
as for the difficulty, they can just add +10 attack instead of +2 to monsters, something similar to saves, and double the damage. like in pathfinder.

Last edited by rumpelstilskin; 19/09/23 01:51 PM.
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