What annoys me the most is that this game will break it's ass in half, bending over backwards so players can constantly get the best of every choice.

Auntie Ethel wants to give you a skill point in exchange for Myrina and the baby? Just pass a persuasion check and you get both!

Want to get Wyll out of his contract? No problem! Larian allows Mizora to be captured (even though she has a protection spell that makes her disappear if she's attacked) SPECIFICALLY so Wyll could get out.

Oh now Mizora wants the soul of Wylls father? That's fine! Just use Dimension Door in the Iron Throne and you get to save him!

Don't want Gale to explode? Just tell him not to and eventually he gets Deus Ex'd into a happy ending!

Want the Hammer of Orpheus but don't want to make the deal with Raphael? Just break into his house, grab the hammer and get a shit load of god-tier loot as a bonus!

Don't want to become a Mindflayer? That's fine! Orpheus has a tadpol in his head for some reason (which is never mentioned or hinted at) just so he can make the sacrifice instead!

Shadowheart gets TWO happy endings, three depending on your perspective.

Larian CONSISTENTLY removes the idea of compromise at every corner... Except for Karlach. Even though she has the biggest clues and hints about being able to fix it and, in fact, there are game mechanics IN THE GAME that should be able to fix her. But nope, she's fucked no matter what.

Just... No. That's not good story telling. It's not good game design. It's just confusing and frustrating.
Don't lead us on about "Choices and permutations" just to cut it off at the last 10 hours of the game so you can have your 'The Fault in Our Stars' ending that you fell in love with even though it makes no sense.

Last edited by Sunriders Destin; 19/09/23 10:53 PM.