It's nothing "heated" in here at least from my side. wink As I wrote it in the original thread I already agree to disagree with all whos like Shitdur's Gate 3.

Also I genuinely (even if not with the nicest words) adviced them, to read the original novels, where they can read the mentioned points not from my words, but the words from the authors.
Many of the dear members ignore that, not my problem at all, theirs!

Also I genuinly adviced them, instead of flying to the rainbow colored clouds of their own satisfaction, demand the devs to create a game what correct to the original fantasy world.
Many of the dear members ignore that, not my problem at all, theirs!

Why is this important: because without that, the devs start to think more and more of the so call "subjective" and "little details" is unimportant and don't need to do correctly, because until the majority and the canon is satisfied any other thing is unimportant.=> which attitude btw. the straigth way to the degeneration of the games generally, and to specificly this fantasy world's degeneration as well.

And there is my problem because in this way, instead of spreading the world's authors words, the not soo detailed dear players started to spread the devs incorrections and lies! Which is only unintentionally their fault, but intentional or unintentional from the view of the result it's unimportant because that's the straigth way to degradation and finally to ruin! From my part I done what was right, and genuinely adviced, where to find the original and what to need to do to become more detailed. They ignored that, again not my problem at all, theirs!

And they think that's not their problem at all? Good! Because if and until the majority and the canon is satisfied that means they (the devs, money mans, etc.) can do everythin without consequences!

BTW: "WHEN" and in this situation, not the "happen or not" is the question, only the "WHEN". So when it happen (thanks to their current ignorance) that some of the devs starting to mess with one of the thing/topic etc. which is important and liked (and everybody have one) to the dear little ignoring ones whos now flying in ther rainbow clouds, they become the most loud about how "deeply wrong what they done against them" but that time they faces to the "detailed above everybody" and "everytime they right" majority's and canon's ignorance!
And again that's not my problem, because I already laugh about their that time "hypocrisy"! grin

So nothing is "heated" in here, just again the cold facts, which someones accept, and someones ignore.
