Originally Posted by Norrec69
Quick qiestion to the community, i want a fleshed out fix to her story - trip to avernus/ boss fight aswell i think it woukd be super fitting and i love the ideas that are recently being suggested.

My question is how would you all feel if larian did a patch (in the mean time) that added some hopeful dialogue to karlach in acts 2/3? Like - i know im not fixed yet but i bet we will find a way soon - just something small added in for now as a unoffical announcment that they have heard us and will most likely have something down the line?

Only reason i ask is Larian is pretty consistent in keeping things close to the chest. Which is great usually. But right now the silence is deafening. Id give anhthing for just SOMETHING that suggest that they are potentially working on a reworked karlach act 3

I wouldn't be against it. Perhaps a line or two talking about the Gondians would certainly be a nice, subtle sign toward Karlach fans that would alleviate a lot of anxiety without having to make any announcements.